Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "inconsistent lm results with fixed response variable"
2010 Aug 24
how to plot y-axis on the right of x-axis
Dear List,
I have a richness data distributing across 20 N to 20 S latitude. (120 E-140
E longitude).
I would like to draw the richness in the north hemisphere and a regression
line in the plot
(x-axis: latitude, y-axis: richness in the north hemisphere).
The above demand is done using plot.
Then, south hemisphere richness and regression are required to be generated
the same y-axis above
2010 Jun 03
Nested ANOVA with covariate using Type III sums of squares
I have been trying to get an ANOVA table for a linear model containing a
single nested factor, two fixed factors and a covariate:
carbonmean<-lm(C.Mean~ Mean.richness + Diversity + Zoop + Diversity/Phyto +
where, *Mean.richness* is a covariate*, Zoop* is a categorical variable (the
species), *Diversity* is a categorical variable (Low or High), and
2011 Jan 27
Quasi-poisson glm and calculating a qAIC and qAICc...trying to modilfy Bolker et al. 2009 function to work for a glm model
Sorry about re-posting this, it never went out to the mailing list when I
posted this to r-help forum on Nabble and was pending for a few days, now
that I am subscribe to the mailing list I hope that this goes out:
I've been a viewer of this forum for a while and it has helped out a lot,
but this is my first time posting something.
I am running glm models for richness and abundances. For
2011 Oct 05
gamm: problems with corCAR1()
Dear all,
I?m analyzing this dataset containing biodiversity indices, measured over
time (Week), and at various contaminant concentrations (Treatment). We have
two replicates (Replicate) per treatment.
I?m looking for the effects of time (Week) and contaminant concentration
(Treatment) on diversity indices (e.g. richness).
Initial analysis with GAM models showed temporal autocorrelation of
2011 Sep 29
create loops in the explanatory variables using lm
Hi everyone
I am new to the list and read all the instructions, hope i get it right.
I have the following linear model:
2008 Dec 09
Need help optimizing/vectorizing nested loops
I'm analyzing a large number of large simulation datasets, and I've
isolated one of the bottlenecks. Any help in speeding it up would be
`dat` is a dataframe of samples from a regular grid. The first two
columns are the spatial coordinates of the samples, the remaining 20
columns are the abundances of species in each cell. I need to calculate
the species richness in
2010 Oct 26
discerning plot dots using colors
Dear List,
I am using the command plot to present the relationship
between bird richness (Y axis) and elevation (X axis).
However, I would like to observe
the distributions of bird richness in different administrative areas (A, B,
C, …., G) in this plot.
For example, the dots in area A might fall in the upper right part of the
plot, while those in area B might appear in the middle of
2004 May 11
calling data frames
Dear List,
I've around 1000 *.txt files, I've generate with other software.
I've now done the following code (below).
My question is how can I automate this (with do.call () ?), so it could be
done for all the *.txt files.
Thanks in advance,
names<- list.files()
file <- "BLU_Var_%04d.txt"
for(i in 1:1000){
2008 Dec 02
Suppressing tick labels?
I am trying to suppress the tick labels on the x-axis of the following:
I have tried col.axis="white"
I have tried removing the axis all together with axes=FALSE
I have tried xaxt="n"
I have also tried labels=c"(label1", "label2") to replace the default
labels, based on reading that the
2007 Feb 07
heteroscedasticity problem
Dear Listers,
I have a regression problem (x->y) with biological data, where x influences
y in two ways, (1) y increases with x and (2) the variation around the mean
(residuals) decreases with increasing x, i.e. y becomes more 'predictable'
as x increases.
The relationship is saturating, y~a + bx + cx^2, gives a very good fit.
I know basically how to test for heteroscedasticity. My
2012 Feb 06
lmer with spatial and temporal random factors, not nested
Hi, I am new to this list.
I have a question regarding including both spatial and temporal random
factors in lmer. These two are not nested, and an example of model I
try to fit is
family=poisson, REML=FALSE),
richness = integer
Y & Treatment = factor
Canopy & Veg_cm = numerical, continous
2009 Jul 28
Make my plots bigger and reduce white space around panels?
I have made a plot with panels (attached) using R code (below) and I'd like
to increase the size of each panel and decrease the white space, especially
the white space between:
1. rows of panels
2. the top panel and its title (which contains info on r2 and N)
3. each panel and its x label.
I've dug around in the plot help files but can't seem to find how to do
Any help
2006 May 03
Nested model and variance partitioning
Dear R users,
I face to a nested pattern and despite the numerous examples in the help I am
still confused.
I sampled bugs in different habitats within sites which were within rivers
themselves within different regions.
The habitat correspond to different substrata (not systematically present in all
sites). For rivers and sites, I have environemental variables (e.g. altitude
and slope of
2013 Nov 25
Independent variable dependent on offset in GLMM
I’m running glmer (lme4) models with biodiversity data and I’m having trouble with understanding/finding information on how the offset() option is implemented.
Explicitly, I’m wondering if the offset is only implemented on the dependent variable (as I think it is), or does it also affect independent variables in the model (was told this by a stat guy at our department)?
My data is
2010 May 19
contrasts for lmer model
i found it most convenient to use package contrast for planned comparisons
on mixed models.
for instance i have a model with 2 fixed factors, one with 4 levels (stage)
and one with 2 levels (gap) and a nested random factor (site) and i tested
gap within level A of factor stage:
m1<-lme(rich ~ stage*gap, random=~1|site,data=richness)
a =
2005 Nov 01
help with hier.part
Attached is the file (SR_use2.txt) I'd like to include and includes
column headers. nat_est is the response variable and is the number of
species at a particular point. The other variables are the explanatory
vars (vark, var2, var1, UK, U2, U1, GK, G2, G1, PK, P2, P1).
Here is Walsh's sample code for hier.part:
env <- urbanwq[,2,8]
2012 Mar 27
What error distribution should I use?
I'm trying to make a glmm to identify the relationship between insect
species richness with fragment size, isolation and time (different years).
I already tried to analyse it using poisson distribution error, but I
always face with the following warning:
*glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred *
This is probably hapenning because my dataset has a lot of zeros. So, what
2012 Oct 25
Plot lmer model with Effects package
Hi everyone!
I have a simple model that i would like to plot with 95% CIs.
It is like follows:
By using the effects package I get two plots, one for the linear term
and one for the squared term.
Q1: Can I get all in one? I.e. with one line for the whole model?
Q2: Can I also visualize the random effects?
I would be very happy for
2010 Dec 01
parametric estimators for species richness in R
Dear everyone,
I am doing some work about species richness estimation. Nonparametric estimation (such as Chao1, Jacknife1) can be done just using function "specpool()" and "estimateR()" in package "vegan". The problem is that I can not found any functions for parametric estimation (such as MMMeans, MMruns, Michaelis-Menten). Do you know any function for doing this?
2010 Oct 19
Doubt on using lattice
Hi all,
I suppose this is a very simple question, but as I've lost already a bit of
time with it, without being able to get what I wanted, I'm addressing the
question to the group in the hope someone can help me.
I pretend to plot the richness of herbaceous species (RichHN) as a function
of time since remnant isolation (Isol) conditioned to the area of the
remnant (fArea - this is a