similar to: restricting lattice pages to one

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "restricting lattice pages to one"

2002 Apr 08
user coordinates and rug plots in lattice graphics
Dear R list members, I'd like to produce rug plots at the bottom of panels in a trellis display (using the lattice package), but par("usr") doesn't return user coordinates for panels, and consequently rug fails, as the following example (suggested to me by Georges Monette) illustrates: > x <- rnorm(50) > y <- rnorm(50) > f <-
2005 Oct 29
Problem with llines in lattice
Dear r-help list members, I'm experiencing problems getting type="b" (or "o" or "c") to work in llines(). Try, e.g., the following scaled-down example: x <- factor(c("a", "b", "a", "b")) y <- c(1,2,1,2) z <- factor(c("A", "A", "B", "B")) symbols <- 1:2 lines <- 1:2
2018 Apr 14
Extracting specified pages from a lattice ("trellis") object.
Suppose that (e.g.) xyplot() returns an object "xxx" with (say) 3 pages. I would like to extract/plot (print) just one of these pages, e.g. page 2. Here's a toy example: x <- rep(seq(0,1,length=11),12) set.seed(42) y <- rnorm(3*44) a <- rep(letters[1:12],each=11) dta <- data.frame(x=x,y=y,a=a) xxx <- xyplot(y~x|a,data=dta,layout=c(2,2)) I would to extract from
2003 Jan 31
Decreasing my personal entropy ...
R-Listers: A very minor -- and maybe silly -- question just for personal enlightenment. In S (either R or S-Plus, AFAIK) when one types or pastes a trellis graphics command into the commands/console window, the graph is automatically produced: e.g., trellis.device(...) xyplot(y~x) If one puts these in a function and calls the function, the same occurs. However, if one sources in these command
2002 Dec 06
Controlling graphics parameters in lattice
I'm just starting to work with lattice graphics, and am having difficulty understanding how to control various graphic parameters (font sizes, etc.). [I'm actually using xyplot via plot.effect() in the car package, and would like to be able to set some global defaults.] I read ?xyplot and ?trellis.par.set-- which contains no complete list of parameters, just a reference to
2010 Nov 26
lattice: strange behavior (?) when using trellis.device(color=FALSE)
Dear expeRts, I am not sure if I found a bug... I would like to create a function that itself creates a lattice plot without colors. Following at I use trellis.device() to set the colors to FALSE. Whenever I call the minimal example below *with* trellis.device(), Quartz opens a window (I am working on a MAC), which it shouldn't,
2002 Dec 19
lattice and display
Hi, I have just started using lattice and it looks great. But I already have 3 questions about xyplot display. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- 1.I would like to create two differeny xyplot with different color to identify my different groups but I have trouble applying colors. Here are the scripts
2001 Jun 01
multiple lattice-pages (development package!)...
One Question: if I make a lattice-plot (beware: under development!) with a special layout e.g. c(2,2,4): p1 <- xyplot(y~x|id,data=data,layout=c(2,2,3)) is there a way to print.trellis e.g. the second page of the trellis object "p1"? print.trellis(p1,page=2) #!wrong! I want this to automatically dev.print the pages (no, I don't want multiple postscript pages). If this
2008 Feb 05
dynamically add items to key of lattice xyplot
Hi all, is it possible to dynamically add key items to an already existing key, belonging to a lattice xyplot? This is what I do: I make an xyplot with an initial key. Later on, I want to extend this key with more items, as more lines are added to the plot (lines are added using trellis.focus("panel")). I guess I need some function to access the key panel in order to extend it,
2005 Feb 01
How to write a new "top-level" Trellis/lattice function?
Hello, I am trying to write a new "top level" Trellis/lattice function. By "top-level", I mean a function like 'xyplot', 'histogram', 'bwplot', etc. These functions all call 'trellis.skeleton', which I am unable to call; an attempt to invoke the function that does so yields the error message: ----- Error in"trellis.skeleton",
2003 Sep 18
lattice, trellis.device, within a condition (seems t o be a bug)
Hi, I have a strange issue under W2K; consider these two code extracts: 1) if(condition a){ trellis.device(png,filename = filename_a,... xyplot(... } 2) if(condition a){ trellis.device(png,filename = filename_a,... xyplot(... } In 1), The png file is generated, but empty; in 2), where I've taken the clause out of the condition block, my plot is
2018 Apr 24
[FORGED] Extracting specified pages from a lattice ("trellis") object.
Hi I think the subsetting works by giving you the panels for the corresponding levels of the conditioning variable(s). Note that, if there is more than one conditioning variable, you will need more than one subsetting index. For example, taking this plot with two conditioning variables and 12 panels in total ... dotplot(variety ~ yield | year * site, data=barley) ... this produces three
2008 May 14
lattice: left-aligned text in strips?
[adapted repost of question] Dear R community, by default, text in the strips of a trellis plot is centered in the strip. Is there a way to have the text left-aligned? For example: library(lattice) test <- data.frame(x=rnorm(100), y=rnorm(100), a=rep(c("A: centered text","B: centered text"),50)) xyplot(y ~ x | a,
2008 Sep 02
two lattice graphs in one object
When I create a lattice/Trellis type graph, I typically write a function that returns the graph, as in do.graph <- function(x, y, ...) { require(lattice) return(xyplot(y~x, ...)) } My question today is this: If I want two graphs on one page, one way of achieving it is to print the objects into defined areas, as in gr1 <- xyplot(rnorm(111) ~ runif(111)) gr2 <-
2003 Feb 28
lattice and fitted function error
Platform: WIN2000 Version of R: 1.6.2 I'm interested in plotting fitted values in a trellis xyplot. I believe the following should work; however, I only get the points (not the fitted lines). library(lattice) trellis.device(bg="white") xyplot(MULTDV~TIME|SUBNUM,data=TEMP, panel=function(x,y){ panel.xyplot(x,y) lines(x,fitted(lm(y~poly(x,1),na.action=na.omit)))
2013 Jan 26
different legends in lattice panels
Hi listers, I want to make lattice plots xyplots with the indication of legends inside each panel with only the points and the lines actually ploted inside each given panel according to the group(ing) factor. The code below shows what I have achieved so far and I hope will make clear what I want to have. It seems to me that my solution is a very "dirty hack" and there certainly is
2005 Mar 22
Question with lattice xyplot
Hi All, I have a quick question and any help is greatly appreciated. For the following data when I try to produce the image using xyplot function in lattice package, the key has 4 rows instead of 2. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong and what is the way to fix the problem. Here the code that I'm running studyData <- "A",0,4.477,
2004 Jul 27
lattice.device in loop
Hi, I am having problems creating a pdf file of a lattice graph. Things work fine for a single image, but I am having trouble using the commands in a loop. To illustrate by example This works with both ps and pdf files. dat = list(x= 1:10, y = 1:10) trellis.device(postscript, file = "/d1/pocernic/") xyplot(y~x, data = dat) This does not. It produces a very
2003 May 06
xyplot (lattice), strip.default
Dear r-help, I've got data of the following structure 1979 93.428747 0 1979 87.298608 20 1979 78.506340 40 ... 1979 45.567890 340 1980 60.815289 0 1980 49.630904 20 1980 24.981362 40 ... The first column is year and the last one is the longitude. I need a set of graphs showing the dependence of the middle value on the longitude, for each year, situated one blow the other.
2005 Nov 22
change axis format for different panels in xyplot in lattice
Dear R users, My apologies for a simple question for which I suspect there is a simple answer that I have yet to find. I'd like to plot panels in lattice with different graphical parameters for the axes. For example, the code x<-rnorm(100) y<-rnorm(100) z<-c(rep(1,50), rep(2,50)) library(lattice) xyplot(y~x|z) plots two panels with the default black axes. Running the following