similar to: I'm looking for a book about spatial point patterns (Diggle, 2003)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "I'm looking for a book about spatial point patterns (Diggle, 2003)"

2010 Jul 15
Access web content from within R
Hi, I have to search in an online db for registered manufacturers of raw materials. Can I use R for the following: I have a list with monograph numbers eg: l <- c(198, 731,355) Now I want to make a dataframe, containing the monograph number and the information listed under COS: Certificate holder, certificate number, Status, Type Is this possible with R? kind regards Bart -- View this
2006 May 29
OT: Monograph on Statistical Programming
Dear all, my question might be a bit off-topic. Is there anything like a standard textbook on statistical programming? With that I don't mean anything like MASS, S Programming, Programming with Data, ... (no offense meant, they are fantastic books and each of those three helped me a great deal). Rather in the direction of the "Numerical Recipes" Series addressing how to implement
2005 Mar 02
subset selection for logistic regression
R-packages leaps and subselect implement various methods of selecting best or good subsets of predictor variables for linear regression models, but they do not seem to be applicable to logistic regression models. Does anyone know of software for finding good subsets of predictor variables for linear regression models? Thanks. -Ben p.s., The leaps package references "Subset Selection
2006 Jul 21
Order-restricted inference
Hello, I looked for R packages which focused on order-restricted statistical inference, but I could find only the isoreg() function. I would need to test whether the means in my (repeated measures) data follow a given order, e.g. A<B=C<D. I took a look at the monograph by Barlow et al. (1972) on this topic and found that for my case the null hypothesis is always A=B=C=D. This might be
2005 Sep 09
PowerPoint graph insertion
Yes: I have Tufte's monograph on my desk. (along with 4 statistics texts) Yes: I am not the biggest fan of PowerPoint. Yes: I am using R to generate charts, plots, trends, etc. I have to summarize them each week. When I consider how to organize this data my first thought is to generate an HTML file with links to the R-generated plots, which HTML file organizes the plots in the required
2008 Jul 04
education task view
Dear R-Devel, I have had it in my mind for some time now that a Task View related to R and education might be a good thing. There are currently 19 Task Views, covering a broad spectrum of general topics for which R may be used. The homepage lists 64 books related to R, and several of them have accompanying packages on CRAN. There is a wiki and a host of contributed documentation. We also have a
2009 Feb 10
Mixed ANCOVA with between-Ss covariate?
Hi all, I have data from an experiment with 3 independent variables, 2 are within and 1 is between. In addition to the dependent variable, I have a covariate that is a single measure per subject. Below I provide an example generated data set and my approach to implementing the ANCOVA. However the output confuses me; why does the covariate only appear in the first strata? Presumably it should
2004 Jun 29
Goodness of fit test for estimated distribution
Hi, is there any method for goodness of fit testing of an (as general as possible) univariate distribution with parameters estimated, for normal, exponential, gamma distributions, say (e.g. the corrected p-values for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov or Chi-squared with corresponding ML estimation method)? It seems that neither ks.test nor chisq.test handle estimated parameters. I am aware of function
2007 Sep 08
Hi *, Firstly, thank you so much for your time to read my email. I am currently interested in how to use R to predict time series from models fitted by ARIMA. The package I used is basic stats package, and the method I used is predict.Arima. What I know is that ARIMA parameters are estimated by Kalman Filter, but I have difficulty in understanding how exactly maximum likelihood (ML) estimator
2007 Nov 24
help in plotting
Dear list, I want to combine several plots in one graph. I did this: plot(a1); plot(a2, add=TRUE); ...plot(a5, add=TRUE) The problem is the more plot we put, the more complex the graph. Is there any way to label each line; or other way just to make sure I know which one which? Thank you for the help, Ilham [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Dec 12
Need good Reference Material and Reading about Gaussian Copulas
Can anyone advise me on some pratical papers or books On Gaussian Copulas? Anything in the genre of Copulas Dummies Would be a help. As simpe, and approachable with minimal pedantic style. Thanks, Neil -------------------------------------------------------- This information is being sent at the recipient's reques...{{dropped:16}}
2000 May 03
GLM available book recommendation
Howdy, I looked at the references in the R and S-Plus literature to find a good introduction/reference to GLM. When I then went to Amazon it seemed to me that all the recommended books are out of print. Can anyone give me a recommendation which _available_ book to get? --Ragnar -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2007 Mar 01
object is not subsettable
Dear colleagues, I've just come across a problem with the following command which is a part of the "metaOverview.R" code file provided as an monography- accompanying file at ################################## R> hasChr <- eapply(GOTERM, function(x) + x[grep("chromosome", Term(x))]) Error in
2003 Sep 10
Off Topic: Good reference for sample size calculations
Hi All, This is off topic, but we're drawing a blank here.. > In a presentation I'll be giving next week, I want to include a reference > to a good general text on computing sample sizes for standard experiments. > Can anyone recommend a good book to use for this purpose? > > Thanks, > > -Greg LEGAL NOTICE\ Unless expressly stated otherwise, this
2009 Jul 08
Comparing GAMMs
Greetings! I am looking for advice regarding the best way to compare GAMMs. I know other model outputs return enough information for R's AIC, ANOVA, etc. commands to function, but this is not the case with GAMM unless one specifies the gam or lme portion. I know these parts of the gamm contain items that will facilitate comparisons between gamms. Is it correct to simply use these values
2008 Mar 30
data(lh) time serie parameters
Dear all, I'm confused by the time serie parameters in data(lh) : sueoka:~ lobry$ R --vanilla --quiet > tsp(lh) [1] 1 48 1 because documentation says: QUOTE A regular time series giving the luteinizing hormone in blood samples at 10 mins intervals from a human female, 48 samples. UNQUOTE So that I would expect the time serie to end at 480 minutes or 8 hours. Shouldn't we have
2002 Jun 23
Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests: overflow
Dear All, I've got a problem with ks.test. I've two realy large vectors, that I'd like to test, but I get an overflow, and the p-value cannot be calculated: > length(genomesv) [1] 390025 > length(scopv) [1] 140002 > ks.test(genomesv, scopv) Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test data: genomesv and scopv D = 0.2081, p-value = NA alternative hypothesis: two.sided
2001 May 30
new book
Just thought I would mention that there is a new O'Reilly book out, "Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills", which is ok, pretty superficial about some things but at least it lets you know what is happening and where. R gets a few pages in there, 394-396, mostly nice press and accurate except that Bill Venables (hi Bill) may be surprised to find out that he is a member of the
2009 Aug 02
i'm so stuck with text file and contour plot
Ok i feel pretty stupid.. been trying to read a text file that contains heading in the first line in to R but cant. all i need to do is make a contour plot for a friend but after weeks i feel like giving up.. i included the first few lines of the file.. any help will be great Thanks Hannes small.txt -- View this message in context:
2006 Apr 15
ez_where : i''m puzzled
I have the following code: condition_clause = "%#{@phrase}%" "condition is #{condition_clause}" unless @phrase.nil? condition = :affiliates do affiliate_name =~ "%#{@phrase}%" # <<< here''s the problem end options[:conditions] = condition.to_sql "ajax