Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "candisc plotting"
2009 Jan 19
I have a question regarding the candisc package. My data are:
species three five
1 2.95 6.63
1 2.53 7.79
1 3.57 5.65
1 3.16 5.47
2 2.58 4.46
2 2.16 6.22
2 3.27 3.52
I put these in a table and then a linear model
>newdata <- lm(cbind(three, five) ~ species, data=rawdata)
and then do a candisc on them
2012 Jan 27
Overimposing one map in ssplot onto another
I have 2 maps - both created in ssplot and both identical in terms of
outline. Is there any way to superimpose Map1 (which has black borders
between Canadian provinces) onto Map2 (which is also a map of Canada)?
Thanks a lot for your hints!
### A. Reading in Canada data at the province and then at the county level:
getData('ISO3') # Canada's code is
2007 Sep 12
constructing an lm() formula in a function
I'm working on some functions for generalized canonical discriminant
analysis in conjunction with the heplots package. I've written a
candisc.mlm function that takes an mlm object and computes a
candisc object containing canonical scores, coeficients, etc.
But I'm stumped on how to construct a mlm for the canonical scores,
in a function using the *same* right-hand-side of the model
2008 Dec 10
trouble loading candisc
I am having trouble loading the package candisc onto my R distribution. I am
using 2.7.1-2. I do a "> install.packages("candisc"
and get the following output.
Warning in install.packages("candisc") :
argument 'lib' is missing: using '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library'
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Loading Tcl/Tk
2008 Jun 16
candisc() error message
I am doing canonical discriminant analysis using candisc function from
the candisc package.
My input is a table of species distribution (columns = abundance of each
species in each sample) in samples that are split by categories (rows),
and I want to know whether each category is associated with a particular
set of species and their abundances.
I have 20 rows (samples) split into 6
2009 Mar 31
Package candisc
Hi listers,
I am working on an canonical discriminant analysis, but I am having some
trouble to use the CANDISC function... I just installed the last R version
and installed the package CANDISC... But, I am getting the following message
because about a permission:
The downloaded packages are in
updating HTML package descriptions
2013 Jan 29
how to suppress the intercept in an lm()-like formula method?
I'm trying to write a formula method for canonical correlation analysis,
that could be called similarly to lm() for
a multivariate response:
cancor(cbind(y1,y2,y3) ~ x1+x2+x3+x4, data=, ...)
or perhaps more naturally,
cancor(cbind(y1,y2,y3) ~ cbind(x1,x2,x3,x4), data=, ...)
I've adapted the code from lm() to my case, but in this situation, it
doesn't make sense to
include an
2010 Jul 29
[R-pkgs] heplots 0.9-3 and candisc 0.5-18 released to CRAN
I've just released the latest R-Forge versions of heplots 0.9-3 and
candisc 0.5-18 to CRAN.
They should appear there within a day or two.
== heplots
The heplots package provides functions for visualizing hypothesis tests
in multivariate linear models (MANOVA, multivariate multiple regression,
MANCOVA, etc.). They
represent sums-of-squares-and-products matrices for linear hypotheses
and for
2008 Apr 18
new candisc package on CRAN
I'm happy to announce the candisc package, v 0.5-9, now on CRAN.
Generalized Canonical Discriminant Analysis
This package includes functions for computing and visualizing
generalized canonical discriminant analyses for a multivariate linear
model. They are designed to provide low-rank visualizations of terms in
a mlm via the plot method and the heplots package.
The methods
2008 Apr 18
new candisc package on CRAN
I'm happy to announce the candisc package, v 0.5-9, now on CRAN.
Generalized Canonical Discriminant Analysis
This package includes functions for computing and visualizing
generalized canonical discriminant analyses for a multivariate linear
model. They are designed to provide low-rank visualizations of terms in
a mlm via the plot method and the heplots package.
The methods
2008 Oct 29
sessionInfo() error
[Using R 2.7.2 on Windows XP]
After re-building our heplots package, I've begun to get the following
error from sessionInfo(),
even though it passes R CMD check and builds without errors:
> sessionInfo()
Error in x$Priority : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
In addition: Warning message:
In FUN(c("MASS", "heplots", "car", "rgl",
2014 Jul 30
Dear R developers
A question about the class 'listof', defined in package 'stats'.
Other than its definition and use in the code for 'anova',
we can't see that the class 'listof' is used for anything else
(in recommended packages, or elsewhere).
In the spatstat package we have been using a 'listof'
to represent a list of spatial objects of the same
2018 May 25
TukeyHSD for multiple response
Dear all,
I'm testing the effect of species and sex in my sample by using the principal component scores of a PCA analysis.
I have 30 PCs and I tried to see if there is any significant difference from males to females, given that there is a significant effect of phylogeny (factor with several species).
I didi it like this:
fit <- manova(Y ~ sp*sex)
2018 May 26
TukeyHSD for multiple response
Hi Sergio
Doing those tests 30 times is going to give you a huge Type I error
rate, even if there was a function that did that. There is a reason
why TukeyHSD doesn't make it easy.
In general, if there are useful comparisons among the species, you are
better off setting up and testing contrasts than doing all-pairwise
Tukey tests.
Also, the PCA scores are ordered in terms of variance
2005 Jul 06
Help: Mahalanobis distances between 'Species' from iris
Dear R list,
I'm trying to calculate Mahalanobis distances for 'Species' of 'iris' data
as obtained below:
Squared Distance to Species From Species:
Setosa Versicolor Virginica
Setosa 0 89.86419 179.38471
Versicolor 89.86419 0 17.20107
Virginica 179.38471 17.20107 0
This distances above were obtained with proc
2012 Jan 18
I am trying to create a frequency distribution and I am a bit confused.
Here are the commands I have entered:
> data <- read.csv(file="40609_sortedfinal.csv",head=TRUE,sep=",")
> NumberOfActionsByStatus = data$STATUS
> NumberOfActionsByUser = data$ETS_LOGIN
> NumberOfBidOffer = data$BID_OFFER
> NumberOfActionsByUser.freq = table(NumberOfActionsByUser)
2010 Jun 15
MANOVA proportion of variance explained
Hello everybody
After doing a MANOVA on a bunch of data, I want to be able to make some comment on the amount of variation in the data that is explained by the factor of interest. I want to say this in the following way: XX% of the data is explained by A.
I can acheive something like what I want by doing the following:
X <- structure(c(9, 6, 9, 3, 2, 7), .Dim = as.integer(c(3,
2005 Jul 08
Help with Mahalanobis
Dear R list,
I'm trying to calculate Mahalanobis distances for 'Species' of 'iris' data
as obtained below:
Squared Distance to Species From Species:
Setosa Versicolor Virginica
Setosa 0 89.86419 179.38471
Versicolor 89.86419 0 17.20107
Virginica 179.38471 17.20107 0
These distances were obtained with proc 'CANDISC'
2012 Feb 08
How to have columns lined up?
Hi there,
Everytime when I paste My R output in WORD, the columns couldn't line up
nicely like they appear in R console. Is there a way to fix this problem?
Thanks for any help!
time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
6 21 3 0.857 0.0764 0.707 1.000
7 17 1 0.807 0.0869 0.636 0.977
10 15 1
2011 Sep 13
stupid lm() question
I feel bad even asking, but:
Rgames> data(OrchardSprays)
Rgames> model<-lm(decrease~.,data=OrchardSprays)
Rgames> model
lm(formula = decrease ~ ., data = OrchardSprays)
(Intercept) rowpos colpos treatmentB treatmentC
22.705 -2.784 -1.234 3.000 20.625
treatmentD treatmentE treatmentF treatmentG treatmentH