similar to: Working with duplicated rows

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2018 May 16
How to average values from grid cells with coordinates
Hi lily, There are one or two assumptions to be made here. First is that the latitude and longitude values of the "black" cells are equally spaced as in your illustration. Second, that all latitude and longitude values for the "red" cells fall at the corners of four "black" cells. You can get the four "black" cells by finding the lat/lon values that are
2017 Aug 28
Extracting subset from netCDF file using lat/lon and converting into .csv in R
I have a series of nertCDF files containing global data for a particular variable, e.g. tmin/tmax/precipiation/windspeed/relative humuidity/radiation etc. I get the following information when using *nc_open* function in R: datafile: File (NC_FORMAT_NETCDF4_CLASSIC): 1 variables (excluding dimension variables):
2011 May 06
read a netcdf file _Fill_value=-32768
Hello I am a new user of R . and I ve problem with R and netcdf . I succed installation , I could use all examples . But when I take my netcf it is different . I want to do statistic on this kind of file . 1) first calculate mean . my data is like that through ncdump -h netcdf test { dimensions: lat = 301 ; lon = 401 ; time = UNLIMITED ; // (80 currently)
2009 Jul 27
Superscripts and rounding
I am new to the world of R/programming so this may be a really easy question. I thank you for your patience and help in advance I would like the characters km^2 to be displayed on the plot subtitle as km squared - two as a superscript. I would also like to have the numbers from the data set for longitude and latitude to be rounded to four decimal places. Thank you. plot (
2018 May 20
How to average values from grid cells with coordinates
Hi lily, It's not too hard to do it using dataframes. Getting the indexing right is usually that hardest part: # these values are the centers of the black cells lat<-rep(28:38,11) lon<-rep(98:108,each=11) pop<-sample(80:200,121) # just use the data.frame function blackcells<-data.frame(lat=lat,lon=lon,pop=pop) plot(0,type="n",xlim=c(97.5,108.5),ylim=c(27.5,38.5),
2004 Aug 22
latitude longitude data
Dear R-helpers, I get GPS readings with bug counts (bugs meaning insects in this case) made along rows in crop fields and use these to make maps of bug distribution. The GPS readings are not quite accurate enough for my purpose, so since I know what row each reading is made in, I adjust the latitudinal coordinate using: grd<-lm(lat~lon+Row,data)
2018 May 16
How to average values from grid cells with coordinates
Hi R users, I have a question about data processing. I have such a dataset, while each black grid cell has a few attributes and the corresponding attribute values. The latitude and longitude of the center of each grid cell are given also. Then I want to average the attribute values from four adjacent grid cells to get the average value for the center of each red grid cell. Thus, there are the
2017 Aug 28
Extracting subset from netCDF file using lat/lon and converting into .csv in R
Two questions: 1. Is the order of the dimensions shown what is shown if you look at str(ncin) - I mean shown at the end where it describes the variable and its dimensions? 2. Is you problem how to subset the netcdf file, how to write to the .csv file, or both? -Roy > On Aug 28, 2017, at 2:21 PM, Eeusha Nafi <eshad002 at> wrote: > > I have a series of nertCDF files
2009 Aug 25
latitude and longitude distribution
Good day to you all, I have lightning data containing date, time, latitude and longitude. I hope that distribution of latitude and longitude will give number of lightning occurrence in a region. I have used factor function to sum up the number of events on latitude and longitude axis and saved as x and y. But when I tried to plot the two, I had and error message ( Error in image.default(x, y, z) :
2007 Apr 04
how to image.plot a XY grid file into a lat-lon map
Hi All, I have a netcdf gridded file with LCC projection. I can easily use image.plot to visualize it. However, as the axises are in X,Y, not Lat and Lon, I could not add state or country maps onto it (or lat lon information). I do have a grid2d file that describes the lat and lon for each (X,Y) grid, but the lat and lon are not regularly spaced, so I could not use image.plot. Does anyone know
2018 May 22
How to average values from grid cells with coordinates
Hi Jim, Thanks. It works. I now have more complex problems. If at each blackcell, there are two variables such as pop and mood. For each variable, there are daily records in one year, so 365 records for pop and 365 records for mood. The averaged values for the redcells should be daily records too. What kind of format do you recommend for this problem? Right now, I just get the latitudes and
2012 Mar 16
plotting border over map
I am using following codes to plot map library(sp) library(rgdal) library(maps) library(gplots) library(clim.pact) library(fields) source("/R/PlotGridded2DMap.R") source("/R/image.plot.fix.R") source("/R/image.plot.plt.fix.r") seasonal_plot<-function(input,lonll=-180,latll=-90,lonres=5.,latres=3.75,write_file=TRUE,The_title=NULL){ if(is.null(The_title)){
2012 Feb 14
save output of loop
I have some data files e.g 100 . and after for loop I would like to save all data in one single data frame file_s <- list.files(path = ".", pattern = "v2.0.2.txt", all.files = FALSE, full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE, = FALSE) for (i in 1:100){ data = read.table(file_s[i],header=TRUE) lat = data[,7] # latitude lon
2012 Nov 20
[lattice] how to overlay a geographical map on a levelplot?
r-help lattice adepts: I have a question which is somewhat geospatial, so I posted to r-sig-geo rather than here: > summary: How to overlay a geographical map on each panel in a lattice > (or Trellis), e.g., of levelplot's? Note I am not inquiring about > creating choropleth maps[,] which Sarkar 2008 covers quite
2018 Jan 24
Issue with concatenation of URL losing
Thank you for your help in advance. I am trying to pull some data back from a web service library(httr) sample2 <- GET("{\"range\":false,\"shape\":[{\"lat\":40.7,\"lon\":-76.5}]}&api_key=mycode") result2 <- content(sample2) height <- result2$height[[1]] I would like to put by own latitude
2012 Nov 18
[newbie] convert 3D spatial array to dataframe
summary: how to convert a 3D array (as obtained from ncdf4::ncvar_get) to a dataframe suitable for use by lattice::levelplot(), e.g., levelplot(conc ~ lon * lat | lev, data = data.frame) details: I have atmospheric data in netCDF files specifying gas concentrations over a 3D space with dimensions longitude, latitude, and (vertical) level. I need to plot the data by level. Since there are
2016 Apr 29
How to access the latitude & longitude for UK post codes in R
Hi All, I have a data frame with three columns i.e., pc, lat, lon. The pc column is populated with list of postcodes, and I want to execute R command that can get me the lat and lon for the every item in the pc column and populate the respective lat and lon columns. Is there any package that could be used? Any help will be really appreciated. Many Thanks and Kind Regards -- Muhammad
2010 May 07
How to re-arrange data in R
Dear users, I have monthly station data (44) stations data for 45 years which I have read in R using read.table. the data is in the format: Year Month Station1 Station2 ...................................... Station 44 (i.e the column names in the 1st row), I also have the latitude and longitude of the stations in a separate file in R (in the format : Station LAT LON). I wish to
2008 Aug 03
output components of GAM
I would like to request help with the following: I am trying to use a Generalized Additive Model (gam) to examine the density distribution of fish as a function of latitude and longitude as continuous variables, and year as a categorical variable. The model is written as:   gam.out   <-  gam(Density ~ s(Lat) + s(Lon) + as.factor(Year))   The fitted model prediction of the link function is
2011 Sep 07
Editing the variables attributes section in the netCDF header of netCDF files created using the package ncdf.
Hi, I am using the package ncdf to create netCDF files and I want to mimic the the header of an exiting netCDF file created outside of R. Below is what the existing header looks like (part of it that is different): netcdf ccd1984_05_08 { dimensions: lat = 1974 ; lon = 1894 ; time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) variables: int time(time) ;