similar to: rpart with interval censored data crashes R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "rpart with interval censored data crashes R"

2007 Nov 29
Survreg(), Surv() and interval-censored data
Can anybody give me a neat example of interval censored data analysis codes in R? Given that suvreg(Surv(c(1,1,NA,3),c(2,NA,2,3),type="interval2")~1) works why does survreg(Surv(data[,1],data[,2],type="interval2")~1) not work where data is : T.1 T.2 Status 1 0.0000000 0.62873036 1 2 0.0000000 2.07039068 1 3 0.0000000
2004 May 21
interval-censored data in coxph
Hi, I am wondering how to specify interval-censored data in coxph? The example in the help page summary(coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ x, data = test2)) is for counting process data, is the counting process data the same as interval-censored data? Thanks __________________________________
2006 Feb 13
Survreg(), Surv() and interval-censored data
Can survreg() handle interval-censored data like the documentation says? I ask because the command: survreg(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ 1, data = heart) fails with the error message Invalid survival type yet the documentation for Surv() states: "Presently, the only methods allowing interval censored data are the parametric models computed by 'survreg'"
2008 Dec 23
Interval censored Data in survreg() with zero values!
Hello, I have interval censored data, censored between (0, 100). I used the tobit function in the AER package which in turn backs on survreg. Actually I'm struggling with the distribution. Data is asymmetrically distributed, so first choice would be a Weibull distribution. Unfortunately the Weibull doesn't allow for zero values in time data, as it requires x > 0. So I tried the
2006 May 03
Giving Error
I tried your code, but it's giving the following error.. Error in : argument "FUN" is missing, with no default
2009 Jan 15
Interface to open source Reporting tools
Hi, I am a new user of R 2.8.1. I use Tinn-R for code editing. I use a windows 2003 system with 1 GB RAM. I am interested to generate dashboard and reports based on data from MS Access. These reports need to be posted on a weekly basis to the web. The reporting interface should provide facilities for "what if" scenarios. Is it possible to interface R analysis results to good open
2007 Feb 26
survival analysis using rpart
Hello, I use rpart to predict survival time and have a problem in interpreting the output of ?estimated rate?. Here is an example of what I do: > stagec <- > read.table("", > col.names=c("pgtime", "pgstat", "age","eet", "g2", "grade", "gleason", >
2005 Jul 24
Mean and variance of the right-censored data
Hi, I need to get mean and variance of right censored data. How can I do that? I have a vector of values (called a) and vector of booleans (whether value is censored) (called b). What to do with this? Sorry, I'm R beginner. Thank you! Pete
2012 Aug 15
NADA package/cenboxplot() method: maximum censored percentage
One set of data has censored (less-than detection limits) water chemistry concentrations for 80-100% of all observations. My initial trial-and-error attempts to apply the cenboxplot() method suggests that it has an upper limit to the percentage of censored observations. I do not see this limit in Dennis Helsel's second edition. Has anyone experience plotting censored data and can provide
2000 Sep 19
methods for interval-censored data
Dear all, Are there functions or packages in R that can handle interval-censored data? I have looked in various packages (such as survival5 or event), but it seems that only right-censored data can be analysed. More generally, are there methods to analyse both interval-censored observations and right-censored observations in the same data set? Thanks in advance. Emmanuel Paradis
2008 Mar 13
How to set type of censored data in coxph regression
Dear R users, I tried to analysis the hazard function of some data by coxph function in survival package. The type of the data include "left-censored", "right-censored", "both right-censored and left-censored" (btw, does this has a technical term?), and "complete" ones. I noticed that event (one parameter in "Surv()") might be an indicator for the
2004 Jan 05
Are messages censored on this board?
I've submitted a message twice this evening and it has not appeared. Are messages censored on this board? regards john --------------------------------------------------------- John A Coll, Director, Connection Software 391 City Road, LONDON, EC1V 1NE, UK Tel: 020 7713 8000 From outside UK Tel: +44 20 7713 8000 Fax: 020 7713 8001 Fax: +44 20 7713 8001 Email:
2005 Jan 16
Empirical cumulative distribution with censored data
Dear list, I would like to plot the empirical cumulative distribution of the time needed by a treatment to attain a certain goal. A number of experiments is run with a strict time limit. In some experiments the goal is attained before the time limit, in other experiments time expires before the goal is attained. The situation is very similar to survivial analysis with censored data. I tryed
2001 Apr 02
Censored or truncated Regression Models/Tobit
Hi, what is the best way to estimate a tobit(truncated) regression model in R ? Is there already a packet available ? Gruss Ralph Leonhardt -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body",
2008 Jul 22
rpart$where and predict.rpart
Hello there. I have fitted a rpart model. > rpartModel <- rpart(y~., data=data.frame(y=y,x=x),method="class", ....) and can use rpart$where to find out the terminal nodes that each observations belongs. Now, I have a set of new data and used predict.rpart which seems to give only the predicted value with no information similar to rpart$where. May I know how
2012 Apr 11
R-help; generating censored data
Hello, ?can i implement this as 10% censored data where t gives me failure and x censored. Thank you p=2;b=120 n=50 set.seed(132); r<-sample(1:50,45) t<-rweibull(r,shape=p,scale=b) t set.seed(123);? cens <- sample(1:50, 5)? x<-runif(cens,shape=p,scale=b)? x Chris Guure Researcher, Institute for Mathematical Research UPM
2009 Jun 09
rpart - the xval argument in rpart.control and in xpred.rpart
Dear R users, I'm working with the rpart package and want to evaluate the performance of user defined split functions. I have some problems in understanding the meaning of the xval argument in the two functions rpart.control and xpred.rpart. In the former it is defined as the number of cross-validations while in the latter it is defined as the number of cross-validation groups. If I am
2013 Jan 14
Does psm::Surv handle interval2 data?
Does Surv in psm handle interval2 data? The argument list seems to indicate it does but I get an error. Thanks, Chris # code library('survival') left <- c(1, 3, 5, NA) right <-c(2, 3, NA, 4) Surv(left, right, type='interval2') survreg(Surv(left, right, type='interval2') ~ 1) library('rms') Surv(left, right, type='interval2') # error args(Surv)
2012 Aug 29
Estimation parameters of lognormal censored data
Hi, I am trying to get the maximum likelihood estimator for lognormal distribution with censored data;when we have left, interval and right censord. I built my code in R, by writing the deriving of log likelihood function and using newton raphson method but my estimators were too high " overestimation", where the values exceed the 1000 in some runing of my code. is there any one can
2011 Aug 26
How to generate a random variate that is correlated with a given right-censored random variate?
Hi, I have a right-censored (positive) random variable (e.g. failure times subject to right censoring) that is observed for N subjects: Y_i, I = 1, 2, ..., N. Note that Y_i = min(T_i, C_i), where T_i is the true failure time and C_i is the censored time. Let us assume that C_i is independent of T_i. Now, I would like to generate another random variable U_i, I = 1, 2, ..., N, which is