Hi there,
2005/9/20, Peter Selinger
> I have gone ahead and merged the regex_branch with the main
> Development branch.
> Reason: recent renaming of files and moving around of code leads to
> conflicts between the branches that will be increasingly difficult to
> resolve. It is easier to merge now while the two branches are still
> relatively similar and most edits non-overlapping.
> The merge is between tags before_PSE_6 and after_PSE_6 on the
> Development branch.
ok, I've just quickly tried the Development HEAD, and it's... perfect
good job Peter ;-)
Some more points while you're at it:
- newhidups will have to be renamed. My aimed was to let the name until we
can superceed hidups. Then remove hidups, and rename newhidups to usbhid-ups
(name proposition welcomed, but should match the fact that it's for USB/HID
compliant devices, not USB only).
- if you have a bit more time to check for the hotplug detection (linux
only) / files installation (the files libhid.usermap and libhidups, under
scripts/hotplug ). These two files should also be renamed to something more
generall. IIRC, Charles tripplite_usb driver also use libusb, so renaming
these to nut / nut.usermap, or ups / ups.usermap should be fine
Note that there seems to be some hotplug-ng (now binary) underway. So maybe
some hotplug files changes too... To be digged.
Both of the above are for the Dev tree, Stable should remain as is...
Linux / Unix Expert - MGE UPS SYSTEMS - R&D Dpt
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org/
Debian Developer -
OpenSource Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/
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