Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "A question about pairs()"
2008 Oct 09
GWR Predictions' standard deviation
Dear all,
I would like to use a GWR model in order to spatially predict food
insecurity in Africa. I have a georeferenced village data-bases and I've run
a "classic" regression model (taking into account the spatial dependence of
the errors) that works fairly well for Niger that is a quite homogenous
country. Now, I would like to make the same thing for countries where it
should be
2007 Sep 24
GWR modeling with dummy variables
Hi everyone,
I'm working with a modest sized spatial database consisting of 1513 records
and 50 variables. Fourteen of these are dummy variables delineating
regional planning councils. I'm trying to understand how to integrate the
dummy variables in the geographically weight regression model. I'm reading
Fotheringham et.al. and see reference to using dummy variables, but I don't
2004 Sep 24
geographically weighted glm
Hi all,
I am interested in obtaining R code related to geographically weighted
In particular, I am interested in building geographically weighted
Poisson GLMs. The model will contain categorical and continuous x
independent variables, with interaction effects between categorical and
continuous variables.
Anybody have anything I can look at?
2008 Sep 27
Double integration - Gauss Quadrature
I would like to solve a double integral of the form
\int_0^1 \int_0^1 x*y dx dy
using Gauss Quadrature.
I know that I can use R's integrate function to calculate it:
integrate(function(y) {
sapply(y, function(y) {
integrate(function(x) x*y, 0, 1)$value
}, 0, 1)
but I would like to use Gauss Quadrature to do it.
I have written the following code (using R's statmod package)
2001 Apr 05
Using Gauss with R
Dear All,
I am a long time S user and now a convert to R. As part of my general work
in time series I occasionally assist groups of econometricians and others in
the finance fraternity. In particular, that community has invested a large
amount of time and effort in writing specialised code in Gauss. I am
unfamiliar with Gauss (although I have used Matlab which is, I understand, a
2007 Jul 13
More sorting problems with untokenized index
I''m having problems sorting on untokenized fields. I have one field that
sorts fine, but there are others that seem to sort on a different field.
Here''s the index description:
:remote=>true,:fields=>{:name=>{:boost=>2},:name_for_sort=>{:index =>
:city=>{:boost=>2}, :city_for_sort=>{:index=>:untokenized},
2010 Nov 24
Problems with implementing gwr when categorical variables are included
Hi guyz
I have problems running the gwr when I include the categorical/nominal
variables with 2 to 3 levels. Could it be that gwr does not cater for such
variables? I tried indicating that these variables are factors but this is
not helping.
Firstly, the cross-validation bandwidth (using gwr.sel) cannot be computed
(gives warnings) and the gwr does not give the parameter estimates (Error in
2013 Dec 04
option hide unreadable not work
Hi all.
I thying settings the option "hide unreadable" but not work. I tested
in global section and share section, follow my settings now. after
various tests.
# Global parameters
workgroup = BATLAB
netbios name = GAUSS
server role = active directory domain controller
server services = s3fs, rpc, nbt, wrepl,
2010 Oct 26
Markov Switching with TVTP - problems with convergence
Greetings fellow R entusiasts!
We have some problems converting a computer routine written initially for
Gauss to estimate a Markov Regime Switching analysis with Time Varying
Transition Probability. The source code in Gauss is here:
We have converted the code to R, and it's running without errors, but we
have some
2006 Jul 20
function names in a vector used by for (){} character problem ?
Hi there,
i´m have vector of kernels. just like:
kernels = c('gauss','epan','rectangular')
i know there are density.default$kernels, but thats not my question
here. my own kernel functions are running and working.
my problem is the following is not working:
for(i in 1:length(bw))
for(j in 1:length(kernels))
2009 Aug 07
Gauss-Laguerre using statmod
I believe this may be more related to analysis than it is to R, per se.
Suppose I have the following function that I wish to integrate:
ff <- function(x) pnorm((x - m)/sigma) * dnorm(x, observed, sigma)
Then, given the parameters:
mu <- 300
sigma <- 50
m <- 250
target <- 200
sigma_i <- 50
I can use the function integrate as:
> integrate(ff, lower= -Inf, upper=target)
2004 May 28
The search at www.r-project.org mentioned a function
"gauss.hermite{rmutil}". However, 'install.packages("rmutil")'
produced, 'No package "rmutil" on CRAN.' How can I find the current
status of "gauss.hermite" and "rmutil"?
Spencer Graves
2006 Nov 09
Hi everybody! Greetings from sunny Columbus, OH!
Hey everyone, I just wanted to drop onto the list and say hi. My
name is Chad Humphries and I am a partner at a ruby and rails shop in
Columbus, OH called EdgeCase.
Up until two months ago we were doing all of our dev work in
test:unit. I had read about RSpec before and after hearing Jim
Weirich speak at the Columbus Ruby Brigade about similar ideas I
decided to give it a go for a
2006 Apr 28
I've written a series of functions that evaluates an integral from -inf to a or b to +inf using equally spaced quadrature points along a normal distribution from -10 to +10 moving in increments of .01. These functions are working and give very good approximations, but I think they are computationally wasteful as I am evaluating the function at *many* points.
Instead, I would prefer to use
2006 Aug 25
horizontal direct product
II am translating some gauss code into R, and gauss has a matrix
product function called the horizontal direct product (*~), which is
some sort of variant on the Kronecker product.
For example if x is 2x2 and y is 2x2
the horizontal direct product, z, of x and y is defined (in the Gauss
manual) as:
row 1 = x11*y11 x11*y12 x12*y11 x12*y12
row 2 = x21*y21 x21*y22 x22*y21 x22*y22
Or in R
2005 Sep 27
Precomputing the remaining floating pointoperations.
Firstly, running for more channels will not break my hack. All that's needed
is to call RECOPLAY_MARK with different identifiers (say nb, wb or uwb)
before doing the appropriate initialization.
Secondly, my attempts to do the Gaussian in fixed point went like this :
Define a new constant lag_factor_gauss that is manually set equal to
exp(sqr(2*M_PI*lag_factor)/-2) by whoever changes the
2007 Apr 17
Extracting approximate Wald test (Chisq) from coxph(..frailty)
Dear List,
How do I extract the approximate Wald test for the
frailty (in the following example 17.89 value)?
What about the P-values, other Chisq, DF, se(coef) and
se2? How can they be extracted?
coxph(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ age + sex +
disease + frailty(id,
dist = "gauss"), data = kidney)
2009 Jun 26
The Claw Density and LOCFIT
I am trying to reproduce Figure 10.5 of Loader's book: Local Regression and Likelihood. The code provided in the book does not seem to work.
I have managed (a while ago) to get the accompanied R-code for the figures in the book (file called lffigs.R) from somewhere - cannot find it on the web anymore. The code in the .R script file does not work either.
Could anybody please direct me in
2003 Sep 04
Looking for R Equivalent of Gauss Statements
I am translating some Gauss code to R. Gauss has an interesting way of
handling constraints. Observe the following code snipplet:
e1 = x[.,23] .eq 0; @ remove obs with Regular Hours = 0 @
e2 = x[.,12] .gt 1; @ remove obs with non-regular work status @
e3 = x[.,4] .lt 15; @ remove obs with agricultural and mining
industry code (< 15)@
esum = e1 + e2 + e3;
e = esum .gt 0; @
2009 Jul 17
[JOBS] Senior Ruby Developer Needed in Columbus, Ohio
We have a contract opportunity in Columbus, Ohio for a Sr. Developer
with an in-depth knowledge of Ruby and JavaScript. The contractor will
perform analysis, configuration and coding of a mobile application
using Ruby, JavaScript and html languages.
This role requires a top level technical expert in one or more highly
specialized phases of applications programming, capable of acting