Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "count the cumulative for each subject"
2013 Nov 28
Relative Cumulative Frequency of Event Occurence
My objective is to calculate "Relative (Cumulative) Frequency of Event
Occurrence" - something as follows:
Sample.Number 1st.Fly 2nd.Fly Did.E.occur? Relative.Cum.Frequency.of.E
1 G B No 0.000
2 B B Yes 0.500
3 B G No 0.333
4 G B No 0.250
5 G G Yes 0.400
6 G B No 0.333
7 B B Yes 0.429
8 G G Yes 0.500
9 G B No 0.444
10 B B Yes 0.500
Please refer to the code below:
2008 Jan 05
Cumulative sum of vector
Maybe I have not been looking in the right spot, but, I have not been
able to fine a command to automatically calculate the running
cumulative sum of a vector. Is there such a command?
Example of current code:
> eig$values
[1] 678.365651 6.769697 2.853783
> prop<-eig$values/sum(eig$values)
> prop
[1] 0.986012163 0.009839832 0.004148005
2008 May 12
Cumulative lattice histograms
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2009 Jun 17
cumulative sum in data frame
Dear R-Help List,
I have a question about data manipulation. I tried to make code myself but too much for me. I would greatly appreciate your help.
I have data set consisting of site (from 1 to N1) and distance and there are several variables (1 to N2) collected from each sampling site. I am interested in looking at cumulative sums of each variable based on site and distance like below.
2010 Dec 07
understanding output of tapply/by cumsum
Dear R-users,
I have a dataset with categories and numbers.
I would like to compute and add cumulative numbers
to the dataset.
I do not understand the structure of by(...) or
tapply(...) output enough to handle it.
Here a small example
d$n = 10 * d$a + d$b +0.1* d$c
List of 10
$ : num
2006 Aug 31
cumulative growth rates indexed to a common starting point over n series of observations
What is the R way of computing cumulative growth rates given a series of
discrete values indexed .
For instance, given a matrix of 20 observations for each of 5 series (zz),
what is the most straight forward technique in R for computing cumulative
growth (zzcum) ?
It seems for the solution I'm after might be imbedding the following cum
growth rate calc as a function into a function call
2004 Jun 11
lattice: cumsum and xyplot
I want to display cumulative summary functions with lattice.
First I tried to get cumulated data:
d.cum <- with( barley, by( yield, INDICES=list(site=site,year=year), FUN=cumsum ) )
I got a list of vectors.
I tried to get a dataframe which I could use in xyplot.
But neither of the following functions led to the goal:
d.cum.df1 <-
2007 Oct 26
please can anyone help me out. Am a new user of R
program. Am having problem
with this code below, not getting the expected
1. Each m, the cumulative sum should be 1.000 but the
2nd and 3rd m returned 2.000 and 3.000
instead of 1.000.
2. to get the LCL(m) and UCL(m) for each m base on
these instructions
if out.cum > 0.025 then LCL(m)= y-1
if out.cum >0.975
2007 Mar 12
How to avoid a for-loop?
Hi all,
as I am trying to move slowly from just "working" to "good" code, I'd
like to ask if there's a smarter way than using a for-loop in tasks like
the example below.
I need to obtain the extrema of the cumulated sum of a detrended time
series. The following code is currently used, please have a look at the
comments for my questions and remarks:
2005 Jan 07
Getting empirical percentiles for data
Dear List,
I have some discrete data and want to calculate the percentiles and the
percentile ranks for each of the unique scores. I can calculate the
percentiles with quantile().
I know that "ecdf" can be used to calculate the empirical cumulative
distribution. However, I don't know how to exact the cumulative
probabilities for each unique element. The requirement is similar
2009 Nov 21
how to ignore NA when using cumsum?
I would like to cumulatively sum rows in a matrix, in which each row has 1
NA value. The usual "na.rm=TRUE" does not seem to work with the command
cumsum. Is there another way to ignore the NAs or do I need to figure out a
different way to do this?
Here's an example matrix of title "proportion":
Ntrail Strail NFJD Baldy Onion Crane
2011 Jul 23
sum part of a vector
Dear colleagues, I have a data set that looks roughly like this;
mydat<-data.frame(state=c(rep("Alabama", 5), rep("Delaware", 5), rep("California", 5)), news=runif(15, min=0, max=8), cum.news=rep(0, 15))
For each state, I'd like to cumulatively sum the value of "news" and make that put that value in cum.news.
I'm trying as follows but I get
2007 Oct 29
help please
please can anyone help me out. Am a new user of R
program. Am having problem
with this code below, not getting the expected
Each m, the cumulative sum should be 1.000 but the
2nd and 3rd m returned 2.000 and 3.000
instead of 1.000.
2017 Jan 20
NaN behavior of cumsum
I noticed that cumsum behaves different than the other cumulative functions wrt. NaN values:
> values <- c(1,2,NaN,1)
> for ( f in c(cumsum, cumprod, cummin, cummax)) print(f(values))
[1] 1 3 NA NA
[1] 1 2 NaN NaN
[1] 1 1 NaN NaN
[1] 1 2 NaN NaN
The reason is that cumsum (in cum.c:33) contains an explicit check for ISNAN.
Is that intentional?
IMHO, ISNA would be better
2011 Dec 30
vertically stacked area plot?
Dear all,
I would like to create a vertically stacked area chart in R. The data are
presented in the attached text file.
I would like to see the trend in values for the different groups with
sediment depth (that's why I would like to create a vertically stacked
chart; normally sed_depth should be = x, but I want it plotted on the
y-axis). In the packages available to create stacked area
2005 May 23
Can't reproduce clusplot princomp results.
Dear R folk:
Perhaps I'm just dense today, but I am having trouble reproducing the
principal components plotted and summarized by clusplot. Here is a brief
example using the pluton dataset. clusplot reports that the first two
principal components explain 99.7% of the variability. But this is not what
princomp is reporting. I would greatly appreciate any advice.
With best regards,
-- Tom
2007 Mar 01
How to read in this data format?
I recieved an ascii file, containing following information:
$$ Experiment Number:
$$ Associated Data:
Scan 1
Retention Time 0.017
399.8112 184
399.8742 0
399.9372 152
Scan 2
Retention Time 0.021
399.8112 181
399.8742 1
399.9372 153
I would like to import this data in R into a dataframe, where there is a
column time, the first numbers as column names, and the
2009 Aug 06
opration / dates in R
how can i use operation + , - , / with veriable format DATES?
for example i have two variable a <- 18/08/2008 and b <- 18/09/2010 and i want to calculate a-b ??
thank you?
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2005 Nov 08
how to draw cumulative histogram
Hello there,
I am using R to plot some cumulative histogram for my data. Please help
in this case.
Thank you
Lisa Wang
Princess Margaret Hospital
phone 416 946 4501 ext.4883
2003 Nov 17
cumulative distribution functions
hi y'all,
I am wondering if there is any special command, function,
package, etc to help me doing a cumulative distribution function,
with y-scale - probability scale.
I tried the help in R and i got the following answers:
cumsum(base) Cumulative Sums, Products, and Extremes
ecdf(stepfun) Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function
cpgram(ts) Plot