Hi, I'm interested in learn how LLI works behind the scenes, that is, how interpretation and dynamic compilation works and if possible help with the development. Is there any documentation regarding specifically this part of the system? I've read some general documentation: prog. manual, lang. reference, ... Any advice on what start reading will be very welcome. César.
> Any advice on what start reading will be very welcome.I think $LLVM_SRC/tools/lli/lli.cpp would be a good start. You can focus on its' main function, and look for class ExecutionEngine. Regards, chenwj -- Wei-Ren Chen (陳韋任) Computer Systems Lab, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel:886-2-2788-3799 #1667 Homepage: http://people.cs.nctu.edu.tw/~chenwj