similar to: Changing histogram stack in qplot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Changing histogram stack in qplot"

2009 Jan 29
Adding vertical line to histogram and qplot "stacked" plot
R-users it appears I am leaning on your knowledge once again.  Is there any way to add a vertical line to a histogram and qplot "stacked" plot?  Here is my current attempt:   "qplot" approach attempt: qplot(Run, data = data_dataframe, breaks = breaks, fill = Temperature, main = short_title) + scale_x_continuous("Data") + scale_y_continuous("Freq")
2013 Feb 25
ggplot2 Increase font size
Dear all, I am using the code as below   tdm <- melt(matrixToPlot)    p<- ggplot(tdm, aes(x = Var2, y = Var1, fill = factor(value))) +                   labs(x = "Mz", y = "T", fill = "D") +                   geom_raster(alpha=1) +                   scale_fill_discrete(h.start=1) +                   scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +                  
2009 Jan 30
Using ggplot2 I need to move the location of legend to on the plot
  Thanks again for the hints about adding the vertical line to the hist plot and in ggplot.  That worked great.    Based on that advice I've been flipping through the ggplot2 doc and ggplot-static\index.html webpage more looking for the answer to the next question.    Unfortunately, I haven't stumbled on a description of how to move around the location of the legend.    Here is what I
2013 Mar 25
Plot Matrix with Data
Hi , I would like to use ggplot2 to plot a matrix as an image. You can copy paste the following Data<-matrix(data=rnorm(900,80,20),nrow=30,ncol=30) lengthOut<-5 Lengths<- 15 library(reshape2) library(ggplot2) tdm <- melt(Data) ggplot(tdm, aes(x = Var2, y = Var1, fill = factor(value)),levels=seq(0,1,by=0.1)) +                   labs(x = "MHz", y =
2011 Jul 10
grey colored lines and overwriting labels i qqplot2
I created this graph in ggplot and added ablines to the different facets by specifying with subset commands. As you might see, there are still a few issues. 1.) I would like to have the diamonds in a grey scale instead of colors. I accomplished this (see graph 2) until I overwrote the label title for the treatments and the colors came back (graph 1). I used these two commands: p=ggplot(data =
2006 Apr 30
renamed partial won''t render?
hi all this works <%= render :partial => "admin/works/work", :collection => %> but this doesn''t <%= render :partial => "admin/works/worklist", :collection => %> even though the partial _work.rhtml and _worklist.rhtml are identical. worklist.rhtml throws undefined local variable or method
2013 Sep 18
ggplot2: changing strip text in facet_grid and a legend text problem
Hi, Dummy data script and scripts are attached below. I would like to change the plot to look like this:
2009 Jul 21
legend title in qplot
Hi, I've used the following command in qplot qplot(a$V1,geom="histogram",binwidth=0.15,fill = factor(a$V2),ylab="Frequency",xlab="Rate"); but the title in the legend shows up as factor(a$V2) can i change this? -- Rajesh.J [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 May 12
Converting qqplot2 qplot() to grammar?
Hello all, I've been using the following qplot command: qplot(pixX,pixY, data=som, geom="tile", fill=rgb) + scale_fill_identity() + opts(aspect.ratio = .75) + facet_grid(unitX ~ unitY) Now I would like to convert it into the explicit ggplot grammar, so I can remove the extras: axes, labels, background, borders, facet labels, and extra white-space around the plot. (If anyone has
2009 Jul 28
Density plot in ggplot2
Hi all, I was trying to draw a stacked density plot like that : library(ggplot2); library(plyr) dat <- cbind(rnorm(300), rep(c(1,2), each=150)) ggplot() + geom_density(aes(x=dat[,1], fill=factor(dat[,2]), position="stack")) + xlab("") + ylab("") + scale_colour_manual(name = "Pallet", labels = c("X", "Y")) Here
2008 Sep 24
qplot, stacked area, own colourscheme
Dear list, I would like to apply my own colours to a stacked area plot, done with qplot, but I have not succeeded... What do I have so far (I am dealing with the development of cover of specific groups of plants): library(ggplot2) library(RODBC) channel <- odbcConnect("myusername", case="tolower") sql <- "select trial, cover_of, dateofsurvey, cover from
2023 Feb 21
Problem of intercept?
Dear R-experts, Here below my R code working with quite a few warnings.? x11 and x12 are dichotomous variable (0=no and 1=yes). I substract 1 to ignore intercept. I would like not to ignore intercept. How to modify my R code because if I just remove -1 it does not work? y= c(32,45,65,34,23,43,65,76,87,98,7,867,56,45,65,76,88,34,55,66) x11=c(0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1)
2009 Oct 14
change order of bar plot categories
Is this what you want? temp<-c(rep("Low",2),rep("Medium",2),rep("High",2)) light<-rep(c("Dark","light"),3) avg<-dat.avg2[,3] # se<-dat.avg2[,4] dat.avg.temp<-data.frame(cbind(avg,se)) dat.avg.temp<-data.frame(cbind(temp,light,dat.avg.temp)) dat.plot<-qplot(light,avg, fill=factor(temp),data=dat.avg.temp, geom="bar",
2013 Feb 20
ggplot2 customizing a plot
Dear all, I want some help improve my ggplot as following: Make the plottable area with grid, so is easy one to see where each box refers to x and y values. Add a color bar but with fixed values, that I want to specify. How   I can do those two? Before is some code what I have tried so far. Regards Alex
2011 Jan 20
Generating time progressing line for Google Earth
Dear, I am trying to visualise a time-progressing line (it's supposed to represent spread patterns) using brew package and Google Earth. The idea is to have a function which takes start and end point geographic coordinates, as well as number of intervals to chop the path up, and returns the collection of points segmenting this line. Unfortunately my calculations fail for large distances,
2008 Jun 21
using the stepfun to plot histogram outline.
Hello list:) I have lots of values which I would like to get a histogram outline out of. An example of what I am talking about: testdata = runif(100) bbb = seq(0,1, by = 0.01) hist(testdata, breaks = bbb) I would like to get the outline of the resulting histogram. Now, I think that I can do this using the stepfun function. However, I am uncertain of how to get to the data the stepfun function
2023 Feb 22
Problem of intercept?
Not sure what you are trying to do here. The immediate issue is that you are getting 'y' on the RHS, because that is the 1st column in Dataset. So "for (i in 2:3)" might be closer to intention. However, a 0/1 regresson with no intercept implies that the mean for the "0" group is zero, and with two regressors that the mean is zero for the (0,0) group. Looking at the
2010 Feb 19
plot circular histogram
In conducting studies of animal orientation and displacement, I need to produce circular histograms of angles (bearings in radians 0-2pi) where the centre of the circle indicates very few observations for a given bin of angles and outwardly concentric circles indicate greater frequencies of observations for a given bin of angles. I'd like not to have to write the function myself but I
2009 Sep 03
Output from as.windrose() in oce package baffles me
I'm having trouble understanding the output from as.windrose(). For one thing, data on a boundary between sectors seem to be left out of the counts. I assume that explains the missing point in the output below (angle 45). Shouldn't one side of each sector interval be open, to include values such as my 45 in the example? Also, why does the angle 180 in my input apparently not result in
2012 Sep 02
why variations in accuracy between R to ARCGIS for the same point reprojection?
Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone knows the reason why the outputs of the same reprojection in r and arcgis are different?. The magnitude of the change can be up to 40 km in the poles. Basically, I have a database of points equally separated by one degree over the globe. In ARCGIS, I am projecting the data in GCS-WGS-1984 and then reprojected it to Berhmann to ensure equal area