similar to: Difference between GEE and Robust Cluster Standard Errors

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Difference between GEE and Robust Cluster Standard Errors"

2012 Apr 30
Using GEE with sample weights
Dear R community I am using the gee package to run logistics regression on paired cases from a panel sample. We are getting request from a reviewer to use sample weights to account for different level of attrition. After searching the documentation I am unable to find a way to incorporate sample weights into the gee formula. I found a way to incorporate precision weight but I understand that I
2009 Apr 20
R graph into MS Word: which format to use?
Hello, The journal I am publishing in requires MS Word files. What is my best option for getting a high quality image of a graph done in R into Word? JPEG? Postscript? Thanks. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2010 Jul 29
How to get the standard error from GEE(Generalized Estimation Equations) output
I am having some difficulties to locate the standard error from GEE output. -----------sample output using list (geemodel)------------------------ Link: Identity Variance to Mean Relation: Gaussian Correlation Structure: Exchangeable Call: gee(formula = days.sick1 ~ bmi + age + gender + surveyround2 + surveyround3, id = childid, data = dat, family = gaussian,
2008 Sep 17
Need help creating spatial correlation for MC simulation
I want to create a dataset in R with spatial correlation (i.e. clustering) built in for a linear regression analysis. Any tips on how to do this? Thanks. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2012 Jun 12
GEE with Inverse Probability Weights
Greetings, I have a very, very, simple research question. I want to predict one dichotomous variable using another dichotomous variable. Straightforward, right? The issue is that the dataset has two issues causing some complications for me. 1) The subjects are not independent -- they are sibling pairs. Every person in the dataset has a sibling in the dataset. This needs to be treated a
2009 Feb 09
gee with auto-regressive correlation structure (AR-M)
Dear all, I need to fit a gee model with an auto-regressive correlation structure and I faced some problems. I attach a simple example: ####################################################### library(gee) library(geepack) # I SIMULATE DATA FROM POISSON DISTRIBUTION, 10 OBS FOR EACH OF 50 GROUPS set.seed(1) y <- rpois(500,50) x <- rnorm(500) id <- rep(1:50,each=10) # EXAMPLES FOR
2024 Mar 28
GEEPACK vs GEE: What are the differences in the estimators calculated by geeglm() (GEEPACK) and gee() (GEE)?
Hello, I am interested in running generalized estimating equation models in R. Currently there are two main packages for doing so in R, geepack and gee. I understand that even though one can obtain similar to almost identical results using either of the two, that there are differences between the packages. The paper that introduces the geepack package (
2008 Sep 07
an error to call 'gee' function in R
Dear List: I found an error when I called the 'gee' function. I cannot solve and explain it. There are no errors when I used the 'geeglm' function. Both functions fit the gee model. The project supervisor recommends me to use the 'gee' function. But I cannot explain to him why this error happens. Would you help me solve this problem? I appreciate your help. In
2011 Jan 26
Compilation errors when installing gee
Hi, I am trying to install gee on our server but I get the error below. I do not have root on this machine so no control on how R was installed itself. It looks like it cannot find blas libs, the only ones i can find on the machine are: /usr/lib64/ -> /usr/lib64/ -> /usr/lib64/ and : $ R CMD config BLAS_LIBS
2010 Sep 10
gee p values
windows Vista R 2.10.1 Is it possible to get p values from gee? Summary(geemodel) does not appear to produce p values.: > fit4<- gee(y~time, id=Subject, data=data.frame(data)) Beginning Cgee S-function, @(#) geeformula.q 4.13 98/01/27 running glm to get initial regression estimate (Intercept) time 1.1215614 0.8504413 > summary(fit4) GEE: GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS FOR
2011 Aug 15
Get significant codes from a model output fit with GEE package
Does anyone know how could I get the significant codes from mixed model output fitted with a GEE package? The output I got is the following: GEE: GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS FOR DEPENDENT DATA gee S-function, version 4.13 modified 98/01/27 (1998) Model: Link: Logit Variance to Mean Relation: Binomial Correlation Structure: Exchangeable Call: gee(formula = bru
2008 Dec 01
gee + rcs
Hi all, I have fitted a gee model with the gee package and included restricted cubic spline functions. Here is the model: chol.g <- gee(SKIN ~ rcs(CHOLT, 3), id=ID, data=chol, family=binomial(link="logit"), corstr="exchangeable") To extract the log odds I use: predict.glm(chol.g, type = "link") Now I want to compute the logg odds for specific CHOLT values
2010 Oct 12
GEE with user-specified link function
Hello, I would like to try to fit a GEE with user-specified link function. I read through a couple of thread on the list, for example and I noticed that they are all 6 or more years old and the answer is very clear for GLM, however for GEE I am still not sure. There are two
2004 Feb 08
APE: compar.gee( )
Dear all, I don't understand the following behaviour: Running compar.gee (in library ape ) with and without the option 'data', it give me different results Example: .... Start R .... > load("eiber.RData") > ls() [1] "" "mydata" "mytree" > library(ape) > # runnig with the option data= mydata > compar.gee(alt ~ R,
2011 May 08
questions about the output of "gee" and its summary
Dear R-helpers, I am using the package "gee" to run a marginal model. Here is the output. In my simulated data, both x and z are time-varying, so I include their interaction terms with time indicator (i.e. tind=0, if time 1, and 1 if time 2) The data is simulated, so the true parameter of z both at time 1 and time 2 is 5, which is very close from the model output for time 1, z =
2010 Sep 02
Is there any package or function perform stepwise variable selection under GEE method?
Hi , I use library(gee),library(geepack),library(yags) perform GEE data analysis , but all of them cannot do variable selection! Both step and stepAIC can do variable selection based on AIC criterion under linear regression and glm, but they cannot work when model is based on GEE. I want to ask whether any variable selection function or package under GEE model avaliable now? Thanks! Best,
2008 Jul 07
GLM, LMER, GEE interpretation
Hi, my dependent variable is a proportion ("prob.bind"), and the independent variables are factors for group membership ("group") and a covariate ("capacity"). I am interested in the effects of group, capacity, and their interaction. Each subject is observed on all (4) levels of capacity (I use capacity as a covariate because the effect of this variable is normatively
2009 Oct 13
gee: suppress printout
I'm using the function gee from the library(gee) gee(Y~X,,corstr="exchangeable",b=tmc$coef,family=binomial(link=logit),silent=T) Every time it runs, it dutifully prints out Beginning Cgee S-function, @(#) geeformula.q 4.13 98/01/27 user's initial regression estimate [,1] [1,] -4.5278335 [2,] -0.2737999 [3,] -0.9528306 [4,] 0.9393861 [5,]
2000 Apr 04
Can nonlinear models be used in gee?
Hi all, 1. Can nonlinear models be used in gee? For example, I have a dataset which contains 2 variables x and y, I wrote data(ex) atttach(ex) a<-100 b<- -0.5 c<-4.5 d<-20 Then: a. y~gee(y~d+(a-d)/(1+(x/c)^b)) Error in terms.formula(formula, data = data) : invalid power in formula b. y~gee(y~d+(a-d)/(1+(x/c)) Error in model.frame(formula, rownames, variables, varnames, extras,
2009 Dec 08
Difference in S.E. gee/yags and geeglm(/geese)
Hi A quick question. Standard errors reported by gee/yags differs from the ones in geeglm (geepack). require(gee) require(geepack) require(yags) mm <- gee(breaks ~ tension, id=wool, data=warpbreaks, corstr="exchangeable") mm2 <- geeglm(breaks ~ tension, id=wool, data=warpbreaks, corstr="exchangeable", std.err = "") mm3 <- yags(breaks ~