similar to: run latent class analysis with R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "run latent class analysis with R"

2009 Mar 25
how to calcualte Jaccard Coefficient
Does anyone have a good method for calculating Jaccard coefficients now that the dissimilarity() function is no longer an option? Wen Gu John Jay College of Criminal Justice445 West 59 StreetNew York, NY 10029 _________________________________________________________________ Express your personality in color! Preview and select themes for Hotmail®.
2012 Jul 04
How do you impute missing data using Latent Class Model (poLCA package)
My problem is I have data with both categorial and numerical data, currently only the categorical number contains missing data, was wondering do I make a new dataframe containing only the categorical columns? How would you use Latent Class Model specifically poLCA to impute the missing data? The reason why I chose not to
2006 Jul 13
TR: Latent Class Analysis
_____ De : Pousset [] Envoyé : mardi 4 juillet 2006 18:38 À : '' Objet : Latent Class Analysis Hello everybody, I am working on latent class analysis and have already used the ‘R’ function « lca » (in the e1071 package). I ‘ve got interesting results but I can’t simply find out the methodology used by this routine : 1) What
2011 Jan 31
Latent Class Logit Models in discrete choice experiments
Dear R users, I would like to perform Latent Class Logit Models for the analysis of choice experiments in environmental valuation. This kind of analysis is usually performed with NLogit Software ( I attach the results I usually obtain using NLogit and NLogit model specifications. For Random parameter models and Logit Models I usually perform my analysis with the package
2013 Mar 26
randomLCA_with error for me
Please can someone explain to me how to use randomLCA in R for an analysis. I tried using it and had this error (copied below) which indicated my patterns must consist of 0 or 1. I assume I am doing something wrong. Please help. > library(lattice) > library(boot) Attaching package: ‘boot’ The following object(s) are masked from ‘package:lattice’: melanoma > library(utils) >
2012 Aug 27
Can anybody, please, explain me how many parameter are estimated using randomLCA? For examples, model "dentistry.lca2random" estimate 1 scale (or variance, b_j) parameter and 2 position parameters (a_cj)? Doesn't it? Do I need at least 4 diagnostic tests for such a model? What happens if I specify options blocksize and byclass? How many diagnostic tests (or rater) I need?
2012 Feb 13
Retrieve by Id from an R list
Hi everyone, I'm using the poLCA module for some analysis work. Basically, Im using the command >poLCA(f, data=response,nclass=2) This returns a poLCA object (a list) >From this data, I need to retrieve certain indexes, such as[[5]] as seen below. [[5]] Pr(1) Pr(2) Pr(3) class 1: 0 1.0 0.0 class 2: 0 0.5
2013 Apr 03
(no subject)
Hello, I want to perform a latent class analysis using poLCA package. My formula is: substances <- cbind(subs1, subs2, subs3, subs4, subs5, subs6) ~ gender+age+education+income+occupation+urban+dbehavior+incarceration+treatment+depression+alcriteria I want to include sample weights in the model, I have read that poLCA does not take into account weights, but when I introduce them, it seems
2012 Feb 09
poLCA and conditional dependence
Dear all, I'm an Sri Lankan undergraduate student. I'm also a total newbie to R. My aim is to use the poLCA package to do a latent class analysis. I found the documentation very helpful, but need to make a small clarification that has stumped me awhile. In my work, I need to make provision for conditional dependence. I'm told that poLCA lets you do that. Unfortunately, I
2011 Dec 23
Latent class multinomial (or conditional) logit using R?
Hi everyone? Does anybody know how can I estimate a Latent class multinomial (or conditional) logit using R? I have tried flexmix, poLCA, and they do not seem to support this model. thanks in advance adan -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2009 Jul 02
Windows zip-files (binaries) for older version of scatterplot3d
Hi, I am working with -poLCA- which uses the package -scatterplot3d- in order to work. However, I work on a restricted server that is not online. The R-version installed there is 2.6. However, running library(poLCA) after installing the most recent -scatterplot3d- on the server leaves me with R telling me that scatterplot3d needs R-version 2.7 or a more recent versions. Since I cannot install the
2009 Sep 08
cbind formula definition
Hi there, I have the following problem: I have a package called "polLCA" which has the following syntax: poLCA(formula, data) and needs the following formula definition: formula <- cbind(V1,V2,V3,...) So far so good. What I tried now was the following: #Get "data" with the "read.table" fuction data <- read.table("d:/ .....) #Select cols to use in the
2003 Feb 23
Extracting the dispersion parameter
I have been unsuccessful in extracting the dispersion parameter in SPLUS 6.1 using summary or summary.glm(modelobj$dispersion) from a glm object in which the family was set to quasi. This is the syntax given in the manual. I want to write a script to bootstrap the estimate of the dispersion parameter, but cannot seem to access that value. Any suggestions? Thanks, Ed ----------
2012 Mar 08
Hi, I am running some latent class models with civariates using poLCA in R, and have a question the meaning of some error messages. My model has 8 y-variables (dichotomous) and 2 x-variables (also dichotomous), and I am trialling different numbers of classes. When I run a 2-class model, the model runs fine without any error messages. I used the nrep = 10 option to avoid local maxima. Class %
2013 Oct 25
R CMD check problem with R 3.0.2
Using SUSE Linux, Windows 32 bit and Windows 64 bit R 3.0.2 , I am unable to use R CMD check successfully. Here is the Windows 64 bit report: Z:\R\source\effects>R CMD check pkg * using log directory 'Z:/R/source/effects/pkg.Rcheck' * using R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25) * using platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32 (64-bit) * using session charset: ISO8859-1 * checking for file
2012 Feb 12
Writing output into a file
Hi everyone, I'm an R newbie working with the poLCA module. I achieved my target without having to bother anyone, but It seems that I've got stuck at the last minute. My problem is simple. I need to write my results into a file. My results are in the shape of a list (unbalanced columns) I've considered several methods (sink(), write.file) etc. etc. Unfortunately, I'm not the best
2011 Aug 05
[?]apply functions or for loop
Hello, First time posting to this mail list. I'd like to use R in the most efficient way. I'm accomplishing what I want, but feel there is a more R'ish way to do it. Just learning R. *My goal: get ranks of value across rows with row names and column names intact.* I'm guessing one of the [?]apply functions will do what I need, but I couldn't sort out which one (after a lot
2008 Mar 25
new package 'randomLCA'
A new package 'randomLCA' is available on CRAN. Its main purpose is to fit latent class models with random effects, such as those used in diagnostic testing. This methodology can also be applied in other areas. It also fits standard latent class and will plot. Ken _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at
2020 Jun 26
R 4.0.0 rebuild status
On Friday, 26 June 2020 10.47.13 WEST I?aki Ucar wrote: > I used bcond locally and wrongly assumed that fedpkg build would > support --with BCOND and --without BCOND. Instead, the way to activate > it is to change to "%bcond_with check" and then revert to > "%bcond_without check". The only difference with bootstrap is that > "bootstrap" is recognized
2009 May 24
Animal Morphology: Deriving Classification Equation with Linear Discriminat Analysis (lda)
Fellow R Users: I'm not extremely familiar with lda or R programming, but a recent editorial review of a manuscript submission has prompted a crash cousre. I am on this forum hoping I could solicit some much needed advice for deriving a classification equation. I have used three basic measurements in lda to predict two groups: male and female. I have a working model, low Wilk's lambda,