similar to: Per field boost values - possible? working?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Per field boost values - possible? working?"

2006 Jun 04
Proposal of some radical changes to API
Hey guys, Now that the Lucy[1] project has Apache approval and is about to begin, the onus is no longer on Ferret to strive for Lucene compatability. (We''ll be doing that in Lucy). So I''m starting to think about ways to improve Ferret''s API. The first part that needs to be improved is the Document API. It''s annoying having to type all the attributes to
2006 Jul 31
Sorting performance
I''m using acts_as_ferret to index one of my rails models. Right after I start the app the first request that orders by some ferret field will take very long. Subsequent ones seem to be fast. I guess some caching is going on. Any tips on solving this? Pedro.
2007 Aug 23
custom sort routine
is it possible to write a custom sort routine for ferret? I use ferret right now to index all my products. One of the variables in these product documents is the product popularity, where 1 = best selling production, 2 = 2nd best, etc.. Right now, I''m just sorting by the popularity column in my search results, although this doesn''t always provide "good" results,
2006 May 26
Comparing two documents in the index
I want to compare two documents in the index (i.e. retrieve the cosine similarity/score between two documents term-vector''s). Is this possible using the standard Ferret functionality? Thanks in advance, Jeroen Bulters -- Posted via
2006 Aug 20
missing terms in index causing search errors
I am unable to find results for models when one or more of the terms are not being indexed. Lets suppose I index a User on the phrase "Ruby on Rails." If I then search using User.find_by_contents("Ruby on Rails") I get no results, since "or" is a common term and does not get indexed. Of course, User.find_by_contents("Ruby Rails") works just fine. I
2007 Jun 12
index browser inconsistent with IndexReader
Hi, We have an index of around 1M web pages as part of our web app. The app uses ferret by way of RDig to perform searches. We have noticed anecdotally that some searches don''t work the way we thought they should, as if documents were missing from the index. Yesterday we came upon a concrete instance of this. Our documents have several fields, one of which is called :keywords and
2005 Nov 26
Several questions about Ferret.
Hi. First of all I would like to say "thank you" to David for its really valuable work. Ferret is a great project and it have great future. Well now is my questions as beginner in Ferret. How to remove ALL documents from index. Remove files is not a solution. I am interesting in something like index.remove_index or something like this. What is a usual way of doing it?? What is the
2007 Sep 04
can boost change dynamically??
Hi, I have got a peculiar requirement in my project. I need to apply some boost to different fields of my index. But the problem is the boost that needs to be applied is dynamic. It changes for everyrow of data.I am storing that in the index itself while building it. Is there anyway by which i can add the boost to search query while searching. at present am retreiving the whole set of searched
2007 Apr 10
ferret-0.11.4-mswin32 not compatible with Ruby1.8.4
Just a quick note for future reference - at least for me, ferret won''t work on Ruby 1.8.4. gem install ferret Successfully installed ferret-0.11.4-mswin32 ruby -v ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i386-mswin32] irb irb(main):001:0> require ''ferret'' A windows error message box appears - ruby.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point rb_w32_write could not be
2006 Nov 01
aaf and stop words; query parser
I''ve been trying to implement acts_as_ferret in my latest project and ran into a snag. If I do a search for ''auditor state'' then the search works perfectly. If I include a stop word, as in ''auditor of state'', then I get no results. I''d prefer not to set stop words to nil and index everything. The solution, that I have yet to attempt, is to use
2006 Oct 31
conditional boost? friends to come up at top of search...
Hey guys, im trying to get my friends to come up at the top of the act as ferret search. I would query the whole result set first, then move my friends to the top, but the thing is, Im paginating my results and use the offset and limit parameters in the multi_search() function. Anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance... -- Posted via
2006 Oct 11
Document Boost in acts_as_ferret?
Is it possible to set a boost value for a document using acts_as_ferret (not field boost - document boost)?
2006 Sep 20
Understanding boost ?
Hi, I''m confused about managing field boosting ... I have set the :boost for the :name field in my docs to 10, via :boost => 10 Then I performed a search for ''keith'' over all fields via with *:(keith*), expecting a doc with Keith in the :name field to come out on top. But another doc with Keith mentioned in other fields (:comments, :address) scored higher. I
2006 Nov 06
acts_as_ferret and associations
I have the following models: class Book < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret belongs_to :author end class Author < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :books end and in the controller: def search if params[:query] @query = params[:query] @total, @books = Book.full_text_search(@query, :page => (params[:page]||1)) @pages =
2007 Jun 04
Sorting and getting occurrences of search in hit
Is there any way you could get the number of occurrences of the search in one hit? In a result I get the ferret_rank and ferret_score but not how many hits the search generated in the current record. I would also like to be able to sort after this when I search. /mattias -- Posted via
2007 Feb 03
Boost Sorting with Acts_as_ferret?
Hey guys, Simple question here. I have a single index of recipes, from which I''m looking at the following fields: Name, Ingredient Text, Tags, and Description. The key is, I want to show all the results that come from Name, before I show any of the results from Ingredient Text, Tags, or Description. I tried doing this: acts_as_ferret :fields => { :name =>
2006 Aug 04
Mongrel Cluster Compatibility
Is anyone using ferret with Mongrel/Mongrel-cluster? The first one or two times I access the ferret index it works fine, but then it throws a write lock error StandardError (: Error occured at <index_rw.c>:703 Error: exception 6 not handled: Could not obtain write lock when trying to write index ): I need to do more testing on this to narrow down the problem/solution but just wanted to
2006 Sep 22
QueryParser bug?
I cooked up a little script to show what I mean. This doesn''t look right to me, but maybe I just completely misunderstand QueryParser. Same output on mswin32, unix, ferret 0.9 and 0.10 Cheers, Sam require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' p Ferret::VERSION # 0.10.6 index = index << {:title => "Programming
2006 Oct 16
Setting the boost field after indexing
I was wondering about the potential impact of setting the boost field for an index after the index has been created and optimized. I know that some field_info settings can''t really be modified, such as :store or :tokenize, as they really apply when you are indexing, but is boost? If boost is only used for searching, can it be modified dynamically when searching? Thanks for any
2007 May 05
Stop words, fields, StandardAnalyzer quagmire
Hello, I''m using: Ruby 1.8.6, Rails 1.2.3, ferret 0.11.4, acts_as_ferret from svn stable. I''ve had quite a day wrestling with trying to remove the use of stopwords. The problem was that when searching for words like "no" or "the", no results were found. I found a confusing thing behavior that has taken me some time to figure out, and I hope sharing it