Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "negative prediction by gam (mgcv package)"
2005 Feb 27
prediction, gam, mgcv
I fitted a GAM model with Poisson distribution
using the function gam() in the mgcv package.
My model is of the form:
To extract estimates at a specified set of covariate
values I used the gam `predict' method.
But I want to get
estimate and standard error of the difference of two fitted values.
Can someone explain what should I do?
2008 Nov 13
Negative prediction by gam
Gam in mgcv package is predicting negative values which should not be
the case despite all the predictors and response variables are positive.
Tried to use log link function but it did not help. Please help
Sunil Kumar Sharma
******************************* IMPORTANT MESSAGE
2008 Apr 09
mgcv::predict.gam lpmatrix for prediction outside of R
This is in regards to the suggested use of type="lpmatrix" in the
documentation for mgcv::predict.gam. Could one not get the same result more
simply by using type="terms" and interpolating each term directly? What is
the advantage of the lpmatrix approach for prediction outside R? Thanks.
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2013 Jul 23
Help with using unpenalised te smooth in negative binomial mgcv gam
I have been trying to fit an un-penalised gam in mgcv (in order to get more
reliable p-values for hypothesis testing), but I am struggling to get the
model to fit sucessfully when I add in a te() interaction. The model I am
trying to fit is:
gam(count~ s(x1, bs = "ts", k = 4, fx = TRUE) +
s(x2, bs = "ts", k = 4, fx = TRUE) +
te(x2, x3, bs =
2008 Jun 11
mgcv::gam error message for predict.gam
Sometimes, for specific models, I get this error from predict.gam in library
Error in complete.cases(object) : negative length vectors are not allowed
Here's an example:
model.calibrate <-
gam(meansalesw ~ s(tscore,bs="cs",k=4),
> test <- predict(model.calibrate,newdata)
Error in
2008 Apr 06
mgcv::gam prediction using lpmatrix
The documentation for predict.gam in library mgcv gives an example of using
an "lpmatrix" to do approximate prediction via interpolation. However, the
code is specific to the example wrt the number of smooth terms, df's for
each,etc. (which is entirely appropriate for an example)
Has anyone generalized this to directly generate code from a gam object (eg
SAS or C code)? I wanted to
2011 Mar 28
mgcv gam predict problem
I'm using function gam from package mgcv to fit splines. ?When I try
to make a prediction slightly beyond the original 'x' range, I get
this error:
> A = runif(50,1,149)
> B = sqrt(A) + rnorm(50)
> range(A)
[1] 3.289136 145.342961
> fit1 = gam(B ~ s(A, bs="ps"), outer.ok=TRUE)
> predict(fit1, newdata=data.frame(A=149.9), outer.ok=TRUE)
2006 Mar 05
predicted values in mgcv gam
In fitting GAMs to assess environmental preferences, I use the part
of the fit where the lower confidence interval is above zero as my
criterion for positive association between the environmental variable
and species abundance. However I like to plot this on the original
scale of species abundance. To do so I extract the fit and SE using
Lately I compared more
2005 Feb 14
gam(mgcv) starting values
Hi all!
I?ve got some problems with the function gam (library mgcv). For some
models I get the error message :
Error: no valid set of coefficients has been found:please supply
starting values
In addition: Warning message:
NaNs produced in: log(x)
This is a shortened code I used:
gam(y ~ M1 + M3 + M4 + M5 + M6 + sex + M1*M3 + s(age),
family=Gamma(link ="identity"),
2007 Dec 13
Two repeated warnings when runing gam(mgcv) to analyze my dataset?
Dear all,
I run the GAMs (generalized additive models) in gam(mgcv) using the
following codes.
And two repeated warnings appeared.
1: In gam.fit(G, family = G$family, control = control, gamma = gamma, ... :
Algorithm did not converge
2: In gam.fit(G,
2012 Feb 03
GAM (mgcv) warning: matrix not positive definite
Dear list,
I fitted the same GAM model using directly the function gam(mgcv) ... then
as a parameter of another function that capture the warnings messages (see
In the first case, there is no warning message printed, but in the last
one, the function find two warning messages stating "matrix not positive
So my question is: Do I have to worry about those warnings and
2009 Mar 24
help: what are the basis functions in {mgcv}: gam?
I am writing my thesis with the function gam(), with the package {mgcv}.
My command is: gam(y~s(x1,bs="cr")+s(x2, bs="cr")).
I need help to know what are the default basis funcitons for gam. I have not
found any detailed reference for this.
Can anyone help me with this??
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2012 Aug 14
Random effects in gam (mgcv 1.7-19)
I am using the gam function in the mgcv package, I have random effects in
my model (bs="re") this has worked fine, but after I updated the mgcv
package to version 1.7-19 I recive an error message when I run the model.
> summary.gam(fit1)
2007 Dec 13
Probelms on using gam(mgcv)
Dear all,
Following the help from gam(mgcv) help page, i tried to analyze my
dataset with all the default arguments. Unfortunately, it can't be run
successfully. I list the errors below.
2012 Jul 23
mgcv: Extract random effects from gam model
Hi everyone,
I can't figure out how to extract by-factor random effect adjustments from a
gam model (mgcv package).
Example (from ?gam.vcomp):
dat <- gamSim(1,n=400,dist="normal",scale=2)
a <- factor(sample(1:10,400,replace=TRUE))
b <- factor(sample(1:7,400,replace=TRUE))
Xa <- model.matrix(~a-1) ## random main effects
Xb <-
2011 Feb 16
retrieving partial residuals of gam fit (mgcv)
Dear list,
does anybody know whether there is a way to easily retrieve the so called "partial residuals" of a gam fit with package mgcv? The partial residuals are the residuals you would get if you would "leave out" a particular predictor and are the dots in the plots created by
residuals.gam() gives me whole model residuals and
2012 Jul 30
mgcv 1.7-19, vis.gam(): "invalid 'z' limits'
Hi everyone,
I ran a binomial GAM consisting of a tensor product of two continuous
variables, a continuous parametric term and crossed random intercepts on a
data set with 13,042 rows. When trying to plot the tensor product with
vis.gam(), I get the following error message:
Error in persp.default(m1, m2, z, col = col, zlim = c(min.z, max.z), xlab =
view[1], :
invalid 'z' limits
2008 May 06
mgcv::gam shrinkage of smooths
In Dr. Wood's book on GAM, he suggests in section 4.1.6 that it might be
useful to shrink a single smooth by adding S=S+epsilon*I to the penalty
matrix S. The context was the need to be able to shrink the term to zero if
appropriate. I'd like to do this in order to shrink the coefficients towards
zero (irrespective of the penalty for "wiggliness") - but not necessarily
all the
2012 Apr 03
A contour plot question - vis.gam () function in "mgcv"
Please see the attached contour plot (I am sorry about the big file). This was created using the vis.gam() function in "mgcv" package. However, my question is somewhat broader.
In generating this figure, I first created the contours using vis.gam() and then I plotted the points. These point are plotted on top of the contours so that some of the contour lines are only partially
2004 Sep 27
passing formula arg to mgcv::gam
I have a function, callGam, that fits a gam model to a subset of a dataframe. The argument to callGam is a formula, the subset is determined inside the function itself. My na??ve approach generates and error, see below. I guess this is because 'idx' is loocked up in the environment of 'formula', but I am too ignorant about environments to be able to tell for sure. Could