similar to: Seemingly Unrelated Negative Binomial (SUNB) estimation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Seemingly Unrelated Negative Binomial (SUNB) estimation"

2006 Nov 29
lmtp: help needed
Hi all, parsing the mailing list archive, it seems that the lmtp-server will not be developed soon, so I'm looking for someone that could help me in writing one, even if not the best one. That's why: I've just started to study dovecot, as I was recruited, just about forced, to help The System Manager of our University in the global e-mail migration - more than 37'000 users, 440
2013 Sep 19
How do I ensure that the polygon in spatstat::owin(poly=<polygon>) does not have “negative area”
I am a new user of the R spatstat package and am having problems creating a polygonal observation window with owin(). Code follows: library("maps") library ("sp")` library("spatstat") <- map("state", "massachusetts:main", fill=T) # This returns a data frame includding x and y components that form a polygon of massachusetts mainland`
2009 Jul 29
Side by Side Barplot Newbie Question
Hi, Many apologies for sending this twice. I accidentally hit the send button before I finished writing my mail. I am new to R and I hope someone can help me with my problem. I am trying to draw a side by side barplot. There is a main experiment and there are many sub experiments within the main experiment. I would like to draw a bar plot showing the number and type of sub_experiments done for
2013 Feb 11
Dear R users,[IF THE FORMAT OF MY EMAIL IS NOT CLEAR, I HAVE ATTACHED A TEXT FILE FOR A CLEAR VIEW] I would like to use the R output file in Fortran. my file Is exactly in the following format. ELISA/BOTTO wATER INN FROM 1900 11 1 TO 1996 12 31 1901.11. 1 447.000 1901.11. 2 445.000 1901.11. 3 445.000 1924.11. 4 445.000 1924.11. 5 449.000 1924.11. 6 442.000 1924.11. 7
2013 Feb 19
data format
Hi, Try this: el<- read.csv("el.csv",header=TRUE,sep="\t",stringsAsFactors=FALSE) ?elsplit<- split(el,el$st) ? datetrial<-data.frame(date1=seq.Date(as.Date("1930.1.1",format="%Y.%m.%d"),as.Date("2010.12.31",format="%Y.%m.%d"),by="day")) elsplit1<- lapply(elsplit,function(x)
2003 Jul 11
troubleshooting help
Hi, I've installed Samba and started up the processes; however, I do not see the Samba server in Network Neighborhood. In using the DIAGNOSIS.txt file, I cannot get past test 3: ./smbclient -U% -L localhost. The output is as follows: added interface ip= bcast= nmask= session setup failed: Call returned zero bytes (EOF) Any insight into this
2007 Nov 14
graphics in cocorresp package
I'm using cocorresp package with predictive co-correspondence analysis model. i would need to visulize inside the graphic (plot function) the sample site numbers (is it possible to consider this a "label"?). is there any function to do this? thanks for your help. Elisa Dr. Elisa Santi Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali "G. Sarfatti" Unità di Ricerca Biodiversità
2011 Feb 01
Fitting ELISA measurements "unknowns" to 4 parameter logistic model
Hello, I am trying to fit my Elisa results (absorbance readings) to a standard curve. To create the standard curve model, I performed a 4-parameter logistic fit using the 'drc' package (ExpectedConc~Absorbance). This gave me the following: > FourP A 'drc' model. Call: drm(formula = Response ~ Expected, data = SC, fct = LL.4()) Coefficients: b:(Intercept) c:(Intercept)
2008 Dec 09
creating standard curves for ELISA analysis
Hello R guru's I am a newbie to R, In my research work I usually generate a lot of ELISA data in form of absorbance values. I ususally use Excel to calculate the concentrations of unknown, but it is too tedious and manual especially when I have 100's of files to process. I would appreciate some help in creating a R script to do this with minimal manual input. s A1-G1 and A2-G2 are
2012 Oct 30
Amelia imputation - column grouping
Hi everybody, I am quite new to data imputation, but I would like to use the R package ' Amelia II: A Program for Missing Data '. However, its unclear to me how the input for amelia should look like: I have a data frame consisting of numerous coulmns, which represent different experimental conditions, whereby each column has 3 replicates. I want amelia to perform an imputation across
2013 Feb 17
HI Elisa, You could use ?cut() vec1<-c(33,18,13,47,30,10,6,21,39,25,40,29,14,16,44,1,41,4,15,20,46,32,38,5,31,12,48,27,36,24,34,2,35,11,42,9,8,7,26,22,43,17,19,28,23,3,49,37,50,45) label1<-unlist(lapply(mapply(c,lapply(seq(0,45,5),function(x) x),lapply(seq(5,50,5),function(x) x),SIMPLIFY=FALSE),function(i) paste(i[1],"<x<=",i[2],sep="")))
2013 Feb 17
addition in the initial question
Dear Elisa, Try this: vec1<-c(33,18,13,47,30,10,6,21,39,25,40,29,14,16,44,1,41,4,15,20,46,32,38,5,31,12,48,27,36,24,34,2,35,11,42,9,8,7,26,22,43,17,19,28,23,3,49,37,50,45) vec2<-vec1[1:26] names(vec2)<-LETTERS[1:26] label1<-unlist(lapply(mapply(c,lapply(seq(0,45,5),function(x) x),lapply(seq(5,50,5),function(x) x),SIMPLIFY=FALSE),function(i)
2013 Apr 25
connecting matrices
Dear Elisa, Try this: el<- matrix(1:100,ncol=20) ?set.seed(25) ?el1<- matrix(sample(1:100,20,replace=TRUE),ncol=1) In the example you showed, there were no column names.? ?list(el[,sort(el1)[1:3]],sort(el1,index.return=TRUE)$ix[1:3]) #[[1]] ?# ?? [,1] [,2] [,3] #[1,]?? 31?? 61?? 71 #[2,]?? 32?? 62?? 72 #[3,]?? 33?? 63?? 73 #[4,]?? 34?? 64?? 74 #[5,]?? 35?? 65?? 75 # #[[2]] #[1] 9 5 3 A.K.
2007 Sep 20
Disk De-Fraging in Linux
A couple of questions. Are there any linux tools that can de-frag an ext2/3 partition? Are there any advantages to doing so if you're running hardware RAID5? Are there advantages / disadvantages if you're running LVM? === Al
2007 Sep 20
running php4 and php5 parallel
Is it possible to run php4 and php5 parallel in Centos4 somehow? If the parallel php5 could be installed from rpm also that would be great also. Regards, Peter
2004 May 07
Hi, this is probably a very newbie statistical question. I have some experimental data. My hypothesis is that the data are binomially distributed with a known N and p. I am trying to obtain a sort of p-value to tell me whether or not my hypothesis is correct. What can I do with R? Thank you, Pier Luca
2013 Mar 06
combining column having same values
Dear useRs, I have a matrix in the following form [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 2 3 3 2 and following is my desired output (combining the column headers, having same values). a<-1,2,6,7 b<-3,5,9,10 c<-4,8,11 Thanks in advance Elisa [[alternative HTML
2013 Apr 15
Indices of lowest values in matrix
Dear R users,Sorry for such a basic question. I really need to know that how can i pick the indices of 5 lowest values from each row of a matrix with dimensions 12*12??Thank you very much in advance Elisa [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2020 Apr 11
internal-sftp + chroot [was: Parallel transfers]
Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote: > in places where I do not want OpenSSH server's tendency ro let > people with access look around the rest of the filesystem. If you want users to be able to use *only* SFTP then set a ChrootDirectory and ForceCommand internal-sftp in a Match for the user in sshd_config. //Peter
2013 Apr 21
Using copulas with user-defined marginal functions
I am trying to make a loglikelihood function using copulas. I am trying to use mvdc to find the density function. When I run this I got the error that the pdf and cdf of my function tobit doesn't exist. Can somebody guide me where my mistake is? dtobit <- function(beta,sigma, x, y) {ifelse(y>0, dnorm(y,x%*%beta, sigma),(1-pnorm((x%*%beta)/sigma)))} ptobit <- function(beta,sigma, x,