Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "heatmap with levelplot"
2009 May 02
lattice levelplot axis + custom annotations
How would I set the "scales" property of a lattice levelplot, so that
I can add specific annotations at specific positions?
For example, I have a 200 x 1000 element levelplot. Along the y-axis
(along the 1000-element axis) I would like to add annotations on the
left side of the levelplot at elements 120, 300, 500, and 805, which
represent clusters of interest.
Currently I have
2009 May 05
Heatmap without levelplot
Hi there,
as I'm not sure to understand the coloring levelplot uses, I'm looking for
another easy way to create a heatmap like this:
mat <- matrix(seq(1,5, length.out = 12), nrow = 3)
mat[1,2] <- 3.5
my.at <- seq(0.5,5.5, length.out = 6)
my.col.regions <- rainbow(5)
graph <- levelplot(t(mat[nrow(mat):1, ] ), at = my.at, col.regions =
2009 May 04
levelplot question
Hi there,
I have a question concerning the behaviour of the colouring with levelplot. (I
hope, I manage to explain)
If I give the parameters "at" and "col.regions" like this:
at <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6)
col.regions <- c("blue","blue","blue","yellow","yellow","yellow")
Which color would have the value 3.5?
I would
2006 Dec 22
heatmap with levelplot?
How do I anchor z=0 to the white color in a levelplot so that
the color changes from cyan to magenta precisely as
z changes from negative to positive? Also is it easy to change
color scheme, say to blue/red as it's more dramatic? Is there a
better function for showing heatmap with a color bar?
Thanks in advance for any help, I've played with image,
heatmap and levelplot a little and
2009 Sep 28
Levelplot without margins
I'm not very experienced with lattice and I was wondering whether I get
get some hints from you how to create a pure heatmap (using levelplot),
without any axis, title, legend, margin at all... I just want to see the
coloured squares, nothing else.
Any suggestions?
2013 Feb 20
Problem with levelplot() in a loop
Dear R users,
I am trying to print heatmaps in a loop (with a pause). Idea is to
visualize changing correlations over time and for testing I wrote this
simple (reproducible) code below.
My problem is that levelplot() does not produce any output when I run the
code (though heatmap does). Ideally I would like to use levelplot() as it
produces a neat index on the side indicating the color and the
2007 Aug 23
figure-definition and heatmap question
I have two questions. I'd like to visualize data with a heatmap and I have the
following testcase:
x <- rnorm(256)
nx <- x + abs(min(x))
nnx <- 255/max(nx) * nx
x <- matrix(nnx, 16, 16)
rownames(x) <-
2011 Nov 07
adjusting levelplot color scale to data
Hi guys,
I have a matrix with values varying from approximately -0.7 to 0.33 that I
want to create a heatmap/levelplot with.
When I execute the levelplot function for my matrix, I end up getting colors
that are adjusted to the max and min rather than around 0. In other words,
ideally I would like to have a color ramp that goes from red (negative
number), to white (0), to blue (positive);
2009 Nov 09
How to change color the default in levelplot() ?
Dear R communities
May I seek your advices on how to change color the default in levelplot(), e.g. from the default of pink and light blue, to e.g. red and green ?
The levelplot function has 1 of the arguments being panel (which is actually panel.levelplot), but I am not sure where the commands to alter the color.
For example, I type:
how could I
2008 Sep 25
levelplot/heatmap question
I have data containing a large number of probabilities (about 60) of nonzero
coefficients to predict 10 different independent variables (in 10 different
BMA models). i've arranged these probabilities in a matrix like so:
(IV1) (IV2) (IV3) ...
p(b0) p(b0) p(b0)
p(b1) p(b1) p(b1)
p(b2) p(b2) p(b2)
where p(b1) for independent variable 1 is p(b1 !=
2009 Feb 27
levelplot help needed
Hi there,
I'm looking for someone who can give me some hints how to make a nice
levelplot. As an example, I have the following code:
# create some example data
# --------------------------------------
xl <- 4
yl <- 10
my.data <- sapply(1:xl, FUN = function(x) { rnorm( yl, mean = x) })
x_label <- rep(c("X Label 1", "X Label 2", "X Label 3", "X
2011 Dec 22
levelplot + cut() for custom color palette
I have the following data as input, from which I would like to make a lattice levelplot:
x y level
1 m3134 m3134 1.0000000
2 m3134 m416B 0.4189057
3 m416B m3134 0.2696508
4 m3134 mA20 0.3322170
5 mA20 m3134 0.2454191
6 m3134 mB 0.3176792
I transform the levels as follows, so that
2008 Feb 06
Levelplot of percentages always using 0 to 100 in the color scheme
I am trying to create levelplot's of cpu usage for systems.
print(levelplot(util.mean ~ x.hour * x.day, colorkey=T, cut=20,
labels=ifelse(seq(0,24) %% 4 == 0, seq(0,24), ''))), # add
tick marks at the hour
main="CPU Utilization During November on idnprod",
2011 Aug 28
Help with levelplot color assignment in lattice
Dear R users,
I'm currently trying to make level plots of a longitudinal study of the
spatio-temporal spread of a plant disease in a field, but the results of the
color key assignment isn't what I expect.
Here's more info. I recorded the level of a disease on an ordinal scale from
0 (no disease) to 9 (dead plant) on a grid that has 9 rows and 14 columns.
The disease level on each
2010 Oct 08
Heatmap/Color Selection(Key)
I made heatmap of QTL based on Lod score. Where I have traits in columns and
marker data (rows). I can not cluster both column and rows as I need the
right order for marker data.
Can someone suggest me better way of generating heatmaps especially the
colour key I want to select to visualize the results which are more
interesting to look at.
> library(gplots)
2008 Jan 05
mfrow for levelplot?
could anyone tell my, why I do not suceed with mfrow?
for (i in 5:17){
levelplot(maxwater[,i]~maxwater$V1*maxwater$V2, col.regions=whiteblue(5), xlab="", cuts=4)
2009 May 08
display data ( text) on leveplot / Superpose panel
I am trying to display data ion top of colored rectangle on the same levelplot. While using superpose the shape and symbol for levelplot changes to small circle. I am unable to figure what exactly I am doing wrong... It may be straightforward solution... .I will appreciate help to fix this issue.
2009 Apr 07
heatmap.2 no reordering of the columns and rows
I need to generate a heatmap on a square matrix and wouldn't want to reorder the columns and the rows on the heatmap display.
I have used the options Rowv=NULL and Colv=NULL but doesn't seem to work. Following is a snippet of the heatmap function i am using.
args <- commandArgs();
inputfile <- args[2]
imgfile <- args[3]
bitmap(imgfile, height=15, width=15, res=100,
2012 Jul 11
Using data stored in a file for a heatmap
Hi all,
I just try to get familiar with levelplot() for generating heatmaps. I
have x, y, z-data stored in a file: e.g.:
0 0 0.1
0 1 0.5
0 2 0.4
1 0 0.3
1 1 0.4
1 2 0.6
I can use scan() for generating the matrix for R:
inp <- scan("file.csv", list(0, 0, 0))
How can I feed inp into levelplot()?
Thanks a lot for your help
Richard M?ller . Am
2005 Oct 03
i created a graph with heatmap(sma) function:
and I wish to change the gradation of colors from blue to red, how could
i do?
Using "heatmap(dataHeat(x), col=c(2,4))" i will use only 2 colors
without gradation.
Ty so much