Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Saving plot into file without showing it"
2009 Jan 30
OO programming & S3/S4 paradigm - General question
Being relatively new to OO programming and not so old on R, I noticed the possibility to do OO programming in R.
But it seems there is two "paradigms" S3 that seems the old one but is the one used in the R.oo package and S4 which seems more recent
As a starting point, which one is best to use? Is R.oo useful? what are the main difference between the two?
Any feedback
2009 Jul 20
Write in file matrices of sifferent size
Hi list,
How to save a list content into a text file?
Please consider example below, I have two numeric matrices that I bundle into a list & give each list element a name
> matrixA <- matrix(0,5,4)
> matrixB <- matrix(1,7,13)
> matrixList <- list(matrixA,matrixB)
> names <- c("Matrix A","Matrix B")
> names <-
2010 Oct 30
Hi List,
Is there any way to pass on directly VBA variable content into a R variable?
on windows XP & using R 2.12.0
I have installed RExcel addin (with associated D(COM))
>> It function fine when trying to pass Excel Range to R but I failed (sorry if it is only my own limitation, search till now unsuccessful) to find out how to pass directly VBA array into R
Below an example -
2010 Feb 16
for loop Vs apply function Vs foreach (REvolution enhancement)
Dear all,
I know this topic has already been covered in other posts (at least the for loop Vs apply family of function), but I am looking for fresh / up-to-date opinion and feedback on those 3 methods to run unavoidable loops in R. I realise that it may be too general question for many, so any feedback appreciated.
1. apply Vs for loop
>> Seems apply is (was?) supposed to be faster than
2009 Aug 18
R CMD BATCH question under Ubuntu 9.04
Dear list,
I could not find a mailing list of R under ubuntu, so I give it a try here...any direction/suggestion welcome
I run R 2.8.1 under Ubuntu 9.04
>From the terminal I am able to run a R CMD BATCH command when I am on my home folder /home/user
jc@jc-laptop:~$ R CMD BATCH /var/www/test.R
The file "test.R" contains simply:
a <- 1
2011 Jul 28
bug in dev.copy2pdf output?
Am using R 2.13.1 on Linux (Fedora). Is anybody else having problems with
dev.copy2pdf xyplot output with the pch=1 (open circle) symbol? The
symbols come out as "q" in the PDF. dev.copy2eps produces the correct
results as does cairo_pdf. Other symbols produced with dev.copy2pdf seem
2013 Feb 26
Help with graphs in A4 size
I need to generate complex graphics which have to be shown in the plot window but also in pdf file, and they must have A4 size. This is the reason why I use width=8.27 and heigth=11.69.
The problem is that I don't make it runs when I put something (text, lines, and so on) outside the plot region.
I mean if I run the following code, it works perfectly, because the text "My
2012 Feb 06
Multi-page PDF using dev.copy2pdf(filename, onefile=TRUE)?
Hi all. I want to generate a sequence of n plots and save them into a single PDF file, one plot per page. From the R docs and other sources I gather the basic way to do this is save plot 1 into a file then append the 2:n plots to the same file.
This code shows my basic approach, but for some reason only the last plot is saved into the pdf. I've tried different variations (e.g. using onefile
2009 Jul 30
Relative paths in R?
Dear list,
I use the R CMD BATCH to run a file of R commands (from php for info)
This file of R commands contains a line to source a configuration file "source('path/conf.R')"
In this configuration file I define some variables, e.g. the path of some file (uploaded before this R CMD using php) "PathUpload <- 'path/uploads'"
What I would like to
2008 Apr 29
Legend problem when exporting a plot to PDF
Hi list,
When exporting to PDF a graph with a legend, in the final PDF, the text
is going beyond the legend box.
> dev2bitmap("test.pdf", type="pdfwrite", h=6, w=6)
The legend looks OK on the screen.
I noticed that the size of the legend box depends on the size of the
screen window, which is not the case for other graphical parts (text of
the legend, title, axis
2012 Dec 12
Multiple palettes on single plot don't get rendered when I use dev.copy2pdf
Hi All,
I'm having trouble with the colors on my screen getting translated to
the colors in the outputted .pdf document.
Here is a caricature of my problem:
x1 = rnorm(1000)
x2 = rnorm(1000)+10
y1 = rnorm(1000)+10
y2 = rnorm(1000)+10
dev.copy2pdf(file =
2013 Feb 26
Ayuda con dev.copy2pdf - Ejemplo reproducible
Buenos días:
Sigo cabezudeando con el tema de los gráficos; a ver si a alguien se le ocurre alguna idea...
Supongamos este código:
windows(width=8.27, height=11.69)
#plot(3:10, main="Axis break test")
text(4, 11,"Axis break test")
2013 Sep 25
Nuevo ítem de la agenda
Reunión de usuarios Barcelona
El próximo 9 de octubre a las 19h retomamos las sesiones del grupo de usuarios de Barcelona, [http://rugbcn.wordpress.com/|RugBcn]. La reunión será en la empresa aceleradora de startups, [http://itnig.net/|itnig] (Calle Álaba 61, 5-2, Barcelona) y para la discusión final, Moritz nos invita a unas cervezas. Las charlas serán:
Juan Galeano: ?Visualizando datos:
2011 Jan 15
Truetype and Opentype font in pdf device
Deal all,
I want to know if truetype or opentype fonts are available in pdf
device (i.e., pdf() or dev.copy2pdf()), and if so, how to do it?
Now I can do as followings:
1. convert ttf to afm using ttf2afm, e.g.: $ ttf2afm Impact.ttf > Impact.afm
2. put the afm file in $R_HOME/library/grDevices/afm
3. register a new type1 font: pdfFonts(Impact=Type1Font("Impact",
2016 Jun 15
Hola buenas,
me preguntaba si alguno usa hadoop Spark en su día día y si me podíais
recomendar un buen curso para empezar. Estuve en la charla de meetup de
madrid hace unos meses de Rspark y estuvo bien, ahora me preguntaba si es
posible profundizar.
Pero me gustaría tener recomendaciones de cualquier material que podáis
recomendar, cursos de coursera que hayais hecho, libros que hayais leido,
2018 Mar 09
[Grupo de Usuarios de R de Madrid]: Mañana 8-marzo. Reunión.
Buenas a todos,
¡Gracias a los que pudieron venir!.
Ya están disponibles los videos de la sesión de ayer aquí:
Carlos Ortega
El 7 de marzo de 2018, 11:10, José Luis Cañadas <canadasreche en gmail.com>
> Lamentablemente no puedo ir. Luego veo las charlas cuando las colguéis.
2009 Jan 28
t.test in a loop
Hi All,
I've been having a little trouble with creating a loop that will run a a
series of t.tests for inspection,
Below is the code i've tried, and some checks i've looked at.
I've used the get(paste()) idea as i was told previously that the use of the
eval should try and be avoided.
I've run a single syntax to check that my systax is correct and works
without any problems
2024 Jun 12
Congreso R Sevilla 2024: envío de comunicaciones hasta el próximo sábado 15 de junio
Buenos días
Este sábado (15 de junio) se cierra el plazo para enviar comunicaciones
para el próximo congreso de R en Sevilla (noviembre de 2024). Gran
oportunidad para presentar nuestro trabajo y aprender, con charlas y
talleres sobre datos, estadística, programación, docencia, tidymodels,
rspatial... Animamos a todos a asistir y presentar su trabajo
Toda la información del congreso está
2017 Jun 26
Model studies in one analysis using treatment as a five level moderator in a meta-regression
I am medical student, writing a meta-analysis on complication and reoperation rates after the five most common treatments of distal radius fractures. I have been busy with the statistics for months by my self, but find it quite hard since our classes were very basic. Now I want to compare the treatment modalities to see if there are significant differences. Using R I was able to
2024 Jun 12
Congreso R Sevilla 2024: envío de comunicaciones hasta el próximo sábado 15 de junio
Hola buenas tardes,
En mi caso solicit? para dar un taller, supongo que todo est? en orden.
Un saludo y gracias
De: R-help-es <r-help-es-bounces en r-project.org> en nombre de Francisco Rodriguez Sanchez <f.rodriguez.sanc en gmail.com>
Enviado: mi?rcoles, 12 de junio de 2024 12:04
Para: r-help-es en r-project.org <r-help-es en r-project.org>