similar to: anova() or aov()?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "anova() or aov()?"

2009 Oct 27
What is the difference between anova {stats} and aov?
There are anova {stats} and aov in R. It seems that anova takes an object returned by a model fitting function. But I don't see any examples for anova. Can somebody give me a simple example on anova? What is the difference between anova and aov?
2008 Nov 04
a "date" x-axis in a xyplot
Dear all, In the x-axis of a xyplot I define dates ,for example 01-10-2007 instead of numbers, in a range of 77 days. I would like in my output to have the whole date as a point. When I plot it, then the output is a big mess! I can not distinguish anything; the result is a thick, black line of overlapping dates. Is there any solution so I can really distinguish and see clearly the dates in the
2007 May 15
aov problem
I am using R to make two-way ANOVA on a number of variables using g <- aov(var ~ fact1*fact2) where var is a matrix containing the variables. However the outcome seem to be dependent on the order of fact1 and fact2 (i.e. fact2*fact1) gives a slightly (factor of 1.5) different result. Any ideas why this is? Thanks for any help Anders
2007 Jan 17
Repeated measures
I am having a hard time understanding how to perform a "repeated measures" type of ANOVA with R. When reading the document found here: I find that there is a reference to a function make.rm () that is supposed to rearrange a "one row per person" type of frame to a "one row per observation" type
2008 Feb 12
How to run one-way anova R?
En innebygd og tegnsett-uspesifisert tekst ble skilt ut... Navn: ikke tilgjengelig Nettadresse:
2008 Aug 10
Hi, How can I make an ANOVA if I haven't got all data set but I know the numbers of subjects for each group, the mean and di standard deviation for each group? Thanks Angelo Scozzarella
2007 Mar 03
format of summary.lm for 2-way ANOVA
Hi, I am performing a two-way ANOVA (2 factors with 4 and 5 levels, respectively). If I'm interpreting the output of summary correctly, then the interaction between both factors is significant: ,---- | ## Two-way ANOVA with possible interaction: | > model1 <- aov(log(y) ~ xForce*xVel, data=mydataset) | | > summary(model1) | Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) |
2007 Nov 21
multiple comparison (glht) problem
I am not sure whether there is a bug. When I tested the example given for "glht" in the help, I entered the following error: Running commands: amod <- aov(minutes ~ blanket, data = recovery) rht <- glht(amod, linfct = mcp(blanket = "Dunnett"), alternative = "less") Errors are: Error in try(coef.(model)) : could not find function
2006 Sep 27
equivalent of model.tables for an lm.object?
Dear all, I run a linear model with three significant explanatory variabels x1: a factor with 4 levels x2 and x3: factors with two levels each x4: continuous model <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 * x3 + x4) <> The data is not perfectly balanced between the different factor-combinations and I use treatment contrasts. <> With an aov.object, I assume I could have used model.tables(aov.object,
2007 Jan 27
how to handle a longitudinal data
i have a data set with repeated measures on same people, structure like below: id x1 x2 ... 001 10 20 ... 001 8 45 ... 001 4 2 ... 002 .... 002 ... 002 .... 002 .... 003 .... ....... what is the easist way to show how many observations for each subject id? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 May 13
How ls() only functions or anything else but functions?
Hello, How ls() only functions or only data objects (basically anything other than functions) such as data.frame, numeric ...? John [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Apr 14
Power curves
Hi, I am trying to create a power curve to show how the power of a t-test varies depending on the mean. Any ideas how I should go about this? Louisa _________________________________________________________________ [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Feb 09
Help in using multcomp.
Hi All, I am trying use 'multcomp' for multiple comparisons after my ANOVA analysis. I have used the following code to do ANOVA: dat <- matrix(rnorm(45), nrow=5, ncol=9) f <- gl(3,3,9, label=c("C", "Tl", "T2")) aof <- function(x) { m <- data.frame(f, x); aov(x ~ f, m) } amod <- apply(dat,1,aof) Now, how can I use
2004 Feb 15
manova() with a data frame
I'm trying to learn to use manova(), and don't understand why none of the following work: > data(iris) > fit <- manova(~ Species, data=iris) Error in, y, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...) : incompatible dimensions > fit <- manova(iris[,1:4] ~ Species, data=iris) Error in model.frame(formula, rownames, variables, varnames, extras,
2007 Dec 19
median of binned values
Dear list, I have a vector (array, table row, whatever is best) of frequency values for categories (or bins), and I need to find the median category. Trivial to do by hand, but I was wondering if there is a means to do it in R in an elegant way. The obvious medioan(vector) returns the median frequency for the binns, and that is not what I want. i.e,: freq cat1 1 cat2 10
2009 Jun 12
Replacing 0s with NA
Hello I have a dataset in which I would like to replace 0s with NAs. There is a lot of information on how to replace NAs with 0, but I have struggled to find anything with regards to doing the reverse. Any recommendations would be great. Cheers Christine
2010 Mar 06
TukeyHSD model thing
Hi, I am trying to reproduce a tukey test in R ========================== x=c(145,40,40,120,180, 140,155,90,160,95, 195,150,205,110,160, 45,40,195,65,145, 195,230,115,235,225, 120,55,50,80,45 ) y2=c( rep(as.character(1),5), rep(as.character(2),5), rep(as.character(3),5), rep(as.character(4),5), rep(as.character(5),5), rep(as.character(6),5) ) crd2=data.frame(x,y2)
2007 Sep 19
By() with method = spearman
I have a data set where I want the correlations between 2 variables conditional on a students grade level. This code works just fine. by(tmp[,c('mtsc07', 'DCBASmathscoreSPRING')], tmp$Grade, cor, use='complete', method='pearson') However, this generates an error by(tmp[,c('mtsc07', 'DCBASmathscoreSPRING')], tmp$Grade, cor, use='complete',
2008 Feb 24
Newbie: Where is lmFit function?
Hi Everyone, I am trying to use lmFit function; however, i cannot find it function anywhere. I have been trying to find the function in Bioconductor and elsewhere. I re-install bioconductor source, update package and update R as well. no luck Is there a command in R where i can just type, and it will download it for me? -- View this message in context:
2010 Mar 01
setting the steps for x axis labels on plot
Hello, I'm new to R, I've been working with it for the last 2 weeks. I am plotting some data and not getting the labels on the x axis I am expecting on my plot. my code reads #hours in the day h <- c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23) #hp is a data frame with a pivot table of 25 columns (label and data for 24 hours) plot(h, as.matrix(hp[1,2:25]),