Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "generalized linear mixed models with a beta distribution"
2006 Nov 24
Nonlinear statistical modeling -- a comparison of R and AD Model Builder
There has recently been some discussion on the list about
AD Model builder and the suitability of R for constructing the
types of models used in fisheries management.
I think that many R users understimate the numerical challenges
that some of the typical
2010 Mar 11
Robust estimation of variance components for a nested design
One of my colleagues has a data set from a two-level nested design from
which we would like to estimate variance components. But we'd like some
idea of what the inevitable outliers are doing, so we were looking for
something in R that uses robust (eg Huber) treatment and returns robust
estimates of variance.
Nothing in my collection of R robust estimation packages (robust,
robustbase and MASS
2009 Sep 24
Maximum likelihood estimation of parameters make no biological sense
I'm trying to estimate some parameters using the Maximum Likehood method.
The model describes fish growth using a sigmoidal-type of curve:
fn_w <- function(params) {
Winf <- params[1]
k <- params[2]
t0 <- params[3]
b <- params[4]
sigma <- params[5]
what <- Winf * (1-exp(- k *(tt - t0)))^b
2006 Feb 27
singular convergence in glmmPQL
I am using the 'glmmPQL function in the 'MASS' library to fit a mixed effects logistic regression model to simulated data. I am conducting a series of simulations, and with certain simulated datasets, estimation of the random effects logistic regression model unexpectedly terminates. I receive the following error message from R:
Error in lme.formula(fixed=zz + arm.long,random=~1 |
2005 Nov 01
glmmpql and lmer keep failing
I'm running a simulation study of a multilevel model with binary
response using the binomial probit link. It is a random intercept and
random slope model. GLMMPQL and lmer fail to converge on a
*significant* portion of the *generated* datasets, while MlWin gives
reasonable estimates on those datasets. This is unacceptable. Does
anyone has similar experiences?
Roel de
2007 Jun 06
Using odesolve to produce non-negative solutions
I am using odesolve to simulate a group of people moving through time and transmitting infections to one another.
In Matlab, there is a NonNegative option which tells the Matlab solver to keep the vector elements of the ODE solution non-negative at all times. What is the right way to do this in R?
P.S., Below is a simplified version of the code I use to try to do this,
2005 Oct 15
TRAMO-SEATS confusion?
Dear R People:
When looking at the previous postings regarding TRAMO-SEATS,
I am somewhat puzzled.
Is it true that we CANNOT replicate TRAMO-SEATS because of
licensing or ownership issues, please?
If not, would anyone be interested in an R version of it, please?
Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Houston -
2005 Dec 14
glmmADMB: Generalized Linear Mixed Models using AD Model Builder
Dear R-users,
Half a year ago we put out the R package "glmmADMB" for fitting
overdispersed count data.
Several people who used this package have requested
additional features. We now have a new version ready.
The major new feature is that glmmADMB allows Bernoulli responses
with logistic and probit links. In addition there
2009 May 07
lasso based selection for mixed model
Dear useRs (called Frank Harrell, most likely),
after having preached for years to my medical colleagues to be cautious
with stepwise selection procedures, they chanted back asking for an
alternative when using mixed models.
There is a half dozen laXXX packages around for all types of linear models,
but as far I see there is none for mixed models such as lme. Even
boot.stepAIC (which I
2006 May 23
glmmADMB and the GPL -- formerly-- How to buy R.
Dear List,
Some of you have been following the discussion of the GPL and its inclusion
in the glmmADMB package we created for R users. I would like to provide
a bit of background and include an email we received from
Prof. Ripley so that everyone can be aware of how some might use the
GPL to try to force access to proprietary software. I think this is
interesting because many have voiced the
2007 Dec 05
coxme frailty model standard errors?
I am running R 2.6.1 on windows xp
I am trying to fit a cox proportional hazard model with a shared
Gaussian frailty term using coxme
My model is specified as:
nofit1<-coxme(Surv(Age,cen1new)~ Sex+bo2+bo3,random=~1|isl,data=mydat)
With x1-x3 being dummy variables, and isl being the community level
variable with 4 levels.
Does anyone know if there is a way to get the standard error
2008 Nov 25
AD Model Builder now freely available
Hi All,
Following Mike Praeger's posting on this list,
I'm happy to pass on that AD Model Builder is now freely available from
the ADMB Foundation.
Two areas where AD Model builder would be especially useful to R users
are multi-parmater smooth optimization as in larg scale maximum
likelihood estimation and the analysis of general nonlinear random
2010 Dec 13
Complicated nls formula giving singular gradient message
I'm attempting to calculate a regression in R that I normally use Prism for,
because the formula isn't pretty by any means.
Prism presents the formula (which is in the Prism equation library as
Heterologous competition with depletion, if anyone is curious) in these
KdCPM = KdnM*SpAct*Vol*1000
c = -1*Hot*(S*MS+BMax)
2005 Mar 23
Negative binomial GLMMs in R
Dear R-users,
A recent post (Feb 16) to R-help inquired about fitting
a glmm with a negative binomial distribution.
Professor Ripley responded that this was a difficult problem with the
simpler Poisson model already being a difficult case:
Since we are developing software for fitting general nonlinear random
effects models we
2006 Dec 19
Problem with glmmADMB
#Example for glmm.admb
Error in glmm.admb(y ~ Base * trt + Age + Visit, random = ~Visit,
group = "subject", :
The function maximizer failed
R version 2.4.1 RC (2006-12-14 r40181)
2006 Feb 09
glmm.admb - bug and possible solution??
Dear Dr Skaug and R users,
just discovered glmm.admb in R, and it seems a very useful tool.
However, I ran into a problem when I compare two models:
m1<-glmm.admb(survival~light*species*damage, random=~1, group="table",
data=bm, family="binomial", link="logit")
m1.1<-glmm.admb(survival~(light+species+damage)^2, random=~1,
group="table", data=bm,
2007 Aug 16
Linear models over large datasets
I'd like to fit linear models on very large datasets. My data frames
are about 2000000 rows x 200 columns of doubles and I am using an 64
bit build of R. I've googled about this extensively and went over the
"R Data Import/Export" guide. My primary issue is although my data
represented in ascii form is 4Gb in size (therefore much smaller
considered in binary), R consumes about
2010 Jun 16
an alternative to R for nonlinear stat models
I implemented the age-structure model in Gove et al (2002) in R, which is a
nonlinear statistical model. However running the model in R was very slow.
So Dave Fournier suggested to use the AD Model Builder Software package and
helped me implement the model there.
ADMB was incredibly fast in running the model:
While running the model in R took 5-10 minutes, depending on the
2008 Apr 03
lmer function :method="AGQ" glmmADMB
The freely available R package glmmADMB can do Adaptive
Gaussian Quadrature for this type of model,
since it is built using AD Model Builder's random effects
module which incorporates this feature.
There is now a beta version of the software for
people using R on the Mac intel platform.
David A. Fournier
2010 Nov 22
Fast Two-Dimensional Optimization
Dear R Helpers,
I have attempted "optim" function to solve a two-dimensional optimization
problem. It took around 25 second to complete the procedure.
However, I want to reduce the computation time: less than 7 second. Is there
any optimization function in R which is very rapid?
Best Regards,
Wonsang You
Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology
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