Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Outer, kronecker, etc."
2013 Feb 23
how to calculate left kronecker product?
For an application, I have formulas defined in terms of a left Kronecker
product of matrices,
A,B, meaning
A \otimes_L B = {A * B[i,j]} -- matrix on the left multiplies each
element on the right.
The standard kronecker() function is the right Kronecker product,
A \otimes_R B = {A[i,j] * B} -- matrix on the right multiplies each
element on the left.
The example below shows the result of
2010 Nov 25
Request: kronecker to get a sep= argument
kronecker, with make.dimnames=TRUE uses a hardwired sep=":" in the line
tmp <- outer(dnx[[i]], dny[[i]], FUN = "paste", sep = ":")
For an application in which dimnames arise from an n-way array, where
different dimensions have
different roles, and I would like to be able to use kronecker in the form
kronecker(A, B, make.dimnames=TRUE,
2005 Dec 08
kronecker(... , make.dimnames=TRUE)
I'm using kronecker() with a matrix and a vector. I'm interested in
the column names that kronecker() returns:
> a <- matrix(1:9,3,3)
> rownames(a) <- letters[1:3]
> colnames(a) <- LETTERS[1:3]
> b <- c(x=1,y=2)
> kronecker(a,b,make.dimnames=TRUE)
A: B: C:
a:x 1 4 7
a:y 2 8 14
b:x 2 5 8
b:y 4 10 16
c:x 3 6 9
c:y 6 12 18
2012 Feb 09
Row-wise kronecker product with Matrix package
I'm trying to calculate the row-wise kronecker product A \Box B of two
sparse matrices A and B, and am struggling to find a quick way to do this
that takes advantage of sparseness. I thought a good idea would be to use
"rep" to construct 2 matrices of the same dimension of the end product, and
multiply these two together:
A<-Matrix(c(1,0,0,0,0,1,2,0), 2, 4)
2012 Jun 09
Matrix package loading problem "Error : object ‘kronecker’ is not exported by 'namespace:methods'"
Hi R users all ,
I have a clean install of R-2.15.0 in a win32 machine and a problem loading
Matrix 1.0-6 that looks like this:
> library(Matrix)
Loading required package: lattice
Error : object ?kronecker? is not exported by 'namespace:methods'
Error: package/namespace load failed for ?Matrix?
I understand that kronecker() now has an S4 generic in package methods. Is
that a
2011 Jun 05
kronecker sum
Dear All,
Could someone please suggest how to find the Kronecker sum of two 2x2
i.e. given two matrices:
-A A
a -a
-B B
b -b
I need:
-A-B A B 0
a -a-B 0 B
b 0 -A-b A
0 b a -a-b
Many thanks,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Jul 13
Kronecker matrix product
I want to write a little function that takes a matrix X of size
m-by-n, and a list L of length "m", whose elements are matrices all
of which have
the same number of columns but possibly a different number of rows.
I then want to get a sort of dumbed-down kronecker product in which
X[i,j] is replaced by X[i,j]*L[[j]]
where L[[j]] is the j-th of the "m" matrices. For
2010 Jan 11
sparseM and kronecker product_R latest version
Dear all,
I just installed the new version of R, 2.10.1, and I am currently
using the package sparseM. (I also use a 64 bit windows version)
I got a problem that I never had: when I try to multiply with a
kronecker product (%x%) two sparse matrixes I get the following
Error in dim(x) <- length(x) : invalid first argument
I never had this problem with previous versions of R.
2007 Dec 04
Wishlist: mention Vectorize in 'outer' man page (PR#10490)
Full_Name: Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo
Version: 2.6.1
OS: linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
In 'outer' man page, there is no mention of the Vectorize function.
Moreover, I think it isn't underlined enough that the FUN argument to 'outer'
must be a vectorized function (doc speaks about a function which has to 'operate
A cross-reference from
1999 Jan 15
Some outer() suggestions
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I attach outer.tar.gz which contains
2001 Sep 23
i cannot cajole outer in doing what i want it to do.
i hav a function only defined for scalars
and i want to do
outer(1:5,1:5,function(x,y) fun(x,y))
(i know this is written somewhat clumsy)
to get an array with the values of fun
to use it as an input for image
this does not work since
outer assumes then fun works on arrays elementwise.
what is the easiest way of getting what i
2010 May 08
matrix cross product in R different from cross product in Matlab
Hi all,
I have been searching all sorts of documentation, reference cards, cheat
sheets but can't find why R's
crossprod(A, B) which is identical to A%*%B
does not produce the same as Matlabs
cross(A, B)
Supposedly both calculate the cross product, and say so, or where do I
go wrong?
R is only doing sums in the crossprod however, as indicated by
(z <- crossprod(1:4)) # = sum(1 +
2008 Nov 29
Using grep() to subset lines of text
I have two vectors, a and b. b is a text file. I want to find in b those
elements of a which occur at the beginning of the line in b. I have the
following code, but it only returns a value for the first value in a, but I
want both. Any ideas please.
a = c(2,3)
b = NULL
b[1] = "aaa 2 aaa"
b[2] = "2 aaa"
b[3] = "3 aaa"
b[4] = "aaa 3 aaa"
2005 Oct 13
Help with Matrix package
Hello all,
A colleague at work set me the challenge to convert some MATLAB
code into R, to see which is faster. We'd seen that benchmark comparing
MATLAB 6.5 to R1.90 (and others), and so I thought that I should be able
to get roughly comparable speeds. The code has lots of multiplications
of matrixes, transposes, and MATLAB's "repmat". I did the code
conversion, and R was about
2004 Oct 01
multiple dimensional diag()
I have two arbitrarily dimensioned arrays, "a" and "b", with
length(dim(a))==length(dim(b)). I want to form a sort of
"corner-to-corner" version of abind(), or a multidimensional version
of blockdiag().
In the case of matrices, the function is easy to write and if
a=matrix(1,3,4) and b=matrix(2,2,2), then adiag(a,b) would return:
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
2009 Feb 23
trade-off between speed and storage in matrix multiplications
Dear R-users,
I coded two equivalent ways to perform (in a simplified version)
some matrix multiplications I would like to use in a more general
In the first case I used Kronecker product and vectorization of a
certain matrix. This approach takes less time, but, as you may guess, I
run out of memory when dimensions are large.
In the second approach, I profited of sparseness and
2009 Feb 17
cumsum vs. sum
I recently traced a bug of mine to the fact that cumsum(s)[length(s)]
is not always exactly equal to sum(s).
For example,
sum(x) - cumsum(x)[3] => 2.8e-17
Floating-point addition is of course not exact, and in particular is
not associative, so there are various possible reasons for this.
Perhaps sum uses clever summing tricks to get more accurate results?
In some
2009 May 30
Spatiotemporal correlation function
I'm trying to compute the spatiotemporal correlation matrix by using Delta Kronecker products of spatial and temporal correlation matrix in R, but didn't find any delta Kronecker's operator in R. The operators in matrix such as multiplication, addition, eigen values/vector and etc is easily to find and used.
Could someone help me, please?
2012 Nov 30
Fw: quantreg installation and conflicts with R 2.15.2
Just noticed that I get a similar error about object 'kronecker' in
"Matrix" package when trying to load "lme4". So this is a more pervasive
Brian S. Cade, PhD
U. S. Geological Survey
Fort Collins Science Center
2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. C
Fort Collins, CO 80526-8818
email: brian_cade@usgs.gov
tel: 970 226-9326
----- Forwarded by Brian S
2009 May 20
Class for time of day?
What is the recommended class for time of day (independent of calendar
And what is the recommended way to get the time of day from a POSIXct
object? (Not a string representation, but a computable representation.)
I have looked in the man page for DateTimeClasses, in the Time Series
Analysis Task View and in Spector's Data Manipulation book but haven't found
these. Clearly I can