similar to: different results with plot.lm vs. plot.lm(which=c(2))

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "different results with plot.lm vs. plot.lm(which=c(2))"

2008 Nov 12
different results with plot.glm vs. plot.glm(which=c(2))
I am running GLM models using the gamma family. For example: model <-glm(y ~ x, family=Gamma(link="identity")) I am getting different results for the normal Q-Q plot and the Scale-Location plot if I run the diagnostic plots without specifying the plot vs. specifying the plot ... e.g., "plot(model)" gives me a different Normal Q-Q graph than "plot(model,
2004 Mar 16
glm questions
Greetings, everybody. Can I ask some glm questions? 1. How do you find out -2*lnL(saturated model)? In the output from glm, I find: Null deviance: which I think is -2[lnL(null) - lnL(saturated)] Residual deviance: -2[lnL(fitted) - lnL(saturated)] The Null model is the one that includes the constant only (plus offset if specified). Right? I can use the Null and Residual deviance to
2010 Nov 29
accuracy of GLM dispersion parameters
I'm confused as to the trustworthiness of the dispersion parameters reported by glm. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Context: I'm interested in using a fitted GLM to make some predictions. Along with the predicted values, I'd also like to have estimates of variance for each of those predictions. For a Gamma-family model, I believe this can be done as Var[y] =
2003 Jun 25
Hello, I'm trying to use AIC to choose between 2 models with positive, continuous response variables and different error distributions (specifically a Gamma GLM with log link and a normal linear model for log(y)). I understand that in some cases it may not be possible (or necessary) to discriminate between these two distributions. However, for the normal linear model I noticed a discrepancy
2003 Sep 11
discrepancy between R and Splus lm.influence() functions for family=Gamma(link=identity)
Hello, I am looking for an explanation and/or fix for a discrepancy in the behaviour of the R lm.influence() function [ version R 1.5.0 (2002-04-29) ] and the same function in Splus [ Splus version 5.1 release 1, running on SGI IRIX 6.2]. The discrepancy is of concern because I am migrating some Splus scripts to R and need to ensure consistency of results. Specifically, when I fit a glm()
2009 Mar 17
bigglm() results different from glm()
Dear all, I am using the bigglm package to fit a few GLM's to a large dataset (3 million rows, 6 columns). While trying to fit a Poisson GLM I noticed that the coefficient estimates were very different from what I obtained when estimating the model on a smaller dataset using glm(), I wrote a very basic toy example to compare the results of bigglm() against a glm() call. Consider the
2010 Aug 18
Displaying Results in Two Columns
Could I have some suggestions as to how (various ways) I can display my confidence interval results? rm(list = ls()) set.seed(1) func <- function(d,t,beta,lambda,alpha,p.gamma,delta,B){ d <- c(5,1,5,14,3,19,1,1,4,22) t <- c(94.32,15.72,62.88,125.76,5.24,31.44,1.048,1.048,2.096,10.48) post <- matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = B) theta <- c(lambda,beta) beta.hat <- 2.471546 for(j
2003 Oct 24
gee and geepack: different results?
Hi, I downloaded both gee and geepack, and I am trying to understand the differences between the two libraries. I used the same data and estimated the same model, with a correlation structure autoregressive of order 1. Surprisingly for me, I found very different results. Coefficients are slightly different in value but sometimes opposite in sign. Moreover, the estimate of rho (correlation
2009 Jul 21
list of lm() results
How can I get the results of lm() into a list so I can loop through the results? e.g. myResults[1] <- lm(...) myResults[2] <- lm(...) myResults[3] <- lm(...) ... myResults[15] <- lm(...) myResults[16] <- lm(...) so far every attempt I've tried doesn't work throwing a "number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length" error or simply not
2002 Apr 22
glm() function not finding the maximum
Hello, I have found a problem with using the glm function with a gamma family. I have a vector of data, assumed to be generated by a gamma distribution. The parameters of this gamma distribution are estimated in two ways (i) using the glm() function, (ii) "by hand", using the optim() function. I find that the -2*likelihood at the maximum found by (i) is substantially larger than that
2005 Jan 10
I have some problem about GLM function.
Dear R-Help I 'm using GLM function to Modelling. But when I used Gamma Family in GLM, then I can't run. It was error > glm(DamageRatio~MinTEMP+MaxTEMP+DayRain+Group1+Group2+Group3+Year,family=Gamma()) Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Non-positive values not allowed for the gamma family Can Gamma Distribution use data begin 0 ? and then when I used GLM in S-Plus Program then
2009 Jul 15
GLM Gamma Family logLik formula?
Hello all, I was wondering if someone can enlighten me as to the difference between the logLik in R vis-a-vis Stata for a GLM model with the gamma family. Stata calculates the loglikelihood of the model as (in R notation) some equivalent function of -1/scale * sum(Y/mu+log(mu)+(scale-1)*log(Y)+log(scale)+scale*lgamma(1/scale)) where scale (or dispersion) = 1, Y = the response variable, and mu
2010 Feb 15
Extract values from a predict() result... how?
Hello, silly question I suppose, but somehow I can't manage to extract the probabilities from a glm.predict() result: > str(res) Named num [1:9] 0.00814 0.01877 0.025 0.02941 0.03563 ... - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:9] "1" "2" "3" "4" ... I got from: # A Gamma example, from McCullagh & Nelder (1989, pp. 300-2) clotting <-
2011 Jun 06
Can R do zero inflated gamma regression?
Hi, Dear R-help I know there are some R package to deal with zero-inflated count data. But I am now looking for R package to deal with zero-inflated continuous data. The response variable (Y) in my dataset contains a larger mount of zero and the Non-zero response are quite right skewed. Now what i am doing is first to use a logistic regression on covariates (X) to estimate the probability of Y
2012 Sep 25
appropriate test in glm when the family is Gamma
Dear R users, Which test is most appropriate in glm when the family is Gamma? In the help page of anova.glm, I found the following ?For models with known dispersion (e.g., binomial and Poisson fits) the chi-squared test is most appropriate, and for those with dispersion estimated by moments (e.g., gaussian, quasibinomial and quasipoisson fits) the F test is most appropriate.? My questions :
2000 Jan 31
I've downloaded R for windows (9.0.1) and it is great! I've converted all my lecture notes for my GLM course to run on R (they are available on my web page below). I must admit I particularly like the default contrast options, which are identical to GLIM. Also I like the gl function - very useful! I have a couple of questions/bugs: 1. predict.glm doesn't work, but predict.lm does -
2017 Jun 02
modEvA D-squared for gamma glm
Hi All, I am running a generalized linear model with gamma distribution in R (glm, family=gamma ) for my data (gene expression as response variable and few predictors). I want to calculate r-squared for this model. I have been reading online about it and found there are multiple formulas for calculating R2 (psuedo) for glm (in R) with gaussian (r2 from linear model), logistic regression
2001 Nov 09
Dear R-List members, I want to check if a set of measurements follows better a gamma or a lognormal distribution (see data below). Using shapiro.test I can test for normality (shapiro.test(log (Lt)). To test for gamma (and normal) distribution I would use ks.test but I need to specify its shape and scale. How should I calculate these values in R? I tried > <- glm(Lt ~ 1,
2001 May 17
Hello, I need to fit a generalized linear model with a Chi2 (6 ddl) as error distribution and with "log" as link function. I have looked in help(family) and maybe I could use Gamma(link="log") but I do not know if I can, and where I can define the shape and the scale arguments of the gamma distribution. Maybe there is another may to do that? Could someone explain me how can I
2008 Apr 15
glht with a glm using a Gamma distribution
Quick question about the usage of glht. I'm working with a data set from an experiment where the response is bounded at 0 whose variance increases with the mean, and is continuous. A Gamma error distribution with a log link seemed like the logical choice, and so I've modeled it as such. However, when I use glht to look for differences between groups, I get significant