Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "indexing model names for AICc table"
2006 Dec 12
Calculating AICc using conditional logistic regression
I have a case-control study that I'm analysing using the conditional
logistic regression function clogit from the survival package.
I would like to calculate the AICc of the models I fit using clogit.
I have a variety of scripts that can calculate AICc for models with a
logLik method, but clogit does not appear to use this method.
Is there a way I can calculate AICc from clogit in R?
2003 Jun 25
I'm trying to use AIC to choose between 2 models with
positive, continuous response variables and different error
distributions (specifically a Gamma GLM with log link and a
normal linear model for log(y)). I understand that in some
cases it may not be possible (or necessary) to discriminate
between these two distributions. However, for the normal
linear model I noticed a discrepancy
2005 Oct 29
LaTex error when creating DVI version when compiling package
Dear Listers,
I got this message when compiling a package:
* creating pgirmess-manual.tex ... OK
* checking pgirmess-manual.text ... ERROR
LaTex errors when creating DVI version.
This typically indicates Rd problems.
The message is quite explicit but I struggled a lot before understanding
that the trouble comes from a single file "selMod.rd" among 44 topics.
Even though I have
2014 Jun 26
AICc in MuMIn package
I am modelling in glmmADMB count data (I´m using a negative binomial
distribution to avoid possitive overdispersion) with four fixed and one
random effect. I´m also using MuMIn package to calculate the AICc and also
to model averaging using the function dredge. What I do not understand is
why dredge calculates a different value of the AICc and degrees of freedom
than the function AICc
2011 Apr 15
GLM output for deviance and loglikelihood
It has always been my understanding that deviance for GLMs is defined
D = -2(loglikelihood(model) - loglikelihood(saturated model))
and this can be calculated by (or at least usually is);
D = -2(loglikelihood(model))
As is done so in the code for 'polr' by Brian Ripley (in the package
'MASS') where the -loglikehood is minimised using optim;
res <-
2007 Jan 03
problem with logLik and offsets
I'm trying to compare models, one of which has all parameters fixed
using offsets. The log-likelihoods seem reasonble in all cases except
the model in which there are no free parameters (model3 in the toy
example below). Any help would be appreciated.
y<-rnorm(100, 1+x)
sum(dnorm(y, predict(model1),
2009 Mar 09
lme anova() and model simplification
I am running an lme model with the main effects of four fixed variables (3
continuous and one categorical – see below) and one random variable. The
data describe the densities of a mite species – awsm – in relation to four
variables: adh31 (temperature related), apsm (another plant feeding mite)
awpm (a predatory mite), and orien (sampling location within plant – north
or south).
I have read
2009 Apr 29
I am fitting logistic regression models, by defining my own link
function, and would like to get AICc values. Using the glm command
gives a value for AIC, but I haven't been able to get R to convert
that to AICc. Is there a code that has already been written for
this? Right now I am just putting the AIC values into an excel
spreadsheet and calculating AICc, likelihood, and AIC
2004 Dec 04
AIC, AICc, and K
How can I extract K (number of parameters) from an AIC calculation, both to
report K itself and to calculate AICc? I'm aware of the conversion from AIC ->
AICc, where AICc = AIC + 2K(K+1)/(n-K-1), but not sure of how K is calculated
or how to extract that value from either an AIC or logLik calculation.
This is probably more of a basic statistics question than an R question, but I
2007 Mar 06
Estimating parameters of 2 phase Coxian using optim
My name is Laura. I'm a PhD student at Queen's University Belfast and have
just started learning R. I was wondering if somebody could help me to see
where I am going wrong in my code for estimating the parameters [mu1, mu2,
lambda1] of a 2-phase Coxian Distribution.
cox2.lik<-function(theta, y){
2013 May 21
Calculating AIC for the whole model in VAR
I am using package "VAR".
I've fitted my model:
I can extract the Log Liklihood for THE WHOLE MODEL:
How could I calculate (other than manually) the corresponding Akaike
Information Criterion (AIC)?
I tried AIC - but it does not take mymodel:
# numeric(0)
Thank you!
Dimitri Liakhovitski
2006 Feb 07
sampling and nls formula
I am trying to bootstrap a function that extracts the log-likelihood value and the nls coefficients from an nls object. I want to sample my dataset (pdd) with replacement and for each sampled dataset, I want to run nls and output the nls coefficients and the log-likelihood value.
2010 Sep 30
how to avoid NaN in optim()
hi ,
lik <- function(nO, nA, nB, nAB){
loglik <- function(par)
r <- 1 - p - q
if (c(p,q,r) > rep(0,3) && c(p,q,r) < rep(1,3) )
-(2 * nO * log (r) + nA * log (p^2 + 2 * p * r)
+ nB * log (q^2 + 2 * q * r)
+ nAB * (log(2) +log(p) +log(q)))
2007 Aug 03
question about logistic models (AIC)
Een ingesloten tekst met niet-gespecificeerde tekenset is
van het bericht gescrubt ...
Naam: niet beschikbaar
Url: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20070803/79b6292b/attachment.pl
2008 Mar 13
strange results from binomial lmer?
I'm running lmer repeatedly on artificial data with two fixed factors (called
'gender' and 'stress') and one random factor ('speaker'). Gender is a
between-speaker variable, stress is a within-speaker variable, if that matters.
Each dataset has 100 rows from each of 20 speakers, 2000 rows in all.
About 5% of the time I get a strange result, where the lmer() model with
2011 Nov 12
Please Help
HiI want to construct a logliikelood function in RHere is the situationy=number of particles emitted in 1 hr period~pois(30)p=probability of detection of radiation particlesx=number of particles detected by a radiation detector~pois(30p)where p~beta(a,1)I have to calculate the loglikehood for a for the range a(2,50)I wish to simulate 100 random samples for each aHere is my code:-m=481n=100x =
2005 Jul 03
code for model-averaging by Akaike weights
Dear all,
does anyone have r code to perform model-averaging of regression
parameters by Akaike weights,
and/or to do all-possible-subsets lm modelling that reports parameter
estimates, AICc and number of parameters for each model?
I have been looking for these in the archive but found none.
(I am aware that many of you would warn me against these methods
advocated by Burnham and Anderson
2004 Mar 09
aic calculation
could somebody refer me to the reason R uses
-2*loglik + 2*(#param)+2
to calculate AIC?
thank you
Stoyan Iliev
2010 Feb 09
Missing interaction effect in binomial GLMM with lmer
Dear all,
I was wondering if anyone could help solve a problem of a missing interaction effect!!
I carried out a 2 x 2 factorial experiment to see if eggs from 2 different locations (Origin = 1 or 2) had different hatching success under 2 different incubation schedules (Treat = 1 or 2). Six eggs were taken from 10 females (random = Female) at each location and split between the treatments,
2012 Jan 27
Why does the order of terms in a formula translate into different models/ model matrices?
Dear all,
I have encountered some strange things when creating lm objects in R: model
depends on the order of the terms specified in a formula.
Let us consider the following simple example:
> dat <- expand.grid(A = factor(c("a1", "a2")),
+ B = factor(paste("b", 1:4, sep="")),
+ rep = factor(1:2))