similar to: sorting and pagination

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "sorting and pagination"

2006 Aug 20
sorting with booleans
Hi i have a column in my ferret model called sponsored. It is a boolean and i want to order the results by sponsored and date registered. At the moment it is not managing to sort the booleans. I tried declaring this in my model but it seems to have had no effect. def false.<=>(o) o ? -1 : 0 end def true.<=>(o) !o ? 1 : 0 end I''m using the acts_as_ferret plugin. below
2006 Aug 30
AAF Sorting by date - what am I doing wrong?
I''m trying to sort my search results by Date, in descending order. I''ve done quite a bit of reading through the forums here, and I''ve tried two different suggestions. This just returns results in the same order as a search without a sort: sort_fields = [] sort_fields <<"ferret_created_at",:reverse => :true)
2006 Oct 31
conditional boost? friends to come up at top of search...
Hey guys, im trying to get my friends to come up at the top of the act as ferret search. I would query the whole result set first, then move my friends to the top, but the thing is, Im paginating my results and use the offset and limit parameters in the multi_search() function. Anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance... -- Posted via
2006 Jul 12
Reverse sorting
I am getting strange results when I reverse sort a query. I am sorting by date, but it doesn''t seem to be related to dates (I have tried just integers). I also paginate the results. Items in the result set are sometimes duplicated and the not ordered at all. When I try a non-reverse sort I don''t see duplicates and the ordering is correct. Any ideas what is going on? Thanks
2006 Mar 01
Sorting the Result
The document describes search(query, options) sort: An array of SortFields describing how to sort the results. I have created index with two fields: ''file'' and ''content'' When I give SortField name as ''file'' while searching, it results into error. The exact command given by me: index.search_each("sleepless AND dreams", :num_docs
2006 Sep 07
counting occurences of words in the result set
Hello, I need to be able to count the occurences of certain terms in the reults. Currently my setup is Ferret 0.10.1 aaf bleeding edge. results = VoObject.find_by_contents(query,:offset=>page, :limit=> 20,:sort => sort_fields) I use results.total_hits for pagination. This all works really nicely. However i need to be able to know how many occurences of certain predefined terms occur
2006 Oct 16
Sorting by score
Hi I think this is a very easy question but here goes: I want to sort my results by a boolean field and then by score, I thought this would be a default configuration but apparently not. sort_fields = [] sort_fields <<, :reverse => :true) that is my current code, how do iu alter it so that the results are then sorted by highest score first?
2006 Jun 29
find_by_contents not returning SearchResults?
The acts_as_ferret documentation says find_by_content returns an instance of SearchResults, but I see this error when I try to use the results. undefined method `total_hits'' for []:Array Here is the link to the documentation: But here is the actual code: result =
2006 Jul 09
acts_as_ferret.. what does it actually do?
Okay in this plea for help I''m going to repeat some of what i posted before but with a larger amount of background info in the hope that i can get a decent grip on ferret before it wriggles away.. Firstly, what does installing the acts_as_ferret plugin actually do? I install it and add it to my model and then the index is automatically generated and a few methods are added to it and
2006 Oct 02
Strange Sorting Issues
Hi there, I''m having some strange sorting stuff goign on. Here''s my search method: sort_fields = [] sort_fields <<"name", :reverse => :false) @results = Listing.find_by_contents @search_criteria, :limit => :all, :sort => sort_fields page = (params[:page] ||= 1).to_i items_per_page = 9 offset = (page - 1) *
2007 May 14
creating a "list of 3 dataframes" from a "list of 2 dataframes" and a dataframe?
#I wish to create a "list of three dataframes" ("results2") from a "list of two dataframes" (temp) and a dataframe ("c")? #Please advise. a <- data.frame(x=c(1,2,3),y=c(5,7,9)) b <- data.frame(x=c(2,4,7,9),y=c(2,3,5,4)) c <- data.frame(x=c(22,34,7,9),y=c(52,63,5,4)) results1 <- list(a,b,c) #what I want #but this is how I need to get there
2011 Aug 15
Extracting information from lm results (multiple model runs)
Just to inform: I posted that before in R-sig-ecology but as it might be interesting also for other useRs, I post it also to the general r-user list: Hello Alexandre, thank you very much. I also found another way to extract summarizing information from lm results over e.g. 1000 repeated model runs: results2 <- t( summary(results2) Although some questions popped up in
2006 Sep 05
ferret finds ''tests'' but not ''test''
Hello all, Quick question (possibly!) - I''ve got a few records indexed and doing a search for ''test'' reports in no hits even though I know the word ''tests'' exists in the indexed field. Doing a search for ''tests'' produces a result. I would have thought that ''test'' would match ''tests'' but no such
2006 Jul 14
Whitespace Issues
I am trying to build up a filtered search using the logic below. bq = bq.add_query("section",section.downcase!)), Ferret::Search::BooleanClause::Occur::MUST) filter = @vobjects = VoObject.find_by_contents(search_input,:filter => filter, :sort
2005 Nov 07
Newbie on functions
Hi, I'm trying to write a simple function like case1 <- function (m, cov, Q, R) { theta <- (acos(R/sqrt(Q^3))) beta <- (-2)*sqrt(Q)*cos(theta/3)+m[1]/3 rho1 <- (-2)*sqrt(Q)*cos((theta+2*pi)/3)+m[1]/3 rho2 <- (-2)*sqrt(Q)*cos((theta-2*pi)/3)+m[1]/3 stderrb <- deltamethod( ~(-2)*sqrt(Q)*cos(theta/3)+x1/3,m,cov) stderrr1 <- deltamethod(
2005 Nov 26
Get number of found documents
Hi David again. I would say that Ferret works great with Rails. And now I am trying to create pagination. Because site could have millions of documents I need to create on page link something like "Page #100". Rather usual situation. But to create this links I need to know how many documents Ferret found in index. For now I am doing it with following code index =
2006 May 01
pagination in acts_as_ferret
I''m just wondering where I would put the pagination for search results when using "acts_as_ferret". At the moment my search code is.. def search @query = params[:query] || '''' unless @query.blank? @results = Tutorial.find_by_contents @query end end Cheers SchmakO -- Posted via
2006 Sep 05
Ferret 0.10.2 - Index#search_each() and :num_docs
Hi, I seem to be having trouble getting more than 10 hits from Index#search_each since upgrading to 0.10.2 (ie, this was working in 0.9.4). Maybe a bug, as the #search_each doesn''t seem to use the options parameter any more ? Thanks, Neville =========================================== require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' p Ferret::VERSION idx =
2006 Jun 22
Partition results based on field
Hello all I''m using Ferret for a site wide search where I have several kinds of (similar) objects in a central index (using a "type" field containing the class name). This works great, and I can search all objects with one query. What I''d like to do now is to limit the results so that there will be a maximum of 10 (or 5 or whatever) results for each type.. I
2006 Aug 28
strange 10 limit
Hi, I have a max_results limit of 10, whatever value I pass to max_results, even if I drop this option in my class. Same limit using script/console Myclass.find_by_contents(query) Ideas ? Using aaf 9.5. Jean-Christophe Michel -- Better Nested Set for rails: