If one are too fix all of what Ilja van Sprundel pointed out here we need too put aside difference and work along side with each other, the newbie and the professor needs too talk the same language. It should't be this way that a bug that has been adressed two years ago get's no attention at all, and after two years it gets a brushed of because it didn't follow the right form what ever that means. Problem is that this pro person who said it wasn't the right form, killed of a patch that might have been a good solution on the problem with no guidance or anything. For all that the person who did this knew he brushed of someone that could have been a real asset, i never submit bug reports anymore cause of this. Why should i they are never followed up any how, mainly cause i am still just a newbie. my suggestion too all of you invite people into your code into the secret security world, let them try. And secret security people stop blaming the other bsd for this and that and see what they are doing, there is still alot too learn. -- -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1 mQENBFUByQgBCAChgKlX3wlCovKXZG//oGdpVCFxiC8X6kSWC2pvdfcxgII/corC o2ndED6Zp9AEzBjT46ilzbwJkxPWB+Qq4oucj5zLSUrWb0pIszCWksFhOKEqJ87D lR0UXBpR5a9+SYqydVgRsyZmHGDAyWnneKvcp6MlYcsqYogC9xYJjK2K0r91f9pn vsQmiLJcNMPVWxQ+w7pEQFtntoHcKbZ0LaEG/hhEN2fOA8SNa3FYQ2bexLVtgFhR q+5VYyO89XWHH20ovoltRUOR7XvXNAY4GT6jMwi7QJ9FTTPFy7v1uGrBJbuDZ2fM gegRMbykNBtadztATpGAw9+be4879Cfzt6d7ABEBAAG0N8OYcmphbiBUw7huZGVy IChyZWFsIG5hbWUga2V5KSA8b3JqYW4udG9uZGVyQGdtYWlsLmNvbT6JATgEEwEC ACIFAlUByQgCGwMGCwkIBwMCBhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJEJVR+IZRCu10 wuMH/2INhf+aLPTdH0xD9DLNQJXlxofhkKZtWxBLeHCcl0lHFjHDC65OQ/pyuqQZ KyevSdRo21uXv72YcAPLuCqxsuIOvpNoUpS36Cat8K8wK0zLS3XQlZI/wvP6qWse W/OYGM2VGuG7Sn5Mjx8BcSiUiAItfNTy+Ao1LIldywOtjHIaKDK5y+Ml4PWkSk1q H77XoIS/6QKDmAQzpOYoNgnR4R4pucHVrriCWW5A3vWktK4prcO8SI3Ci88JmL5v imDITMOFwlNBQD4j7e3T/qwBZ5DGsnQ4s4fe8Xd1sFx4UYRompH485RrUAWLJ+wS 65hEUQ9jx9w/68iDSr5PXI6Peaw=1oDp -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----