similar to: inter-timeseries correlation or corrections

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "inter-timeseries correlation or corrections"

2009 Jul 10
getting a timeseries element into a string
I have a timeseries object, ts, and want to get the first date in the series into a string so I can concatenate it with a SQL query. Input and output are shown below. I must be missing something very basic, but I can't seem to pry the data ("2008-07-01") into a string variable. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you, Andrew =====script: class(ts) (ts[1,0]) #returns
2011 Jan 27
Problem converting zoo object (daily data) to a timeSeries object
When I try to convert the zoo object to a timeSeries object, which would allow me to utilize Rmetrics packages, I get an error message. > Data<-read.zoo("c:\\DOWUBSPRICING.txt,na.strings="NA",sep="\t",header=T) > is(Data) "zoo" > as.timeSeries.zoo(Data) Error in .local (.Object, . ) Is this happening because I am using daily data?
2010 May 07
timeSeries and optional S4 slots?
Question on timeSeries and S4 classes: Consider the following: library(timeSeries) data <- rnorm(5) treg <- ts(data, frequency=4) t1 <- timeSeries(data, as.Date('2010-04-15') + 1:5) t2 <- as.timeSeries(treg) Now both t1 and t2 are timeSeries objects, yet t2 at ts is a valid slot, while t1 at ts is not. Thus the ts slot is optional. Sorry if I am misunderstanding the way S4
2004 Jun 22
ts & daily timeseries
I have defined a daily timeseries for the 365 days of 2003 issuing: myts = ts(dati[,2:10],frequency=365,) > myts Time Series: Start = c(1, 1) End = c(1, 365) Frequency = 365 and mytime = as.POSIXct(strptime(as.character(dati[,1]),format="%Y-%m-%d")) contains the dates from "2003-01-01" to "2003-12-31" How can I combine mytime and myts in order to list
2008 Nov 16
inconsistency between timeSeries and zoo causing a problem with rbind
Dear R Users and maintainers of packages zoo and timeSeries, I believe there is a recently introduced inconsistency between timeSeries and zoo which is causing a problem with rbind. I had previously reported that I was having problems with rbind in the following code: library(zoo) foo<-zoo(1,"2007-10-09")) bar<-zoo(2,"2007-10-10"))
2009 Nov 10
1 and timeSeries
Does anyone know why the following code hangs on the, but works fine when I either comment out the require(timeSeries) or only do 2 levels of a for loop instead of 3? Thanks, Andrew Bierbryer require(timeSeries) num <- 1 x.list <- list() for ( i in 1:10 ) { for ( j in 1:20 ) { for ( k in 1:30 ) { x.list[[num]] <- cbind(num,10)
2011 Nov 15
Creating Timeseries by manipulating data table
Hi, I'm new to R and tried a search but couldn't find what I was looking for. I have some data as a csv file with columns:- longditude latitude year month rainfall region What I need to do is produce a monthly time series for each region, where region is an integer id and where each time point in the series is the monthly average of rainfall for each location in that region. Basically
2008 Sep 04
modeling interval data, a.k.a. irregular timeseries
Greetings -- I've got some sensor data of the form t1_1, t1_2 t2_1, t2_2 ... tN_1,tN_2 -- time intervals measuring starts and stops of sensor activity. I'd like to see whether there's any regularity in it. Seems natural to consider these data timeseries -- except most of the timeseries packages and models assume regular ones, with a fixed frequency. I wonder what's a
2011 Jul 04
[R-SIG-Finance] FinCenter in timeSeries with "merge", "cbind" and "rbind"
Hi R users: When I try to merge or bind (cbind or rbind) two series, both with a "FinCenter" different that GMT, the result is "GMT" not the original financial center? What am I doing wrong? ###################################################### require(timeSeries) getRmetricsOptions("myFinCenter") setRmetricsOptions(myFinCenter = "America/Bogota")
2000 Nov 17
Simulation of Timeseries
Hello, I try to simulate an ARMA-model using R, but I didn't find any function to generate such timeseries. In Splus there is the function arima.sim which generates AR-, MA- and ARIMA-series. Is there any similar in R? Best regards, Frank Beimfohr -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2010 Oct 27
Criteria for individually adressing data ranges within timeseries data
Dear R-Users, my dataset contains timeseries that are structured into task-specific epochs as labelled by a factor and a boolean variable for labelling each data-point within the series as artefact or non-artefact. Now there's no problem in addressing continuous task-specific time-series that are free from artefacts as long as artefacts extend to either boundary of adjacent timeseries but
2006 Feb 22
shaded timeseries plot
Dear list members, I would like to plot a time series, with grayshaded background in time phases were the value of the timeseries exceeds the mean value. For example, if the temperature from 1995-1998 exeeds the mean value between 1980 and 2005, the background in the plot from 1995-1998 shall be shaded. Can anybody help me? Thanks Thomas H.
2003 Jul 30
STL- TimeSeries Decomposition
Dear R Helpers, Currently I'm working with the ts package of R and created a TimeSerie from pixels extracted from satellite imagery(S10 NDVI data, 10 daily composites). I'm trying to decompose this signal in different signals (seasonal and trend). When testing out the STL method is says => Only univariate timeseries are allowed, but the current Timeserie I'm using is univariate!
2008 May 14
Research assistant at University Bremen, Germany: Timeseries Analysis with R
Hi there, we are looking for a research assistant for a project on analysing timeseries in the field of educational research. We have timeseries of the subjective perception (I understand, I feel good, I am interested etc.) of 109 students (6 different courses, 26 to 72 hours of classroom teaching, 208 to 332 points of measurement). We want to do exemplary analysis of the interaction
2009 Oct 21
Problems coercing to timeSeries
Hi all. I'm suddenly having problems with the following: > FUT10Y<-read.table("C:\\FUT10YR.csv",header=TRUE,sep=",") > head(FUT10Y) Date PX_OPEN PX_HIGH PX_LOW PX_LAST 1 1/5/1999 119.0000 119.1875 118.5312 118.6250 2 1/6/1999 118.5938 118.8750 118.2812 118.8438 3 1/7/1999 118.9062 119.0312 118.3750 118.5000 4 1/8/1999 118.4688 118.5625 117.5312
2009 Nov 18
xts timeseries
Hi, I try to calculate the correlation between macroeconomic data from FRED vs Market Data However, since the timeseries are not in synch, the correlation fails. require(quantmod) USPBS =get(getSymbols("USPBS", src="FRED" )) USPBS = USPBS['1983-1-1::'] monDMANEMP = Cl(to.monthly(USPBS)) > length(monDMANEMP) [1] 312 > head(monDMANEMP) USPBS.Close
2010 Aug 06
Creating timeSeries
Hi I want to create a TimeSeries object with already defined dates (in the first vector) so that all the data are coerced as a time series object with the dates as they are. Is there anyone that have an idea what to do? 2010-07-07 3.900833 3.176667 2.754167 2.045833 1.820833 2010-04-21 4.256667 3.356667 2.700000 1.820000 1.576667 2010-02-17 4.322500 3.450000 2.670000 1.792500 1.492500
2010 Nov 19
Ggplot and irregular timeseries
Hello there, Could anybody please help on how to correctly use ggplot when printing irregural time series, by irregural here I mean for example the absence of some dates in the whole timespan of a dataset. To be more precise in the following example I generated some random data which spans the whole November up to now and dropped weekend days but for some reasons ggplot continues to plot the
2005 Apr 19
timeSeries Date Warning messages: Set timezone to GMT!
Hello, I must be doing something wrong that's very obvious. But I just don't see it. I changed my Windows Time Zone to GMT and my Financial Center to Montreal. But I still get several warnings. >Sys.timezone() [1] "GMT Daylight Time" >myFinCenter [1] "Montreal" >Sys.timeDate() [1] "Montreal" [1] [2005-04-19 10:55:02] Warning messages: 1: Set
2010 Mar 02
Creating a timeSeries "Data Frame"
Hello I have 2000 univariate timeSeries of about 20 observations each, as the following, I would like to store all of them in one object, sort of a data frame, and to be able to recall each by its column name, which by the way is the same as the first date. Do you know how can I do this. Thank you Felipe Parra GMT 2009-10-12 2009-10-12 0.002346171 2009-10-14 0.002346171 2009-10-21