Several people have pointed out to me that my previous message regarding the problems people have been having with Buslogic may have been confusing to our users, coming as it did almost on the tails of my previous endorsement of their product several weeks ago, and one possibly misconstrued as a position from which there's no return. Please allow me to clarify this, and also state for the record that the previous was only a description of our recent experiences and nothing more. I've no desire to get into a war with Buslogic, and would in fact be most receptive to any attempt on their part to clarify some of the problems we've been having with their technical support. We have been trying for some time to get action on this and have been most unhappy with our lack of success. We'd like to fix the problem and return to a mutually agreeable state of affairs, not escalate this. My last endorsement of Buslogic just several weeks ago was sent just before these reports started to trickle in, with a number of people only informing me after their own unsucessful efforts to contact Buslogic tech support had gone on for some time. I also felt compelled to post my message given my traditionally strong endorsement of Buslogic, a stance I've taken from almost the very beginning of this project. I've always complimented their foresight in making their entire controller line, from ISA to PCI, software compatible with our driver, thus greatly minimizing the amount of work we've had to do to support their product, and I have a Buslogic controller in my own machine (with the older firmware) which works flawlessly. Buslogic has also traditionally been very open with us software developers, in marked contrast with some other manufacturers I won't mention, and this was also highly appreciated. If someone from the company would care to contact me about these latest troubles we've been having I'd be very happy to discuss it, hopefully bringing this to a successful conclusion for all concerned. All attempts at contacting their tech support have failed, thus leading me to the final (and sad) step of withdrawing my endorsement in order to save my own reputation. I make or imply no other statements regarding Buslogic's quality of service and am simply relating the recent experiences of myself and many others. Should the situation change, I'll be happy to bring everyone up to date on those changes. Jordan