similar to: Generating new variable based on values of an existing variable

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Generating new variable based on values of an existing variable"

2008 Aug 27
Calculating total observations based on combinations of variable values
Hello: As someone making the move from STATA to R, I'm finding it difficult at times to perform basic tasks in R, so forgive me if I've missed an obvious and easily obtained solution to my problem. I've searched the help guides and the archives and have not been able to find a solution that works. I have a data frame with thousands of observations that looks something like this:
2011 Jun 09
Problem with a if statement inside a function
I have a really long functions, and at the end of the function, I am using a if statement to tag certain keywords based on whether they have certain values contained in them. However, the if statement doesn't seem to work. When I had split up the commands into various functions, it worked fine, but I'm not sure what going on now that it's combined into a single function. myfunc
2008 Sep 17
Stacked Area Plot
Hi: I've searched the archives and the Internet for hours but have yet to find a way to do stacked area plots (like the kind in Excel) in R. I think that polygon may work but it would require a bit of manipulation of my data. I was hoping for an easier way. An example of what I'm trying to do can be found here: Thanks, Josip
2007 May 21
help with this indexing
Hi all, Let's say I have a long data frame and a short one, both with three colums: $east, $north, $value And I need to fill in the short$value, extracting the corresponding value from long$value, for coinciding $east and $north in both tables. I know the possibility: for (i in 1:length(short$value)){ short$value[i] <- long$value[long$east==short$east & long$north==short$north] } How
2004 Nov 14
Exporting to file: passing source name to file name in loop
Hi, I'm having a mental block as to how I can automatically assign filenames to the output of the following code. I am wishing to create a separate .png file for every image created, each of them having a sequential filename ie "sourcefile_index.png" so that I can create a movie from them. Please could someone tell me where I am going wrong? the following code works fine and
2008 Oct 01
Change color of plot points based on values of a variable
Dear R users: I have run a logistic regression, used Gelman et al.'s car package to simulate the parameter estimates of that model, and have plotted the probability (using Gelman et al.'s invlogit() function) of the dependent variable being 1 given the value of a particular independent variable is at its mean. The plot has probabilities on the y-axis and the number (1-1000) of the
2008 Dec 10
Confusion with Converting Factors to Dates using
Dear R-Helpers: I'm having a problem getting dates into the correct format. I have a data frame, which is based on a .csv file that I imported into R via read.table. R has converted my date variables to factors; when I use the as.Date command, most of the values are converted "correctly" (and by this I guess I mean converted "as I wish them to be") but some have not been.
2010 May 12
slot assignment in S4 classes
Hi R friends,   I'm still studying S4 classes and I have a question about slot assignment. Why would I have to use a special setter method [example 2 below] if I can assign data to a slot directly when I call new() [example 1 below]?   ## first way to do it (the idiosyncratic way?) setClass(Class = "TestClass", representation = representation(myDf = "data.frame"))
2007 Aug 16
e c30ac536947f7330943f8de9c33f70ef2d5994e7
e, elemental, is a stack for the data web there are 4 components: earth, air, fire, water earth is a pure-ruby RDF triple-store, with a fs backend. no dependencies on 3rd party databases, just add filesystem (tm). theres also a ram backend built with the Mongrel URI-classifier trie as the primitive datastructure. from these two it should be easy to extrapolate how to write a memcached/hadoop
2011 Dec 12
windrose color ramp issue
Greetings! I'm having an issue with the windrose produced by the windrose function from the circular package. For our weather stations in North Carolina I'm helping with a script which takes hourly wind speed and direction data to create windroses for our end users. One of the stations in the mountains frequently reaches wind speed of 40 to 60 mph and in storms can reach wind speed over
2004 Aug 22
latitude longitude data
Dear R-helpers, I get GPS readings with bug counts (bugs meaning insects in this case) made along rows in crop fields and use these to make maps of bug distribution. The GPS readings are not quite accurate enough for my purpose, so since I know what row each reading is made in, I adjust the latitudinal coordinate using: grd<-lm(lat~lon+Row,data)
2009 Jan 13
Drawing Polygons with xyplot in lattice
Hello: I've come to a dead-end in my search for a solution to a graphing problem that I am encountering. I have used xyplot (from the lattice package) successfully to plot 36 time-series plots (lines) of under-5 mortality for a set of countries in Sub-Sarahan Africa. What I would now like to do is to add vertical bands (rectangles) that correspond to time-periods during which each of the 36
2010 Mar 05
How to assign week numbers to a time-series
Hello everyone, My progress has stalled on finding a way of creating a somewhat complicated variable to add to my existing dataframe and I am hoping one of you could help me out. The dataframe below contains only a fraction of the data of my complete dataframe, but all of the variables. What I want to do is add another variable named 'WEEK' to this dataframe that is assigned 1 for row 1
2009 Jan 27
Data Frame Manipulation: Time Series
Dear R Helpers: I have a data set where the unit of observation is country-year. I would like to generate a new data set based on some inclusionary (exclusionary) criteria. Here is an example of the type of data that I have. df<-data.frame(cbind("country"=c(rep("Angola", 9), rep("Burundi", 7), rep("Chad", 13)), "year"=c(1975:1983, 1989:1995,
2007 Sep 04
variable format
Okay, I want to do something similar to SAS proc format. I usually do this... a <- NULL a$divisionOld <- c(1,2,3,4,5) divisionTable <- matrix(c(1, "New England", 2, "Middle Atlantic", 3, "East North Central", 4, "West North Central", 5,
2005 Jun 25
Confidence interval bars on Lattice barchart with groups
I am trying to add confidence (error) bars to lattice barcharts (and dotplots, and xyplots). I found this helpful message from Deepayan Sarkar and based teh code below on it: However, I can't get it to work with groups, as illustrated. I am sure I am missing something elementary, but I am unsure what. Using R 2.1.1 on various
2008 Oct 13
lattice panel question
Dear R users, How to change lattice panel label/text from the automatically generated label (based on the conditioning) to our own set of label? for example: someStuff <- data.frame(area = rep(c("SOUTH", "NORTH", "EAST", "WEST"), each = 25), group = rep(c("A","B","C","D"), each = 5),
2006 Jan 07
Generating raster simulations
Greetings, I'm trying to find a function to generate a random landscape consisting of x by y cells, allows a specification of number of classes and their proportional abundance in the landscape. Does R support such a function ? Thanks in advance Steve Steve Friedman, Assistant Professor Center for Global Change and Earth Observations Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan
2008 Jun 23
subset with multiple criteria
This should be theoretically very simple, but I dont get the elegant answer (without looping). I've got a long (thousands of rows) data frame: > E.coor[1:10,] east north dat 1 582650 4248850 0.8316848 2 582750 4248850 0.7230272 3 582850 4248850 0.3250818 4 582950 4248850 0.6144006 5 583050 4248850 0.8706312 6 583150 4248850 0.2149651 7 583250 4248850 0.1659519 8
2011 Oct 22
Expanding rows of a data frame into multiple rows
The setup: I have a data frame where one column is in list mode, and each entry contains a vector of varying length. I want to expand this into a data frame with one row for each member of the list-mode column (the other values being replicated) For example, an example input and the desired output would be: input <- data.frame(site = 1:6, sector =