Joint COMPSAC/SAINT Doctoral Symposium : Call For Papers Munich, GERMANY (July 18-22, 2011) COMPSAC 2011 : The 35th Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference SAINT2011 : The 11th Annual Annual International Symposium on Applications and the Internet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Dates --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctoral Symposium Paper Submission: April 3, 2011 Doctoral Symposium Author Notification: April 18, 2011 Final Manuscript and Authors Registration Due: May 2, 2011 (ONE STUDENT Registration per ONE paper) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is Doctoral Symposium --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The joint COMPSAC/SAINT Doctoral Symposium will provide an international forum for doctoral students to interact with other students, faculty mentors, industry and government. The Doctoral Symposium seeks to bring together PhD students working in COMPSAC and SAINT related fields. Selected students will have the opportunity to present and discuss their research goals, methodology, and preliminary results within a constructive and international atmosphere. Participants will obtain useful guidance for completion of their dissertation research and initiation of a research career, by comments discussions with mentors of COMPSAC and SAINT expertise. The Symposium organizers will strive to provide useful guidance for completion of the dissertation research and motivation for a research career. The Symposium is intended for students who have already settled on a specific research topic and have produced limited preliminary results, but have enough time remaining before their final defense to benefit from Symposium discussions. All accepted papers will be published in the electronic proceedings by IEEE Computer Society. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page Form, Page Limit and Submission --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Students should consider participating in the Doctoral Symposium at least one year before completion of their dissertation, but after having chosen a topic and begun to work on it. Submissions should include only the student as a single author, and must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from the advisor. This letter should include your name, a candid assessment of the current status of your dissertation research, and an expected date for dissertation submission. The letter should be in PDF, and e-mailed to yamai at and ming at with the subject: SAINT 2011 DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM RECOMMENDATION. Students wishing to participate in the Symposium must submit an extended paper that describes their dissertation research. Each paper should: - Clearly formulate the research topic - Outline the significant problems in the field and current solutions - Present the preliminary idea, the proposed approach, the evaluation plan, and results achieved to date - Explicitly point out the contributions of the proposed work Submissions that fail to address these issues, or present them in a poorly organized way, are not likely to be accepted. The length of the submission and camera-ready versions of the paper is limited to 4 pages (IEEE Proceedings style) printed in 10-12 point font. Please follow IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings Author Guidelines to prepare your paper. LaTeX formatting macros and Word template are available on the IEEE CS Web site. Papers should be submitted either to COMPSAC or to SAINT, but not to both. (Submitters should select the submission site based on the relevance of the conference's topics to their research.) Check SAINT web for a paper submission page. Submissions will be judged on originality, significance of potential contribution to the field, technical merit, presentation quality, and adherence to paper submission guidelines. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctoral Symposium authors are eligible to register under the student registration fee. An author for each paper should complete STUDENT registration for the Doctoral Symposium paper, prior to the submission of the final manuscript. Otherwise the paper will not appear in the Proceedings. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poster Presentation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- An author of an accepted paper will be asked to provide a poster describing their research. A format of a poster will be informed to an author prior to the conference. A poster presentation by an author will be done during the conference. The exact date for poster presentation will be announced with "Program at a Glance." It also should be noted that any paper will not be included in the IEEE-CS digital library if no poster presentation is made without reasonable notification. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joint Panel "Technology Summit : International Perspectives on Computed World" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPSAC/SAINT2011 specifically plans to hold the joint Panel "Technology Summit : International Perspectives on Computed World". Panelists of this special event are key-persons from academia, industries, founders and societies. This panel will be organized in conjunction with COMPSAC/SAINT Doctoral Symposium. So it will provide students for a talk about how to drive their career with key-persons from those areas. Panelists and further detail of the panel will be announced on the web, so do not miss this special event.