Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Adjusting the Axis in a histogram to the prespecified breaks"
2008 Mar 21
hist function+label second y-axis
Dear Forum,
I?d like to craete a line not a bar in the hist function, but regrettably I
get only warning messages:
1: Grafikparameter "type" ist veraltet in: title(main, sub, xlab, ylab,
line, outer, ...)
2: Grafikparameter "type" ist
2012 Aug 13
Standard introductory presentation
Hi Everyone
In the Contributed Documentation part of the R Project website there are
dozens of various documents explaining this and that on R. Furthermore there
is also the document "Introduction to R". In my thesis I have been using R
here and there, so I would classify myself as an intermediate user after
about 3 years of using it, but I am in no sense a professional.
I am now on a
2012 Aug 13
R table as integrable object for large Latex Documents - avoiding SWeave
Hi, I am wondering whether some of you have a pointer to an alternative.
I am currently writing my thesis in Latex (several documents), well grown
over time, I am sure many of you are familiar with the situation. Likewise I
am doing the quantitative analysis with R, and again a lot of lines of more
or less wellwritten code. The outputs are graphs (which one can wonderfully
integrate as PNG objects
2009 Jul 29
Subtract matrices within arrays along indices
I have the following array: 3 dimensional object, one dimension being year.
Object is 3*3*3
library(plyr, reshape)
a4 <- rnorm(27)
A<-data.frame(cbind(comp=a2,val=a3, year=a1, a4))
A1<-melt(A, id=c("year", "comp",
2007 Aug 23
figure-definition and heatmap question
I have two questions. I'd like to visualize data with a heatmap and I have the
following testcase:
x <- rnorm(256)
nx <- x + abs(min(x))
nnx <- 255/max(nx) * nx
x <- matrix(nnx, 16, 16)
rownames(x) <-
2009 Feb 18
Re place Values within vector using Translation vector
Dear everyone
I would like to change values in vectors doing a translation. i.e. I have a
start vector giving me the levels in one vector (numbers 1 to x - rating)
and then I have a second vector giving me the values to be allocated (loss
probabilities), but the number of potential rating classes and loss
estimates is still subject to a lot of discussion.
Attached a simplified version of the
2011 Dec 02
Willkommen bei der "R-help" Mailingliste
Hello everbody,
I am new to this mailing list and hope to find some help.
I'm trying to get into the spatstat package and encountered two problems. First a graphical one:
There is an example dataset called "finpines" which has several marks (http://www.oga-lab.net/RGM2/func.php?rd_id=spatstat:finpines)
When I pass the given code from the website to R
2012 Oct 05
LaTeX consistent publication graphics from R and Comparison of GLE and R
Hi Everyone
I am at the moment preparing my thesis and am looking at producing a few
Organigrams / Flow charts (unrelated to the calculations in R) as well as a
range of charts (barcharts, histograms, ...) based on calculations in R.
For the Organigrams I am looking at an Opensource package called GLE at
sourceforge, which produces the text part in Latex figures which is very
neat and also in
2008 Mar 01
jpeg and margin text
Hi guys,
I use R 2.6.2 and Windows XP.
I’ve got the following question: I wrote a lot of text into the margin of a
plot. When I use the “jpeg”-function, only a little part of the margin text
is displayed in the final jpeg? Any ideas to change it?
2011 Nov 02
Generate a sequence of vectors of different length
Hi everyone
After the following setup
sector=2 # Define Number of Sectors
sectors=LETTERS[seq( from = 1, to = sector )] # Name sectors
No_ent=round(3/runif(sector)) # Number of entities per sector
Goal is to get a List like
(A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, B4) where A is denoting an industrial sector and
then a numbered sequence of companies within the sector.
The step
2011 Jun 29
time series interpolation
Hi there,
I?ve got a datatable in R which I try to interpolate with this and get the
Error below:
> new$temp<- approx(w03_11temp$temp, n = (nrow(w03_11temp)*5))$y
Error in new$temp <- approx(w03_11temp$temp, n = (nrow(w03_11temp) * 5))$y :
Object of type 'closure' not registered
Any idea?? Thanks a lot.
View this message in context:
2007 Sep 26
generate fourth vector based on known correlations
I am trying to generate a fourth vector,z, given three known and fixed
vectors, x1,x2,x3 with corresponding known and fixed correlations with
themeselves and with z. That is, all correlations are known and
prespecified. How can I do this?
Thank you,
2004 Jun 15
R: slope estimations of teeth like data
On 15 Jun 2004 at 13:52, Vito Muggeo wrote:
> Dear Petr,
> Probably I don't understand exactly what you are looking for.
> However your "plot(x,c(y,z))" suggests a broken-line model for the
> response "c(y,x)" versus the variables x. Therefore you could estimate
> a segmented model to obtain (different) slope (and breakpoint)
> estimates. See
2008 Nov 03
qr() and Gram-Schmidt
Why the qr() produces a negative Q compared with Gram-Schmidt? (note
example below, except Q[2,3])
Here is an example, I calculate the Q by Gram-Schmidt process and
compare the output with qr.Q()
a <- c(1,0,1)
b <- c(1,0,0)
c <- c(2,1,0)
x <- matrix(c(a,b,c),3,3)
# Gram-Schmidt
A <- matrix(a,3,1)
q1 <-
2003 Dec 23
How do I get plot.survfit to draw a survival curve with prespecified time periods, say 1 month, 2, months, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years etc) instead of the individual times of all events?
Sincerely Fredrik Lundgren
2005 Jan 11
Kolmogorov-Smirnof test for lognormal distribution with estimated parameters
Hello all,
Would somebody be kind enough to show me how to do a KS test in R for a
lognormal distribution with ESTIMATED parameters. The R function
ks.test()says "the parameters specified must be prespecified and not
estimated from the data" Is there a way to correct this when one uses
estimated data?
Kwabena Adusei-Poku
2002 Jan 26
Trouble with contrasts
I have a nagging problem with contrasts and I can't seem to resolve it.
A factor exists with four levels (lib1, lib2, con1, con2) and when I
check the contrasts or set the contrasts to any of the prespecified
ones, I do not get the exact contrasts necessary to test the
theoretically relevant ones. I need orthogonal contrasts that look just
like this matrix:
con1 con2
2012 Mar 28
Major update: meta version 2.0-0
Version 2.0-0 of meta (an R package for meta-analysis) is now available
on CRAN. Changes are described below.
Major revision
R package meta linked to R package metafor by Wolfgang Viechtbauer to
provide additional statistical methods, e.g. meta-regression and other
estimates for tau-squared (REML, ...)
New functions:
- metareg (meta-regression)
- metabias
2012 Mar 28
Major update: meta version 2.0-0
Version 2.0-0 of meta (an R package for meta-analysis) is now available
on CRAN. Changes are described below.
Major revision
R package meta linked to R package metafor by Wolfgang Viechtbauer to
provide additional statistical methods, e.g. meta-regression and other
estimates for tau-squared (REML, ...)
New functions:
- metareg (meta-regression)
- metabias
2011 May 29
Use of cruel and unusal frame sizes
I've been developing an application using CELT for some time and, for
simplicity, have restricted frame sizes to powers of 2. During final
testing I tested with a sound interface (the Phonic Firefly 302) whose
ASIO drivers are very restictive in what they accept, and have about 6
allowable frame sizes < 512, a lot of which are odd numbers. However
some are even numbered, so