similar to: Dates as x axis labels

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "Dates as x axis labels"

2007 Dec 06
End of whiskers of boxplots are repeated on PDF device (PR#10499)
Full_Name: Michael Toews Version: 2.61 OS: WinXP SP2 Submission from: (NULL) ( Using boxplot on a PDF device with more than one group (or boxes) produces multiple (and overlain) 1st and 3rd quartile ticks. There are exactly the multiple of boxplot groups as there are of each 1st and 3rd quartile ticks for each boxplot (drawn as a horizontal line at the end of each boxplot), which
2006 Feb 27
log scale y axis ticks control on boxplots
Hey R Users I like to control the ticks and labels in a boxplot as described for a xyplot below (thread in maillinglist in may 2003). Does anybody knows how it works? Thanks in advance Thomas Thread from May 2003 ( Hello R Users! I'm using lattice to produce some graphs with logaritmic y-scales. I use the command xyplot(hits ~
2009 May 31
using chron vector with boxplot
Hi, I'm having trouble using dates (created using library(chron)) as groupings for a boxplot. I have 10 repeat measurements of a variable within an individual day. The measurements were done over 10 days. I would like to plot the measurements as a box and wisker plot (using boxplot or something similar) where the days (as chron object) would be the grouping and the repeated measurements
2008 Jun 16
Dual axis labeling of a single quantity
I have a problem where I need to label the vertical axes of a Boxplot with related, but different quantities (flow & height), which have a known relationship. Primarily I want to plot the variable as a flow on the left axis and on the opposing right axis, show the corresponding height. Is it possible to get the flow range (max & min) of the left axis and then supply the right axis
2007 Apr 09
plot log scale, axis original scale
I want to produce some boxplots and plot the logged values but have the axis scale in the original, not-logged scale. It seeming like I have the first few steps but I'm having trouble with the last. Here's what I'm doing (which I got for the documentation for boxplot and axis). How do I get the ticks to be labeled 2,5, and 9 of the original scale? a<-c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
2004 Mar 09
More factor names in x axis, how?
I have some data which records, amongst other things, age (recoded by me to be in months), and drug group (a factor). The drug group is a 2 digit number, but there is no numeric relationship, and only 50 of the possible groups occur So > asd <- read.table("asd.dat", header=TRUE) > asd$group <- as.factor(asd$group) > plot(age ~ group, data=asd) gives me a series of
2005 Jun 02
Wishlist: more flexible handling of tick labels in axis.Date (PR#7914)
I think allowing the user to change the labels is a good idea, but have some nitpicking about the details. - Could you grab a copy of the current axis.Date source from and edit that, rather than what you see in R? There are some comments in the source that shouldn't be lost. This will also mean that it's easier to
2001 Sep 19
X-axis with POSIXct dates
I have a series of datasets, each containing pH measurements and manufacturing dates, and each dataset pertains to a different manufactured product. I'm trying to create a series of plots of pH measurements by date, but the default X-axis labeling behavior is not giving adequate results in this particular case, and I can't figure out how to persuade R to come up with something more
2010 Sep 26
Changing x-axis on boxplot
Dear List, ? I am creating a boxplot with two subsets, very similar to the example by Roger Bivand at ?boxplot (reproduced below).? I am trying to change the labels on the x-axis to have one number to cover both subsets.? I can do this in other plots by using axis=FALSE followed by a separate axis() command.? I have also tried variations in the names= argument but can't get it to work.?
2005 Jun 02
Wishlist: more flexible handling of tick labels in axis.Date (PR#7913)
Full_Name: Gavin Simpson Version: 2.1.0-patched (1-Jun-2005) OS: Linux (Fedora Core 3) Submission from: (NULL) ( axis.Date() insists on labelling tick marks. It could be made more flexible by allowing the user to specify if they want the ticks to be labelled, for example, to add un-labelled minor ticks for "months", added to a plot with "years" labelled. The user
2007 Jan 10
axis labels at subset of tick marks
For example, this works: x = seq(-100, 1000, 25) y = x * x plot(x,y, xaxt="n") axis(1,x,FALSE,tcl=-0.3) axis(1,x[x %% 100 ==0]) It creates two axis objects and the values of the x-axis are the labels. The following scenario is more difficult, because it uses 'image' to plot a grid of values: a = matrix(rnorm(100),ncol=10) image(1:ncol(a), 1:nrow(a), a, xaxt="n",
2009 Jul 23
xyplot axis scaling with dates/times
Dear R users, I'm trying to get a good x-scale and labels on a plot like the one below. library(lattice) ## make almost a year of hourly data: mydat <- data.frame(dates = Sys.time() + 3600 * (1:7000), y = runif(7000)) ## plot it xyplot(y ~ dates, data = mydat, type = "l") Only one x-label is given (May). I would prefer several because it makes the plot very difficult to
2002 Nov 12
[R] grid(): defaults of nx and ny do not correspond with axis() (PR#2282) wrote: > > Problem: > When tick marks are set by axis(), the default grid() does not always > correspond with the tick marks, although the manual of grid() says: > nx,ny: ... When `NULL', as per default, the grid aligns with the > tick marks on the corresponding axis, when `NA', no grid > lines are drawn in the
2010 Mar 16
boxplot, vertical position of x-axis labels
hello, i can't figure out how to change the vertical position of my x axis labels.. boxplot(c(1:12)~c(rep("1",6),rep("2",6)),at=c(1,2), col=c(0,"grey"),las=1,xaxt="n") ### i put paragraphs in the x-labels because of limited horizontal space axis(1,at=c(1,2),adj=1,labels=c("Salix Scrub","Tall Forb")) ...the labels are one line
2007 Aug 08
Help using gPath
Hi everyone,I'm trying to figure out how to use gPath and the documentation is not very helpful :( I have the following plot object: plot-surrounds:: background plot.gTree.378:: background guide.gTree.355:: (background.rect.345, minor-horizontal.segments.347, minor-vertical.segments.349, major-horizontal.segments.351, major-vertical.segments.353) guide.gTree.356::
2011 May 14
Using dates on axis with Grid plots
Hi, I'm trying to use Grid plots and would like to have an X axis that represents dates. I have several years of data so I would like to be able to have labeled tick marks only intermittently (not one per date). I can transform the initial data from a date time string into POSIXlt or POSIXct, or Date objects. The issue is that when I try to layout the plot using: pushViewport(
2010 Jun 13
Boxplot intervals combining names
Hi R users, This seems like a simple problem but I have searched nabble for the answer and can't seem to find it. All I want to do is produce a boxplot where I have two boxes for one Individual but on the xaxis I only have one tick mark centred between the boxes so I can add the Individuals' name. I have 30 IDs and have shown the code I use below for a couple of IDs, I figure the data
2009 Jul 30
ask help about boxplot , different list variation into the tick of x-axis?
Hi ,everyone. I want to draw a boxplot figure, main script shown as below. when I run the command "boxplot(bjavee~yearname)",it is wrong with the error information " model.frame.default(formula = bjavee ~ yearname) : variation 'bjavee' list is wrong". I want to add the yearname as the x-axis tick. And yearname is a array with the length 12,while bjavee is a 5*12
2012 Jul 12
Adjusting format of boxplot
Hi, I managed to use the attached data set and figure out the following: flies <- read.table("example12_1.dat",header=TRUE,sep="\t") boxplot(long ~ group, data = flies, horizontal = TRUE, col = "red") I'm very new to R and would like some help with the following: 1. Change the order on the y-axis from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
2011 Jun 26
bwplot questions: box order, axis breaks, and multiple y-axis labels
Hi all, I used bwplot in lattice to create a 6-panel boxplot grouped by a conditioning variable (param) that displays concentration (conc) in response to treatment (trtmnt). Here is the functional part of my code followed by my three questions: library(lattice); ww<-read.csv(file="c:/Rdata/lattice_boxplot_prep.csv",header=TRUE,sep=","); attach(ww);