Hi, I am a new user to llvm. I have a small question. I am trying to obtain basic block execution frequency for LLVM blocks for mediabench g721 benchmark. I have generated control flow graphs, and instruction mix of the same. however, to obtain runtime profile information, I tried the following. build llvm in PROFILE_ENABLE mode reconfigure path for all the files. run makefile for benchmark g721 : gmake ENABLE_PROFILING=1 According to the manual, it says I would get a profile.out file. However, I dont see the file. However, I see several files like encode.out-cbe, encode.out-jit etc. I assumed that encode.out.cbe would provide me with common block execution profile information and gave the command analyze encode.out-cbe. This generated a gmon.out file which I read with gprof. Howveer, i dont get any information about the block frequencies and other information. Is there something I am doing wrong? Any help shall be greatly appreciated. Thanks Murali