similar to: non-numeric argument to binary operator

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "non-numeric argument to binary operator"

2004 Sep 20
Multiple operations on list
Hello, suppose I have a list with matrices: a=list(x1=matrix(rnorm(10),5,2),x2=matrix(rnorm(10),5,2),x3=matrix(rnorm(10),5,2)) I want to compute for all combination of xi and xj (x1,x2 x1,x3 and x2,x3) a value. This value is given for the pair x1,x2 by trace(x1%*%t(x1)%*%x2%*%t(x2)) / trace(x1%*%t(x1))*trace(x2%*%t(x2)) I know that product matrices t(xi)%*%xi can be obtained by:
2005 May 26
Simplify formula for heterogeneity
Dear R-ians, I'm looking for a computational simplified formula to calculate a measure for heterogeneity (let's say H ): H = sqrt [ (Si (Sj (Xi - Xj)?? ) ) /n ] where: sqrt = square root Si = summation over i (= 0 to n) Sj = summation over j (= 0 to n) Xi = element of X with index i Xj = element of X with index j I can simplify the formula to: H = sqrt [ ( 2 * n * Si (Xi) - 2 Si (Sj
2010 Mar 26
R loop help
Hi, I am tring to write a loop to compute this, ========================== x1=c( rep(-1,4), rep(1,4) ) x2=c( rep(c(-1,-1,1,1),2) ) x3=c( rep(c(-1,1),4) ) x1*x2 x1*x3 x2*x3 ======================== suppose i have x1,x2,x3 i want to compute their ' two factor interactions', x1x2,x1x3 and x2x3, I wrote ======================== for(i in 1:2){ for( j in i+1:3){ xij=c()
2008 Oct 25
pairwise.wilcox.test for paired samples
Dear R Core, pairwise.wilcox.test does not handle "paired = TRUE" correctly; e.g. set.seed(13) x <- rnorm(20) g <- c(rep(1, 10), rep(2, 10)) wilcox.test(x ~ g)$p.value # 0.075 pairwise.wilcox.test(x, g)$p.value # 0.075, o.k wilcox.test(x ~ g, paired = TRUE)$p.value # 0.105 pairwise.wilcox.test(x, g, paired = TRUE)$p.value # 0.075, wrong The line wilcox.test(xi, xj,
1999 Aug 05
pairwise scatterplot matrix
Dear Friends: I like so much to work with R program. Congratulations for your work. I need R for work with multivariate data. My question is: With the pairs(X) command my output is a pairwise scatterplot symmetric matrix. Like: | X1 |X1 vs X2|X1 vs X3|X1 vs X4| |X2 vs X1| X2 |X2 vs X3|X2 vs X4| |X3 vs X1|X3 vs X2| X3 |X3 vs X4| |X4 vs X1|X4 vs X2|X4 vs X3| X4 | It is
2004 May 24
1 in R 1.9.0 converts to character when it should (?) convert to numeric
Conversion of a data frame to a matrix using as.matrix() when a column of the data frame is POSIXt and all other columns are numeric has changed in R 1.9.0 from R 1.8.1. The new behavior issues a warning message and converts to a character matrix. In R 1.8.1, such an object was converted to a numeric matrix. Here is an example. #### R 1.9.0 #### > foo <- data.frame(
2008 Oct 22
R 2.8.0 qqnorm produces error with object of class zoo?
Dear list-reader, by running the following script: library(zoo) sessionInfo() search() packageDescription("zoo") data(EuStockMarkets) dax <- as.zoo(EuStockMarkets[1:10, "DAX"]) daxr <- diff(log(dax)) identical(as.vector(qnorm(daxr)), qnorm(coredata(daxr))) qqnorm(coredata(daxr)) qqnorm(daxr) qqnorm() produces an error: > qqnorm(daxr) Fehler in if (xi == xj) 0L
2014 Sep 08
Problem with order() and I()
I have found that order() fails in a rather arcane circumstance, as in this example: > foo <- I( c('x','\265g') ) > order(foo) Error in if (xi > xj) 1L else -1L : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed > foo <-c('x','\265g') > order(foo) [1] 1 2 > sessionInfo() R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 (64-bit)
2009 Mar 12
zooreg and lmrob problem (bug?)
Hi all and thanks for your time in advance, I can't figure out why summary.lmrob complains when lmrob is used on a zooreg object. If the zooreg object is converted to vector before calling lmrob, no problems appear. Let me clarify this with an example: >library(robustbase) >library(zoo) >dad<-c(801.4625,527.2062,545.2250,608.2313,633.8875,575.9500,797.0500,706.4188,
2010 Apr 02
POSIX primer
I have not used POSIX classes previously and now have a need to use them. I have sports data with times of some athletes after different events. I need to perform some simple analyses using the times. I think I've figured out how to do this. I just want to confirm with others who have more experience that this is indeed the correct approach. If not, please suggest a more appropriate way.
2011 Jul 11
plot means ?
Hi, I need this plot: given: x,y - numerical vectors of length N plot xi vs mean(yj such that |xj - xi|<epsilon) (running mean?) alternatively, discretize X as if for histogram plotting and plot mean y over the center of the histogram group. is there a simple way? thanks! -- Sam Steingold ( on CentOS release 5.6 (Final) X 11.0.60900031
2005 Nov 04
Simplify iterative programming
Dear, I am looking for the simplification of a formula to improve the calculation speed of my program. Therefore I want to simplify the following formula: H = sum{i=0..n-1 , [ sum {j=0..m-1 , sqrt ( (Ai - Bj)^2 + (Ci - Dj)^2) } ] } where: A, C = two vectors (with numerical data) of length n B, D = two vectors (with numerical data) of length m sqrt = square root Ai = element of A with index
2008 Jun 06
How to force two regression coefficients to be equal but opposite in sign?
Is there a way to set up a regression in R that forces two coefficients to be equal but opposite in sign? I'm trying to setup a model where a subject appears in a pair of environments where a measurement X is made. There are a total of 5 environments, one of which is a baseline. But each observation is for a subject in only two of them, and not all subjects will appear in each
2011 May 16
about spearman and kendal correlation coefficient calculation in "cor"
Hi, I have the following two measurements stored in mat: > print(mat) [,1] [,2] [1,] -14.80976 -265.786 [2,] -14.92417 -54.724 [3,] -13.92087 -58.912 [4,] -9.11503 -115.580 [5,] -17.05970 -278.749 [6,] -25.23313 -219.513 [7,] -19.62465 -497.873 [8,] -13.92087 -659.486 [9,] -14.24629 -131.680 [10,] -20.81758 -604.961 [11,] -15.32194 -18.735 To calculate the ranking
2001 Aug 10
An applied math question with solve()
I have a math (and maybe an R) question. I want to find equilibrium population density values for a system of linear population growth equations (e.g., Pimm and Lawton 1977). The eventual goal is to perform stability analysis. I can find the partial differential equations for the Jacobian matrix, but I get stuck trying finding the equilibriuym pop densities (X*). Here is the (incorrect?) R code
2009 Oct 14
using mapply to avoid loops
Hello, I would like to use mapply to avoid using a loop but for some reason, I can't seem to get it to work. I've included copies of my code below. The first set of code uses a loop (and it works fine), and the second set of code attempts to use mapply but I get a "subscript out of bounds" error. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Xj, Yj, and Wj are also lists, and s2,
2006 Jul 07
parametric proportional hazard regression
Dear all, I am trying to find a suitable R-function for parametric proportional hazard regressions. The package survival contains the coxph() function which performs a Cox regression which leaves the base hazard unspecified, i.e. it is a semi-parametric method. The package Design contains the function pphsm() which is good for parametric proportional hazard regressions when the underlying base
2008 Aug 27
r function for calculating extreme spread in group
I'm trying to figure out how to write a r function that will calculate the extreme spread of a group of points given their (x,y) coordinates. Extreme Spread is the maximal Euclidean distance between two points in a group ex.spread = max{ sqrt [ (xi-xj)^2 - (yi-yj)^2 ] } for i not equal to j I have 60 levels to apply this to. There is the combination function in the dprep package but
2008 Nov 12
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible URL : <>
2008 Jul 01
[.data.frame speedup
Below is a version of [.data.frame that is faster for subscripting rows of large data frames; it avoids calling duplicated(rows) if there is no need to check for duplicate row names, when: i is logical attr(x, "dup.row.names") is not NULL (S+ compatibility) i is numeric and negative i is strictly increasing "[.data.frame" <- function (x, i, j,