Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Cannot quit R - fame package issue?"
2007 Feb 02
Help with OS X (BSD) ps command
My fame package has a function that checks to see if a FAME SERVER process is
already running. On Linux, I can do this in one of two ways:
pid <- Sys.getpid()
user <- Sys.info()["user"]
cmd <- paste("pgrep -fU", user, "-P", pid, "'FAME SERVER'")
fameRunning <- as.logical(length(system(cmd, intern = T)))
or I can use
2009 Jan 20
Problem with FAME
Dear All,
I wonder whether anyone has an experience with FAME package written by Jeff Hallman. All my attempts to send him the following problem report did not succeed (the mail system says that my e-mail could not be delivered), so I turn for help to this list.
I tried to use your FAME package written for R, but somehow I cannot get it working. I am using Windows XP and the newest R
2004 Dec 15
Bugtracker Karma Hall Of Fame
The Karma Hall Of Fame is now available at:
Users with negative karma aren't named'n'shamed.. YET.. but congrats to all
the users with positive karma on the current list! The list shows all users
holding the top 10 karma scores in the system. Right now you need a 12 or
above to feature on the list, and there's a boat load of people just
2008 Jan 04
R/FAME Interface
I am trying to establish an interface between FAME and R.
I have downloaded the zip file containing the documentation regarding
this interface from the CRAN website, but I am still having problems.
Thus far, what I have done is as follows:
1. I ran the "ClientServer.R" file.
2. Then I ran "startRemoteServer.R" file.
3. Then I ran the "fame.R file". As I
2006 Dec 08
dyn.load and function calls without 'PACKAGE' argument
I'm writing a package that interfaces to the FAME database, via a
library of compiled C routines accessible through a Linux .so file. My
.onLoad() function loads the .so like this:
dyn.load("/opt/fame/timeiq/lib/linux_x86/libjchli.so", local = F)
and after that I also load my own fame.so via
library.dynam("fame", package = "fame")
The code in fame.so uses
2007 Jun 05
Can configure.ac detect 64 bit R?
My fame package has to link to the libchli.so that comes with FAME.
However, FAME is now supplying both 32 and 64 bit versions of the
library. The 32-bit version is $FAME/hli/libchli.so while the 64-bit
version is $FAME/hli/64/libchli.so. To set the right flags, it seems
that I need to know, from within configure.ac, whether the R
installation is 32 bit or 64 bit. Is there a way to detect this?
2007 Jul 12
In creating a Windows binary package (zip), how do I make the installation configurable
I would like to create a binary package for Windows which when
installed will give the user an option of whether to install
one version or another.
Here is the problem, I have a package 'FAME' that can run
in two different modes on Windows. An old mode that uses
R to connect to a remote linux machine and a new way that
uses a locally installed database.
I would allow this decision to be
2003 Mar 28
rsync ignoring some new files
I have found several instances where rsync refuses to copy a new file.
I am using it to sync changes from a staging web server to production
servers, and there are certain files that it just plain won't copy. The
file is totally new. No such name has ever existed on the target server(,
or on the source server until now).
In this instance, I added 3 completely new files to the same
2010 Sep 28
Hello, helpeRs,
I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to change a dataframe from long to
wide format using reshape (the original). I would appreciate it if
someone could demonstrate the correct syntax. The script below will
create a toy example. The new wide data should have a column name
for each unique entry in the "fame" column. Under each column
should be either the
2005 Jun 05
data transformation
i have data fame da:
> da
x y
1 1 a
2 2 a
3 3 a
4 4 a
5 5 a
6 6 b
7 7 b
8 8 b
9 9 b
10 10 b
> str(da)
`data.frame': 10 obs. of 2 variables:
$ x: num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
$ y: Factor w/ 2 levels "a","b": 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
and i want to generate new variable da$z,when y=="a",da$z=da$x-mean(x[y=="a"]) ,when
2009 Jun 05
Show location of workspace image on quit?
When I quit R, it says:
> q()
Save workspace image? [y/n/c]:
and since I've probably got 3 R sessions running in however many
different directories and I might have jumped around with setwd() , I
forget exactly where R wants to save its workspace image. So could q()
be changed to say what file it is going to save to before it does?
Currently I have to hit 'c', then do
2010 Jul 16
I need help making a data.fame comprised of selected columns of an original data frame.
I must have missed something simple, but still, i don't know what.
I obtained my basic data as follows:
x <- sprintf("SELECT m_id,sale_date,YEAR(sale_date) AS
sale_year,WEEK(sale_date) AS sale_week,return_type,0.0001 +
DATEDIFF(return_date,sale_date) AS elapsed_time FROM
`merchants2`.`risk_input` WHERE DATEDIFF(return_date,sale_date) IS NOT
moreinfo <- dbGetQuery(con,
2009 Jan 24
Is abline misbehaving?
Hi experts,
I was graciously offered a function to enhance abline by restricting the
extent of the line to less than the plotting region. This seems a useful
idea, and it looked like the easiest way to program it was to set up a
clipping region with "clip", draw the abline and then restore the
previous clipping region. Let us call this function ablineclip. After
quite a bit of
2009 Jan 24
Is abline misbehaving?
Hi experts,
I was graciously offered a function to enhance abline by restricting the
extent of the line to less than the plotting region. This seems a useful
idea, and it looked like the easiest way to program it was to set up a
clipping region with "clip", draw the abline and then restore the
previous clipping region. Let us call this function ablineclip. After
quite a bit of
2004 Feb 27
[OT] Fyodor terminates SCO nmap rights -- how about Samba?
Hash: SHA1
As you all may know Fyodor of nmap fame has terminated SCO's
rights to distribute namp with its products. See:
I know this is off-topic, but I am interested in opinions
on the subject of SCO using Samba in it's products while they declare
the GPL is unconstitutional and invalid.
2006 Aug 26
Memory usage decreases drastically after save workspace, quit, restart, load workspace
Dear all,
I have the following problem:
- I have written a program in R which runs out of physical memory
on my MacBook Pro with 1.5 GB RAM
- The memory usage is much higher then I would expect from the
actual data in my global environment
- When I save the workspace, quit R, restart R and load the
workspace again, memory usage is much less then before
(~50 MB instead of ~1.5
2005 Jul 12
sharing a decoder between 2 inbound speex streams?
You definitely need to have separate decoders for separate streams.
It has been mentioned before that inter-frame state is critical to
achieving the level of quality for bandwidth that Speex offers. This
differentiates it from iLBC, a codec whose claim to fame is that it
treats each frame independently.
I'm not sure what's hard about maintaining multiple decoder states,
unless you are
2007 Jan 06
Camping Podcast
I''m putting together an episode of the Rails podcast that will be dedicated to Camping.
I already have the first interview recorded. I''d like to get 3 or 4 more short interviews (short...maybe 4.096 minutes each).
If you''d like instant fame, send me an email and tell me what camping project you would like to talk about, what your skype username is, and when is a good
2007 Aug 19
Fwd: [show-in-a-box] Re: Ogg
Does anyone know the answer to this question below?
(Note... they're calling the Theora codec "Ogg" below. I know
technically it's not correct... but that's what some are calling it.)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Enric <enric.media@gmail.com>
Date: Aug 19, 2007 10:13 AM
Subject: [show-in-a-box] Re: Ogg
To: show-in-a-box@googlegroups.com
2004 Oct 08
Chernoff faces
> >>>>> "Kenneth" == Kenneth Cabrera <krcabrer at perseus.unalmed.edu.co> writes:
> Kenneth> Hello everybody: Does any one has a function to build Chernoff
> Kenneth> faces?
> Many of us don't think it's worth them.
> But we know that opinions differ and gladly incorporate
> (good quality) submissions of source code.