Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Hazard curves"
2008 Sep 29
Hazard plot
Hi All,
This sounds a relatively simple query, and I hope it is!
I am looking at a continuous variable, age. I am looking at time to
12-month remission and can calculate the HR and 95% confidence interval are
coxfita = coxph(Surv(rem.Remtime,rem.Rcens)~nearma$all.age,data=nearma)
However, because I am looking at age as a continuous
2009 Apr 03
Schoenfeld Residuals
Dear All,
Sorry to bother you again.
I have a model:
and I'm trying to do a plot of Schoenfeld residuals using the code:
The error message I get is:
Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'ylim' values
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In sqrt(x$var[i, i] * seval) : NaNs
2009 Oct 05
Unusual error while using coxph
Hi all,
I'm very confused! I've been using the same code for many weeks without any
bother for various covariates. I'm now looking at another covaraite and
whenever I run the code you can see below I get an error message: "Error in
rep(0, nrow(data)) : invalid 'times' argument"
This code works:
# remove 'missing' cases from data #
snearma <-
2009 May 22
Forcing a variableinto a model using stepAIC
Dear All,
I am attempting to use forward and/or backward selection to determine
the best model for the variables I have. Unfortunately, because I am
dealing with patients and every patient is receiving treatment I need
to force the variable for treatment into the model. Is there a way to
do this using R? (Additionally, the model is stratified by
randomisation period). I know that SAS can be
2009 Jun 09
Isolating a single plot from plots produced simultaneously
Dear R-Help,
I am using the 'mfp' package. It produces three plots (as I am using
the Cox model) simultaneously which can be viewed together using the
following code:
fit <- mfp(Surv(rem.Remtime,rem.Rcens)~fp(age)+strata(rpa),family=cox,data=nearma,select=0.05,verbose=TRUE)
They can be viewed separately but the return key must be pressed after
each graph
2009 Mar 26
Centring variables in Cox Proportional Hazards Model
Dear All,
I am contemplating centering the covariates in my Cox model to reduce
multicollinearity between the predictors and the interaction term and
to render a more meaningful interpretation of the regression
coefficient. Suppose I have two indicator variables, x1 and x2 which
represent age categories (x1 is patients less than 16 while x2 is for
patients older than 65). If I use the following
2012 Mar 27
Standard error terms from gfcure
Dear R-help,
I am using R 2.14.1 on Windows 7 with the 'gfcure' package (cure rate model).
I have included the treatment variable in the cure part of the model as shown below:
Ø ref_treat <- gfcure(Surv(rem.Remtime,rem.Rcens)~1,~1+strata(drpa)+factor(treat(delcure)),data=delcure,dist="loglogistic")
>From that I can obtain the coefficients, standard errors etc as per
2010 May 25
Relative Risk/Hazard Ratio plots for continuous variables
Dear all,
I am using Windows and R 2.9.2 for my analyses. I have a large dataset and
I am particularly interested in looking at time to an event for a continuous
variable. I would like to produce a plot of log(relative risk) or relative
risk (also known as hazard ratio) against the continuous variable.
I have spent a long time looking for advice on how to do this but my search
has proved
2009 Jun 23
Fractional Polynomials in Competing Risks setting
Dear All,
I have analysed time to event data for continuous variables by
considering the multivariable fractional polynomial (MFP) model and
comparing this to the untransformed and log transformed model to
determine which transformation, if any, is best. This was possible as
the Cox model was the underlying model. However, I am now at the
situation where the assumption that the competing risks
2005 Jun 04
New HTB-derived qdisc for accounting?
at my local university network, I have to make sure no student
uploads more than x GB/day. So far, I give them unlimited bandwidth
until they have more than y GB (y<x) upload. After that, I use the
u32 filter to associate the affected IP address with a HTB class
limited to the rate (remainingtraffic/remainingtime).
Since the accounting is done with ipt_ACCOUNT right now and the
2008 Oct 15
R-help Digest, Vol 67, Issue 31
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2013 Feb 05
Calculating Cumulative Incidence Function
I have a problem regarding calculation of Cumulative Incidence Function.
The event of interest is failure of bone-marrow transplantation, which may
occur due to relapse or death in remission. The data set that I have
consists of- lifetime variable, two indicator variables-one for relapse and
one for death in remission, and the other variables are donor type (having
3 categories), disease
2011 Aug 22
Multiple forest plots with the same x-axis and colour coded estimates and lines
Dear all,
I would like to draw three forest plots to represent results at years 1, 2
and 3. I have the data as point estimates and 95% confidence intervals.
Using the following code I can get three basic forest plots - the first
which has the table of results. I have to plot each separately as the usual
par(mfrow=c(3,1)) does not work with the function forestplot within rmeta.
I can easily put
2012 Feb 07
Actual vs. predicted survival times
Dear R-help,
I am using R 2.14.1 on Windows 7.
I would like to produce a plot like the attached - although simplified to actual vs. Predicted survival time with distinguishing marks for censored and observed points. I have a dataset and have fitted a Cox model to it. In an attempt to visualise how accurate the model is it would be ideal if I could plot the actual survival times against the
2011 Jul 15
Plotting survival curves from a Cox model with time dependent covariates
Dear all,
Let's assume I have a clinical trial with two treatments and a time to
event outcome. I am trying to fit a Cox model with a time dependent
treatment effect and then plot the predicted survival curve for one
treatment (or both).
test <-
model1 <- coxph(Surv(time,
2010 Nov 24
Is there an equivalent to predict(..., type="linear") of a Proportional hazard model for a Cox model instead?
Hi all,
Is there an equivalent to predict(...,type="linear") of a Proportional hazard
model for a Cox model instead?
For example, the Figure 13.12 in MASS (p384) is produced by:
(aids.ps <- survreg(Surv(survtime + 0.9, status) ~ state + T.categ +
pspline(age, df=6), data = Aidsp))
zz <- predict(aids.ps, data.frame(state = factor(rep("NSW", 83), levels =
2013 Mar 10
Steepest Ascent Algorithm
I am trying to code a steepest ascent algorithm to optimize parameters used
in a survivor function type problem. My unknown parameters (alpha, Beta0,
and Beta1) for which I have been able to optimize using Newton's method. I
keep getting an error because my alpha becomes negative and I can't
calculate the likelihood.
Here is my log likelihood I am optimizing (in LaTex):
l=\sum _{ i=1 }^{
2011 Jul 26
[LLVMdev] XOR Optimization
Hi Duncan,
when I run "opt -std-compile-opts" on the original source code it has the
same output of O3.
when I run "opt -std-compile-opts" on the -O3 optimized code, things get
even more weird, it outputs the following code:
while.body: ; preds = %while.body,
%indvar = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [ %indvar.next.3, %while.body ]
2011 Jul 27
[LLVMdev] XOR Optimization
After a few more tests, I found out that if we set -unroll-threshold to a
value large enough, and run "opt -std-compile-opts" or "opt -O3" 3 times,
the unroll will be able to unroll the original loop 32 times, and when you
have it unrolled for at least 32 times a optimization is triggered, folding
it to a single "%xor.3.3.1 = xor i32 %tmp6, -1" (dont know why it does
2007 Feb 23
Formatting difftime objects
I like the new difftime functionality. Here's a dataframe of 5k run times:
> r5k
race date totaltime pace mile
1 RUDOLPH 2004-12-03 19:00:00 27.76667 mins 8.937224 mins 3.106856
2 RUDOLPH 2005-12-02 18:30:00 25.28333 mins 8.137916 mins 3.106856
3 FROSTBITE 2005-12-10 07:00:00 24.75000 mins 7.966253 mins 3.106856
4 JUDICATA 2006-03-04