I scanned for relevant topics in the last two years but except for putting
a swap file on compress=lzo this march I didn´t found anything.
Does compression make sense on SSD? Or more specifically:
1) In what chunk sizes does BTRFS compress? How much data is affected when
a byte is changed in a 2 GB file or so? Can compression cause more writes
to the SSD in extreme circumstances?
2) It also seems to depend on the SSD. I found mention that the SandForce
controller does on-thy-fly compression under the hood and that compressing
the files in Linux could cause more harm than good then[1].
3) Finally would zlib or lzo compression be better? I bet that at least
mostly depends on the CPU speed.
My current conclusion for the root filesystem on the Intel SSD 320 300 GB
on a ThinkPad T520 with Intel i5 Dual Core Sandybridge is this:
Use compression, since
1) The Intel SSD 320 is said not to use internal compression.[2]
2) In the root filesystem files are mostly either completely rewritten on
upgrades. That log files for example are also regulary appended to and here
it depends whether the chunk sizes for compression does not exceed the
erase block size.
I am not sure on lzo version zlib, but would tend to lzo to have minimal
CPU usage and probably less frequency upscaling.
On /home I still use Ext4 until the full featured fsck becomes available.
What are your oppinions?
[1] http://www.techenclave.com/open-source-and-linux/ssds-and-btrfs-match-
[2] http://www.anandtech.com/show/4244/intel-ssd-320-review
Martin ''Helios'' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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