Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "summary of a list"
2009 Feb 10
plotting the result of a nonlinear regression
to plot the result of a singular non linear regression (using nls) I usually use the function plotfit, for example:
r.PTG.V<-nls(PTG.P~ fz1(Portata, a,b), data=dati, start=list(a=10, b=10), nls.control(maxiter=200), algorithm='port',
trace=TRUE, na.action=na.omit, lower=list(a=0, b=10), upper=list(a=100, b=100))
I tried to use the function plotfit on the
2009 Feb 03
non linear regression with nls
I'm a beginner with R and it's the first time I'm using the R-help list... I hope I'm in the right place, if not:
I need to do non linear regressions on a data set which columns are:
"river.name" "Portata" "PTG.P" "PO4.P" "NT.N" "NH4.N" "NO3.N" "BOD5" "SiO2"
2009 Feb 13
odfWeave & prettyR
I've been trying to use odfWeave and prettyR packages to create documents with both text and graphs, but so far I
haven't been very lucky...
With the function R2html () in prettyR package, when I try to use a source file, which works perfectly if I run it
directly form R using "source("file")",
it works for the first part and then it makes a mess, i guess
2008 Nov 21
list creation interpolation
Hello all,
I apologize if this is simple or has already been answered somewhere, but
I'm not sure what to search for although I have tried and didn't come up
with anything so.. Here's my question.
How can I interpolate list names or do I have to do it post list creation.
Since that's not very clear here is some sample code of what I wanted to do:
2009 Feb 20
I tried to turn lists into vectors and then bind them together in order to create a dataframe but if, after this, I
try to use the function write.table I get the following error message:
Error in write.table(x, file, nrow(x), p, rnames, sep, eol, na, dec, as.integer(quote), :
'list' type not implemented in 'EncodeElement'
Here is what I've done:
2009 Sep 18
lapply - value changes as parameters to function?
I'm trying to get better at things like lapply but it still stumps
me. I have a function I've written, tested and debugged using
individual calls to the function, ala:
ResultList5 = DoAvgCalcs(IndexData, Lookback=5,
SampleSize=TestSamples , Iterations=TestIterations )
ResultList8 = DoAvgCalcs(IndexData, Lookback=8,
SampleSize=TestSamples , Iterations=TestIterations )
2023 Mar 11
Multiple Assignment built into the R Interpreter?
On 11/03/2023 11:57 a.m., Ivan Krylov wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Mar 2023 11:11:06 -0500
> Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> That's clear, but your proposal violates a very basic property of the
>> language, i.e. that all statements are expressions and have a value.
> How about reframing this feature request from multiple assignment
2023 Mar 11
Multiple Assignment built into the R Interpreter?
On 11/03/2023 4:42 p.m., Sebastian Martin Krantz wrote:
> Thanks Duncan and Ivan for the careful thoughts. I'm not sure I can
> follow all aspects you raised, but to give my limited take on a few:
>> your proposal violates a very basic property of the language, i.e. that all statements are expressions and have a value. > What's the value of 1 + (A, C =
2009 Feb 11
plots and text to the same output file
I would like to save different plots and some text (like summaries, AIC, ...) on the same file.
I've read the e-mails entitled "Output results to a single postscript document" written some days ago and I've tried
to use the function odfInsertPlot() in the package "odfWeave" but it doesn't work on my computer (I've seen that
odfWeave package depends on
2023 Mar 11
Multiple Assignment built into the R Interpreter?
Thanks Duncan and Ivan for the careful thoughts. I'm not sure I can follow
all aspects you raised, but to give my limited take on a few:
> your proposal violates a very basic property of the language, i.e. that all statements are expressions and have a value.
> What's the value of 1 + (A, C = init_matrices()).
I'm not sure I see the point here. I evaluated 1 + (d =
2023 Mar 11
Multiple Assignment built into the R Interpreter?
FWIW, it's possible to get fairly close to your proposed semantics
using the existing metaprogramming facilities in R. I put together a
prototype package here to demonstrate:
The package exports an object called `.`, with a special `[<-.dot` S3
method which enables destructuring assignments. This means you can
write code like:
.[nr, nc] <-
2006 Mar 02
Custom SQL Question
can search with following SQL Statement:
def execute_search
@result = Search.find_by_sql ["SELECT * FROM customers WHERE
firstname LIKE ? LIMIT 10",params[:firstname]]
render :template => "search/resultlist", :layout => false
My question is, how do I use 2 or more Parameters - and with the "%"? (I
Like to use SQL-Statements because
2023 Mar 11
Multiple Assignment built into the R Interpreter?
There are some other considerations too (apologies if these were mentioned
above and I missed them). Also below are initial thoughts, so apologies for
any mistakes or oversights.
For example, if
[a, b] <- my2valuefun()
works the same as
tmp <- my2valuefun()
stopifnot(is.list(tmp) && length(tmp) == 2)
a <<- tmp[[1]]
b <<- tmp[[2]]
Do we expect
[a[1], b[3]]
2023 Mar 12
Multiple Assignment built into the R Interpreter?
On 12/03/2023 6:07 a.m., Sebastian Martin Krantz wrote:
> Thinking more about this, and seeing Kevins examples at
> https://github.com/kevinushey/dotty
> <https://github.com/kevinushey/dotty>, I think this is the most R-like
> way of doing it,
> with an additional benefit as it would allow to introduce the useful
> data.table semantics DT[, .(a = b, c, d)] to more
2023 Mar 12
Multiple Assignment built into the R Interpreter?
Thanks Gabriel and Kevin for your inputs,
regarding your points Gabriel, I think Python and Julia do allow multiple
sub-assignment, but in-line with my earlier suggestion in response to
Duncan to make multiple assignment an environment-level operation (like
collapse::%=% currently works), this would not be possible in R.
Regarding the [a] <- coolest_function() syntax, yeah it would mean do
2023 Mar 12
Multiple Assignment built into the R Interpreter?
Kevins package is very nice as a proof of concept, no doubt about that, but
it is not at the level of performance or convenience that a native R
implementation would offer. I would probably not use it to translate matlab
routines into R packages placed on CRAN, because it?s an additional
dependency, I have a performance burden in every iteration, and
utils::globalVariables() is everything but
2023 Mar 13
Multiple Assignment built into the R Interpreter?
Dear All,
As a maintainer of large, complex packages, I can think of many places
in which deconstructing assignment would simplify the code, as well as
facilitate readability by breaking up larger functions into helpers, so
I would be very glad to see this incorporated somehow.
I think the crux of the matter is that while there is a number of ways
to implement deconstructing assignment within R,
2023 Mar 13
Multiple Assignment built into the R Interpreter?
Yes, this is really a problem with the checks, not with the language.
A simpler approach than your alternativeAssignment function would be
simply to allow globalVariables() to be limited to a single function as
the note in its help page says.
This might be tedious to write by hand, but could be automated using
methods like "dotify" in dotty.
Duncan Murdoch
On 12/03/2023 10:36
2004 Dec 27
R: Richiesta informazioni
Dear Andrea.
Your request seems vague. And also: be careful, even if some of
the people reading the list understand italian you are expected
to post your requests in english.
In short: read the FAQ and at least "An introduction to R".
But you seem to be lucky, on the CRAN you will find a document
by Vito Ricci, in italian, about time series analysis:
2009 Dec 04
Saving predict
Hi all,,Im using function arima()
series is my data
I want to create a variable:
b1<-forecast$pred - 1.96*forecast$se
and save in a txt file
but using this:
save(b1, file= "b1.txt")
creates afile butwith this inside:
]{HQ ~|LJIiW*-l)% )m#),
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