Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "anova() or aov()?"
2009 Oct 27
What is the difference between anova {stats} and aov?
There are anova {stats} and aov in R. It seems that anova takes an
object returned by a model fitting function. But I don't see any
examples for anova. Can somebody give me a simple example on anova?
What is the difference between anova and aov?
2008 Nov 04
a "date" x-axis in a xyplot
Dear all,
In the x-axis of a xyplot I define dates ,for example 01-10-2007 instead of numbers, in a range of 77 days. I would like in my output to have the whole date as a point. When I plot it, then the output is a big mess! I can not distinguish anything; the result is a thick, black line of overlapping dates.
Is there any solution so I can really distinguish and see clearly the dates in the
2007 May 15
aov problem
I am using R to make two-way ANOVA on a number of variables using
g <- aov(var ~ fact1*fact2)
where var is a matrix containing the variables.
However the outcome seem to be dependent on the order of fact1 and fact2
(i.e. fact2*fact1) gives a slightly (factor of 1.5) different result.
Any ideas why this is?
Thanks for any help
2007 Jan 17
Repeated measures
I am having a hard time understanding how to perform a "repeated
measures" type of ANOVA with R. When reading the document found here:
I find that there is a reference to a function make.rm () that is
supposed to rearrange a "one row per person" type of frame to a "one
row per observation" type
2008 Feb 12
How to run one-way anova R?
En innebygd og tegnsett-uspesifisert tekst ble skilt ut...
Navn: ikke tilgjengelig
Nettadresse: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20080212/d6012c8f/attachment.pl
2008 Aug 10
How can I make an ANOVA if I haven't got all data set but I know the
numbers of subjects for each group, the mean and di standard deviation
for each group?
Angelo Scozzarella
2007 Mar 03
format of summary.lm for 2-way ANOVA
I am performing a two-way ANOVA (2 factors with 4 and 5 levels,
respectively). If I'm interpreting the output of summary correctly,
then the interaction between both factors is significant:
| ## Two-way ANOVA with possible interaction:
| > model1 <- aov(log(y) ~ xForce*xVel, data=mydataset)
| > summary(model1)
| Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
2007 Nov 21
multiple comparison (glht) problem
I am not sure whether there is a bug. When I tested the example given for "glht"
in the help, I entered the following error:
Running commands:
amod <- aov(minutes ~ blanket, data = recovery)
rht <- glht(amod, linfct = mcp(blanket = "Dunnett"),
alternative = "less")
Errors are:
Error in try(coef.(model)) : could not find function
2006 Sep 27
equivalent of model.tables for an lm.object?
Dear all,
I run a linear model with three significant explanatory variabels
x1: a factor with 4 levels
x2 and x3: factors with two levels each
x4: continuous
model <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 * x3 + x4)
The data is not perfectly balanced between the different
factor-combinations and I use treatment contrasts.
With an aov.object, I assume I could have used model.tables(aov.object,
2007 Jan 27
how to handle a longitudinal data
i have a data set with repeated measures on same people, structure like
id x1 x2 ...
001 10 20 ...
001 8 45 ...
001 4 2 ...
002 ....
002 ...
002 ....
002 ....
003 ....
what is the easist way to show how many observations for each subject id?
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2010 May 13
How ls() only functions or anything else but functions?
How ls() only functions or only data objects (basically anything other than
functions) such as data.frame, numeric ...?
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2008 Apr 14
Power curves
I am trying to create a power curve to show how the power of a t-test varies depending on the mean. Any ideas how I should go about this?
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2007 Feb 09
Help in using multcomp.
Hi All,
I am trying use 'multcomp' for multiple comparisons
after my ANOVA analysis. I have used the following
code to do ANOVA:
dat <- matrix(rnorm(45), nrow=5, ncol=9)
f <- gl(3,3,9, label=c("C", "Tl", "T2"))
aof <- function(x) {
m <- data.frame(f, x);
aov(x ~ f, m)
amod <- apply(dat,1,aof)
Now, how can I use
2004 Feb 15
manova() with a data frame
I'm trying to learn to use manova(), and don't understand why none of
the following work:
> data(iris)
> fit <- manova(~ Species, data=iris)
Error in lm.fit(x, y, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...) :
incompatible dimensions
> fit <- manova(iris[,1:4] ~ Species, data=iris)
Error in model.frame(formula, rownames, variables, varnames, extras,
2007 Dec 19
median of binned values
Dear list,
I have a vector (array, table row, whatever is best) of frequency values
for categories (or bins), and I need to find the median category.
Trivial to do by hand, but I was wondering if there is a means to do it
in R in an elegant way.
The obvious medioan(vector) returns the median frequency for the binns,
and that is not what I want. i.e,:
cat1 1
cat2 10
2009 Jun 12
Replacing 0s with NA
I have a dataset in which I would like to replace 0s with NAs. There is a
lot of information on how to replace NAs with 0, but I have struggled to
find anything with regards to doing the reverse. Any recommendations would
be great.
2010 Mar 06
TukeyHSD model thing
I am trying to reproduce a tukey test in R
2007 Sep 19
By() with method = spearman
I have a data set where I want the correlations between 2 variables
conditional on a students grade level.
This code works just fine.
by(tmp[,c('mtsc07', 'DCBASmathscoreSPRING')], tmp$Grade, cor,
use='complete', method='pearson')
However, this generates an error
by(tmp[,c('mtsc07', 'DCBASmathscoreSPRING')], tmp$Grade, cor,
2008 Feb 24
Newbie: Where is lmFit function?
Hi Everyone,
I am trying to use lmFit function; however, i cannot find it function
I have been trying to find the function in Bioconductor and elsewhere. I
re-install bioconductor source, update package and update R as well. no luck
Is there a command in R where i can just type, and it will download it for
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2010 Mar 01
setting the steps for x axis labels on plot
Hello, I'm new to R, I've been working with it for the last 2 weeks. I
am plotting some data and not getting the labels on the x axis I am
expecting on my plot.
my code reads
#hours in the day
h <- c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23)
#hp is a data frame with a pivot table of 25 columns (label and data
for 24 hours)
plot(h, as.matrix(hp[1,2:25]),