Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "xtable-longtable question"
2007 Sep 17
longtable and Sweave
Dear Sweave-users,
I want to print listing using sweave. Because my tables are very big, I use
the longtable option. But, is it possible to recall the first line of the
table (e.g the colnames line) on each new page ?
Thanks for your help.
2009 Jan 08
I am going through some of the xtable examples and I can't make the one below work. I need to create a longtable on the fly keeping the column headers for all the pages and I thought this example could give some ideas on how to do it. I am using Sweave and xtable to create my tables and graphics. I wonder if someone could tell me what's wrong. Thanks
## Not run:
2006 Feb 12
Mathematical typesetting of column heads using the latex (Hmisc) function
Dear r-helpers,
I would very much appreciate help with the following problem:
The following command (in a .Rnw file)
latex(anova(e7.lmer3, e7.lmer4), file = 'e7lmer34.tex', rowname = c
('nonlinear', 'linear'), longtable = FALSE, dcolumn = T, booktabs =
T, table.env = F)
produces the following output after running Sweave:
% latex.default(anova(e7.lmer1, e7.lmer2),
2013 May 24
xtable() with booktabs option problem
I could have sworn that yesterday xtable(file, booktabs = TRUE) was giving me toprule , midrule and bottomrule outout. Today :
aa <- table( sample(letters[1:9], 100, replace = TRUE))
booktabs = TRUE)
gives me
& V1 \\
a & 15 \\
b & 11 \\
c & 13 \\
d &
2009 Jan 08
longtable example
Could someone try to run this example? I can't make it work.
## Not run:
cat(paste(c('c', rep('cc', 34/2-1), 'c'), collapse='@{\hspace{2pt}}'))
2012 Feb 07
xtable "beta" testing wanted
Dear R-users,
I've enhanced the "xtable" package, adding numerous features that have been requested by users. The changes are listed below.
The objective throughout has been to avoid any breaking changes. However, as "xtable" is widely used and is a dependency of many packages I'd like to have others try it out before I post it to CRAN. Both bug reports and design
2008 Jul 02
Hmisc latex function with longtable option
Hello -
I'm trying to use Hmisc's latex function to produce a postscript file of
a data.frame, using the longtable = TRUE option. When I run, for example,
## sample R code
dvips(latex(data.frame(a = rnorm(100), b = rnorm(100)),
longtable = TRUE), file = "test.ps")
latex runs successfully and a test.ps file is produced. However, I see
the following in the
2006 Mar 13
Formatting an anova table using latex
Hi r-helpers,
When I issue the command
latex(anova(raw1.lmer0, raw1.lmer, raw1.lmerI), file = 'raw1.tex',
rownamesTexCmd = c('baR', 'addit', 'multip'), longtable = F, dcolumn
= T, booktabs = T, t able.env = F, colheads = NULL, colnamesTexCmd = c
('', 'df', 'aic', 'bic', 'logl', 'chisq', 'chisqdf',
2004 Jun 03
printing tabular data nicely
Hi R-heplers,
I would like to print various matrices, dataframes, tables, etc to
files, preferably nicely formatted postscript for import into papers.
Is there a way to do this?
I know ?cat, ?writeLines, ?format, ?paste. But I am not sure of a good
combination of these in order to get a nice looking table of information.
Any ideas? I guess I want (almost) publication ready output, just
2010 Jul 13
latex table question
My head is spinning with this latex doc so hopefully after I align my tables to
the left of the page
my headache are going to be over. I always use:
to move my figures horizontally to the left margin of the page but the table
below doesn't move at all,
but instead it gets sideways. Not sure if \begin{landscape} has something to do
with it or is just me.
I? hope someone
2020 Sep 24
How to use `[` without evaluating the arguments.
Hello R-devel,
I am currently attempting to implement an API similar to data.table wherein single bracket subsetting can accept an unquoted expression to be evaluated in the context of my object.
A simple example from the data.table package looks like this:
DT <- data.table(col1 = c('a', 'b', 'c'), col2 = c('x', 'y', 'z'))
DT[col1 ==
2009 Jan 10
Hmisc-xtable label
Dear all:
Does anybody know about label conflicts between xtable and Hmisc? I found a couple of e-mails similar to this problem but is not clear to me how to get around the label problem.
The first table(longtable below) is generated with the latex function from Hmisc but for some reason when I try to hyperlink to it,it takes me to the top of the document. The second table created with the xtable
2013 Jan 18
tables package: How to remove column headings and alignment issues
Dear expeRts,
Here is a minimal example with the latest version of 'tables' (questions below):
saveopts <- table_options(toprule="\\toprule", midrule="\\midrule", bottomrule="\\bottomrule",
titlerule="\\cmidrule(lr)", rowlabeljustification="r")#, justification="r")
## data.frame
2008 Mar 17
Table of basic descriptive statistics like SPSS
Dear list readers,
I want to:
1. Get a table of basic descriptive statistics for my variables
with the variable names one below the other
like SPSS descriptive statistics:
Varname N Min Max Mean SD
xxxx x x x x x
xxx x x x x x
2. Delete some variables from a data frame or exclude variables
from beeing analyzed.
3. Create a text file / redirect the terminal output to a
2010 Jan 26
Formatting cgroup and factor level labels in Hmisc latex function
I'm trying to typeset at simple crosstable with the Hmisc latex function. And I have two problems.
1. How do I make all columns the same width? The Latex function seems very unwilling to break the 'cgroup' labels and the factor level labels. Please have look at this screenshot that shows my problem:
>> http://hem.passagen.se/stpe9096/table.png
So, how can I make sure that the
2006 Oct 28
(kein Betreff)
Frank Harrell rote in a message dating from Oct 8th:
> n.group is an argument to latex.default in the Hmisc package
I must admit that I can't find it in the function head,
which reads on my installation:
function (object, title = first.word(deparse(substitute(object))),
file = paste(title, ".tex", sep = ""), append = FALSE, label = title,
rowlabel = title,
2010 Dec 30
latex() etc.: How to nicely format a matrix for a LaTeX document?
Dear (T)eXpeRts,
I try to create a LaTeX table from an R matrix for the first time. I am not sure what the "best" approach is, I just read about latex() from Hmisc (toLatex() didn't work).
Consider the following minimal example:
mat <- matrix(c(1,NA,3,100,10000,4), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
latex(mat, file = "", booktabs = TRUE, numeric.dollar = FALSE,
2009 Nov 12
Rearranging long tables, Sweave, xtable, LaTeX
Dear R-users,
consider the two following outputs, ## 1 and ## 2
\begin{Scode}{Setup, echo = FALSE, print = FALSE, eval = TRUE}
with(expand.grid(Fact1 = 1:3, Fact2 = 1:40), table(Fact1,
Fact2)) ## 1
xtable(with(expand.grid(Fact1 = 1:3, Fact2 = 1:40), table(Fact1,
Fact2))) ## 2
The first line
with(expand.grid(Fact1 = 1:3, Fact2 = 1:40), table(Fact1, Fact2))
2005 Jul 28
Displaying p-values in latex
Hi. I want to create a table in latex with regression coefficients and their
corresponding p-values. My code is below. How do I format the p-values so
that values less than 0.0001 are formated as <.0001 rather than just rounded
to 0.0000? Thank you.
2010 Jun 10
Latex: Date Format conversion
Can't find?a way to convert?from shortDate to LongDate format. I?got:
3/10/10 that I want to convert to March 10, 2010. I am using:
\title{my title}
? % Convert date
My report is changing every two weeks so I?will eventually