>From the testing that I've done so far, using the command= restriction
essentially ignores any and all attempts by the client to send different remote
filenames, directory commands, etc...
using scp -i some_key localfile
remotehost:../../../../../../../../../../tmp/file places a copy of the file
named "localfile" in the directory specified in the command= line of
the authorized keys file.
It completely overrides the -t and -f parameters passed by the client, which is
really pretty cool in a sense.
You could probably even configure the command= to attempt to send a file, which
would only work I assume if the client command was set to pull a file, rather
than send one.
It might be fun to play with it to see what you can and can't force via the
command= override from the authorized_keys file.
All in all, it gave me what so far appears to be a safe, secure, encrypted,
receive only scp, where the file destination directory is controlled by the
server, not the client.
Hella cool imo.
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