Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "nnet support"
2010 Oct 21
Accuracy/Goodness of fit of nnet
Hi R-Helpers , am working on nnet package.Multinom() has an option for
finding the goodness of fit by giving the AIC value. Does nnet also gives
some value to determine the accuracy. If not, can you guide me with some
procedure to figure out the accuracy/goodness of fit of nnet model?
Thanks in advance.
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2010 Dec 10
Help..Neural Network
Hi all,
I am trying to develop a neural network with single target variable and 5
input variables to predict the importance of input variables using R. I used
the packages nnet and RSNNS. But unfortunately I could not interpret the out
put properly and the documentation of that packages also not giving proper
direction. Please help me to find a good package with a proper documentation
for neural
2012 May 28
rpart space in column names
Our data has column names with spaces in that.The names in dataFrame are,
*[1] "Sepal Length" "Sepal Width" "Petal Length" "Petal Width"
"Species" *
When i try to use the column names in rpart function, it gives the following
* rp<-rpart(as.factor(`Species`)~`Sepal Length`)
Error in `[.data.frame`(frame, predictors) :
2006 Nov 22
What training algorithm does nnet package use?
Greetings list,
I've just swapped from the "neural" package to the "nnet" package and
I've noticed that the training is orders of magnitude faster, and the
results are way more accurate.
This leads me to wonder, what training algorithm is "nnet" using? Is
it a modification on the standard backpropagation? Or a completely
different algorithm? I'm
2010 Nov 26
Issues with nnet.default for regression/classification
I'm currently trying desperately to get the nnet function for training a
neural network (with one hidden layer) to perform a regression task.
So I run it like the following:
trainednet <- nnet(x=traindata, y=trainresponse, size = 30, linout = TRUE, maxit=1000)
(where x is a matrix and y a numerical vector consisting of the target
values for one variable)
To see whether the network
2003 Aug 19
On the Use of the nnet Library
Dear List,
I am trying to solve a problem by the neural network method(library:
nnet). The problem is to express Weight in terms of Age , Sex and Height
for twenty people. The data frame consists of 20 observations with four
variables: Sex, Age, Height and Weight. Sex is treated as a factor, Age
and Weight are variables normalized to unity, as usual. I wanted to
construct a neural network, and so
2003 Oct 20
nnet behaving oddly
I was trying to use the nnet library and am not sure of whats going
on. I am calling the nnet function as:
n <- nnet(x,y,size=3,subset=sets[[1]], maxit=200)
Where x is a 272x4 matrix of observations (examples) and y is a 272x1
matrix of target values. However when I look at nnet$residuals they are
off by two orders of magnitude (compared to the output from neural
network code that I
2004 Jun 14
CVnn2 + nnet question
I am trying to determine the number of units in the hidden layer
and the decay rate using the CVnn2 script found in MASS directory
(reference: pg 348,MASS-4).
The model that I am using is in the form of Y ~ X1 + X2 + X3...
+ X11 and the underlying data is time-series in nature.
I found the MASS and nnet package extremely useful (many thanks
to the contributors).
However I am getting
2004 Oct 18
nnet learning
I am trying to make a neural network learning a "noisy sine wave".
Suppose I generate my data like so..
x <- seq(-2*pi, 2*pi, length=500)
y <- sin(x) + rnorm(500, sd=sqrt(0.075))
I then train the neural net on the first 400 points using
c <- nnet(as.matrix(x[1:400]),as.matrix(y[1:400]), size=3, maxit=10000,
abstol=0.075, decay=0.007)
Inspecting the fit of the training
2005 Jul 22
about nnet package
Dear All,
I'm learning to train a neural network with my training data by using nnet package, then evaluate it with a evaluation set. My problem here is that, I need the trained network to be used in future, so, what should I store? and How? Any other options other than nnet package? Any example will be highly appreciated!
Baoqiang Cao
2007 Jan 28
nnet question
I use nnet to do prediction for a continuous variable.
after that, I calculate correlation coefficient between predicted value and
real observation.
I run my code(see following) several time, but I get different correlation
coefficient each time.
Anyone know why?
In addition, How to calculate prediction accuracy for prediction of
continuous variable?
> m.nn.omega
2009 Jun 07
Inf in nnet final value for validation data
I use nnet for my classification problem and have a problem concerning the calculation of the final value for my validation data.(nnet only calculates the final value for the training data). I made my own final value formula (for the training data I get the same value as nnet):
# prob-matrix
pmatrix <- cat*fittedValues
tmp <- rowSums(pmatrix)
# -log likelihood
2010 Dec 10
Need help on nnet
Am working on neural network.
Below is the coding and the output
> library (nnet)
> uplift.nn<-nnet (PVU~ConsumerValue+Duration+PromoVolShare,y,size=3)
# weights: 16
initial value 4068.052704
final value 3434.194253
> summary (uplift.nn)
a 3-3-1 network with 16 weights
options were -
b->h1 i1->h1 i2->h1 i3->h1
16.64 6.62 149.93
2000 Jul 22
maketitle garbles the title in package nnet (PR#613)
The TITLE for the nnet package is garbled: it comes out as
nnet Feed-forward neural networks and multinomial log-linear
nnet Feed-forward neural networks and multinomial log-linear models
The problem is in maketitle:
Bundle: VR
Version: 6.1-9
Date: 2000/07/11
Depends: R (>= 1.1)
Author: S original by Venables & Ripley.
R port by Brian Ripley
2009 Nov 02
modifying predict.nnet() to function with errorest()
I am having trouble calculating artificial neural network
misclassification errors using errorest() from the ipred package.
I have had no problems estimating the values with randomForest()
or svm(), but can't seem to get it to work with nnet(). I believe
this is due to the output of the predict.nnet() function within
cv.factor(). Below is a quick example of the problem I'm
2010 Jun 17
help with nnet
> nnet.fit<-nnet(as.factor(out) ~ ., data=all_h, size=5, rang=0.3,
decay=5e-4, maxit=500) # model fitting
> summary(nnet.fit)
a 23-5-1 network with 126 weights
options were - entropy fitting decay=5e-04
HI, Guys,
I can not find the manual to describe how the model is built, is there a
more detailed description how nnet package works?
2010 Jun 02
nnet: cannot coerce class c("terms", "formula") into a data.frame
Dearest all,
Objective: I am now learning neural networks. I want to see how well can
train an artificial neural network model to discriminate between the two
files I am attaching with this message.
http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n2240582/3dMaskDump.txt 3dMaskDump.txt
http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n2240582/test_vowels.txt test_vowels.txt
Question: when I am attempting to run
2009 Feb 18
Training nnet in two ways, trying to understand the performance difference - with (i hope!) commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code
Dear all,
Objective: I am trying to learn about neural networks. I want to see
if i can train an artificial neural network model to discriminate
between spam and nonspam emails.
Problem: I created my own model (example 1 below) and got an error of
about 7.7%. I created the same model using the Rattle package (example
2 below, based on rattles log script) and got a much better error of
2005 Aug 26
passing arguments from nnet to optim
Hi everyone,
According to R reference manual, the nnet function uses the BFGS method
of optim to optimize the neural network parameters.
I would like, when calling the function nnet to tell the optim function
not to produce the tracing information on the progress of the
optimization, or at least to reduce the frequency of the reports.
I tried the following:
a) nnet default
> x<-rnorm(20)
2006 Jun 17
Getting forcasting equation from nnet results
I'm trying to build forecasting equation from weights of 2-2-1 neural net.
Running the nnet function gives me a vecto of 9 weights, but I don't know how
to build the equation form these values.
Can anyone advice? Or at least tell me where the nnet output is described in
details (the manual only gives a brief description).