similar to: gz netCDF files

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "gz netCDF files"

2009 Jan 23
Reading nc files
Dear all, I have to open and read several netCDF (.nc) files. I installed the ncdf package and everything works fine. The problem is that I also have several netCDF files that are also ziped. These files are in the form,: nc_file.gz I tried different ways (within R) to unzip and read them, but they did not work. I'll appreciate any suggestion on how to do that. Thanks, Magdalena Lucini
2009 Jul 14
Problems to run a Game (Mu Magdalena)
Hi everybody I'm new in the forum and i need some help well i just started to used ubuntu 9.04 and wine 1.x in order to run win only-supported programs, but when i try to run a game call Mu Magdalena (Per?) it show me the follow message: nelson at yaltasoplin-desktop:~$ wine C:\\Archivos\ de\ programa\\Mu\ Magdalena\\Main fixme:reg:GetNativeSystemInfo (0x846cd9c) using GetSystemInfo()
2009 Oct 26
issue with levels of a factor after subsetting
Hi Second question in a day, i'm beginnning to feel incompetent... This time i'm having a weird problem, i'm importing the next data base: >car<-read.csv2("Historicos.csv") 'data.frame': 1818 obs. of 6 variables: $ Dpto : Factor w/ 11 levels "ANTIOQUIA","ATL?NTICO",..: 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 5 ... $ Rio : Factor w/ 43 levels
2012 Oct 08
PKPD modelling in R
Dear all, I have two questions: 1. Does anyone know if nlmeODE package will work once odesolve is discontinued? If i understand well nlmeODE depends on odesolve. 2. Can anyone suggest another package I could use to fit complex PKPD models (described using differential equations) to data? Thanks a lot! Magdalena
2006 Mar 23
Still problems with "step()" function
Hi R users: I don?t know if anybody have had the same problem with 'step()' funtion. If I type the commands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testData<-read.table("testData.dat",header=T) model1J<-glm(MCHNV~offset(Offset1),data=testData,family="poisson") step(model1J,direction="forward",
2011 Sep 07
Editing the variables attributes section in the netCDF header of netCDF files created using the package ncdf.
Hi, I am using the package ncdf to create netCDF files and I want to mimic the the header of an exiting netCDF file created outside of R. Below is what the existing header looks like (part of it that is different): netcdf ccd1984_05_08 { dimensions: lat = 1974 ; lon = 1894 ; time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) variables: int time(time) ;
2010 Sep 07
adding variable to netCDF file
I would like to open an existing netCDF file and add a variable to it. I am using the ncdf package. This test code gives the idea of what I am trying to do: library(ncdf) print('here we go') print('first, construct netCDF file') t<-dim.def.ncdf('t','',1:1,unlim=T,create_dimvar=F) print('defining first vars')
2010 Sep 23
NetCDF file: adding a variable
I am trying to create a NetCDF file with bathymetry (a matrix) and then to add a grid type (an integer) as variables. This is the relevant part of the code: library(ncdf) wfile="" msv=-10 grdtp=2 # Dimensions d1=dim.def.ncdf("lon","degrees",as.double(lon)) d2=dim.def.ncdf("lat","degrees",as.double(lat)) # Variables
2009 Nov 10
NetCDF output in R
Dear CSAG R users, I will be glad if someone can point out what I am doing wrong or not doing at all in this. I am trying to write out netcdf file in R. I have 26 time step but only the first time step is written. For example: >library(ncdf) >path <- '/home/work/' >forecast <- open.ncdf(paste(path,'',sep="")) > fore <-
2009 Nov 10
NetCDF output in R
Dear CSAG R users, I will be glad if someone can point out what I am doing wrong or not doing at all in this. I am trying to write out netcdf file in R. I have 26 time step but only the first time step is written. For example: >library(ncdf) >path <- '/home/work/' >forecast <- open.ncdf(paste(path,'',sep="")) > fore <-
2011 Dec 12
i can't read large NETCDF file like CRU
i use library(ncdf) to read this file as follow library(ncdf) = open.ncdf(title) lonall = get.var.ncdf(,'lon') latall = get.var.ncdf(,'lat') precip = get.var.ncdf(,'pre') close( if i use this method my pc freeze and not respond until i restart it is there -- View this message in context:
2008 Jul 09
netCDF to TIFF
Greetings R users! I am working with the ENSEMBLE climate data (10 min resolution daily temperatures images for all of Europe 1950-2006). The data comes packaged in a single netCDF file. I would like to read the data in and export a subset (2002-2006) as geotiffs (one image per day). So far, I can successfully read in the data and view the images within an R display window. However, I have yet to
2011 Jul 11
NetCDF, open *.nc
*Good day!* I'm using Vista(x64) and R 2.13.0(x64) (with ncdf and RnetCDF packs) *I have a problem:* I'm trying to open **.nc* file and I use this script ( library(ncdf) link <- "" dest <-
2010 Nov 17
Problem downloading and opening netcdf file
I am trying to download and open an on-line netcdf file. I'm using Windows XP and R 2.11.1 Here's my script library(ncdf) link <- "" dest <- "C:/temp/" download.file(url=link,destfile=dest) nc1 <- open.ncdf(dest) The file appears in my C:/temp
2012 Jan 05
[ncdf] programmatically copying a netCDF file
How to programmatically (i.e., without no or minimal handcoding) copy a netCDF file? (Without calling > system("cp whatever wherever") :-) Why I ask: I need to "do surgery" on a large netCDF file (technically an I/O API file which uses netCDF). My group believes a data-assimilation error caused a data variable to be corrupted in a certain way, so I'm going to
2008 Sep 18
graphing netCDF files
Hello I'm working with a large hydrological data set stored in a netCDF format. The file stores x and y coordinates in the UTM projected coordinate system, yet when I use image to graphically display the z variable, the image is distorted in the sense that it does not plot the map in the correct spatial organization. I'm wondering if I need to define the projection of the netCDF file
2012 Apr 02
how to read netcdf file in R
Dear R Users, I am using R 2.14.1 on windows How to read netcdf files in R ? Which packeges do we need to install for this, and what commands are used for reading netcdf files. Thanks, Best Regards, Yogesh Tiwari -- Yogesh K. Tiwari (Dr.rer.nat), Scientist, Centre for Climate Change Research, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune-411008 INDIA Phone:
2013 Mar 07
install error - Netcdf library (linux)
Hi All, i'm on a debian linux 64bit, i'm tying to install the netcdf intraface, i tried both ncdf and ncdf4 but trying to build i received the error : (i have necdf installed on my machine and it is able to fiund it .. no missed .h) epy at epinux:~$ sudo R CMD INSTALL --configure-args="-with-netcdf_incdir=/usr/include -with-netcdf_libdir=/usr/lib" ncdf4_1.8.tar.gz *
2009 Oct 26
xyplot lines goes forth and backwards
Hi, This is my first post in this page althougt i've been using R for several months (by the way english is not my native language so sorry about the grammar). I have a problem with a xyplot on lattice, it's supossed to print different lines for each river (Rio) conditioned by a chemical parameter (Var) and the state at which it's located (Dpto) against the year the sample were taken
2013 Jan 29
Netcdf and Raster Package Questions, Need .asc File for GIS
Hello R-Group, I am new working with netcdf files and the raster package in R.I am trying to read in a netcdf file using the package "ncdf".I am able to get the lat, lon and parameter I need and can plot using fill.contour.Ultimately, I am trying to create a .asc file to reafd into GIS.I am using the package "raster" to read the parameter.When I read in with