similar to: math-type label

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50000 matches similar to: "math-type label"

2007 Jan 17
How to annotate a graph with non-transparent math labels?
I do not know the precise language to describe the situation. But here it is what I want to do. I need to annotate a graph that contains two or more curves with labels that contain math symbols. The label must go on top of the curve. The problem is that when I annotate the plot, I can see the curve behind the label. Here it is an example using a simple straight line. x<-c(0,1)
2006 Jul 25
greek letters, text, and values in labels
Hello, I want to have a title that will look something like: "Results for \theta=2.1", given that I have a variable theta=2.1, and \theta should show on the screen like the greek letter. I've tried a lot of things: theta <- 2.1 plot(1:10, main=expression(paste("Results for", theta, "=", eval(theta)))) or using bquote plot(1:10, main=paste("Results for
2003 Jun 20
combining mathematical notation and value substitution
Dear People, I need to make a label which both contains math notation as well as substitutes a value for an object. In the following label, len and theta are one dim variables, and I am substituting their values appropriately. This label looks fine except that I want the greek symbol for theta to appear instead of the word `theta'. How can I do so most easily? I don't understand the
2006 Jun 15
SSPIR problem
Dear R-Users, I'm using SSPIR package for a spatio-temporal application. Is it possible to modify the structure of the involved matrixes (Fmat, Gmat, Vmat,Wmat)? I want to create a model like this #y(t)=k*theta(t)+epsilon(t) #theta(t)=h*theta(t-1)+eta(t) #epsilon(t) N(0,V) V=sigma2*I #eta(t) N(0,W) W=sigma2_eta where the state variable theta has dimension 1(p=1) and at
2007 Dec 21
substitute() bug? (PR#10525)
The first four lines of code below work as normal. The fifth thorows an error: "Error in paste(theta[1], "=", 5) : object "theta" not found" x=rnorm(1000); bob=density(x); topp=5; plot(bob,xlab="", ylab="", main=substitute(paste(theta[1],"=",topp),list(topp=topp)), type="l"); plot(bob$y~bob$x,xlab="",
2011 Jun 02
plotmath: paste string and expression [from a vector of expressions]
Dear all, I have a vector of expressions and would like to "paste" some string to it before using it in a plot: vars <- vector("expression", 2) vars[1] <- expression(alpha) vars[2] <- expression(beta) plot(0, 0, main=substitute(bold("Foo" ~~ VAR), list(VAR=vars[2]) )) Although I tried hard, I just can't figure out how to solve this. The title should be
2000 Jun 26
persp greek label problem (PR#583)
Full_Name: Ramin Nakisa Version: 1.1.0 OS: i386 linux Submission from: (NULL) ( Labels created with expression seem to disappear, e.g. the x axis label in x <- -6:16 contour(outer(x, x), method = "edge", vfont = c("sans serif", "plain"), xlab=expression(theta[0]), ylab=expression(theta[1])) and all three labels in x <- -6:16 persp(outer(x, x),
2007 Jul 23
persp and greek symbols in the axes labels
Hello, I am plotting a 3D function using persp and I would like to use greek symbols in the axes labels. I have found examples like this one on the web: plot(0,0,xlab=expression(kappa[lambda]),ylab=substitute(paste(phi,"=",true,sigma),list(true=5))) this works well with plot but not with persp: with the command persp(M,theta = -20,phi =
2011 Jul 08
lattice: How to vertically adjust an axis label?
Dear expeRts, How can I vertically adjust an axis tick label so that it is nicely aligned with the other labels? library(lattice) xyplot(0~0, xlim=c(0,3), scales=list(x=list(at=c(1,1.1), labels=c(expression(hat(theta)[italic(n)]),expression(theta))))) ## aim: move the leftmost expression up so that theta is nicely aligned with the second theta. Cheers, Marius
2012 Oct 05
Format of numbers in plotmath expressions.
I want to do something like: TH <- sprintf("%1.1f",c(0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9,1)) plot(1:10) legend("bottomright",pch=1:5,legend=parse(text=paste("theta ==",TH))) Notice that the final "1" comes out in the legend as just plain "1" and NOT as "1.0" although TH is [1] "0.3" "0.5" "0.7" "0.9"
2008 Feb 03
distances between points in R^3
Dear R helpers, I'm trying to write a numerical scheme for a boundary integral method to solve an electromagnetic problem. This requires the computation of the distance between points at the surface of an object (a sphere, in my example). Here is my code, > require(rgl) > r<-1 > size<-10 > theta<-seq(0,2*pi,length=size*2) > phi<-seq(0,pi,length=size) > pc
2006 Jul 17
multiplying multidimensional arrays (was: Re: [R] Manipulation involving arrays)
I am moving this to r-devel. The problem and solution below posted on r-help could have been a bit slicker if %*% worked with multidimensional arrays multiplying them so that if the first arg is a multidimensional array it is mulitplied along the last dimension (and first dimension for the second arg). Then one could have written: Tbar <- tarray %*% t(wt) / rep(wti, each = 9) which is a bit
2006 Mar 06
how to make plotmath expression work together with paste
Recent questions about using plotmath have renewed my interest in this question I want to have expressions take values of variables from the environment. I am able to use expressions, and I am able to use paste to put text and values of variables into plots. But the two things just won't work together. Here is some example code that shows what I mean. plot(NA,xlim=c(0,100),ylim=c(0,100))
2010 Aug 03
incorrect number of dimensions
Hi, How to solve this problem. The following is the code. betabinexch0=function(theta,data) + { + eta=theta[,1] + K=theta[,2] + y=data[,1]; n=data[,2] + N=length(y) + val=0*K; + for (i in 1:N) + val=val+lbeta(K*eta+y[i],K*(1-eta)+n[i]-y[i]) + val=val-N*lbeta(K*eta,K*(1-eta)) + val=val-2*log(1+K)-log(eta)-log(1-eta) + return(val) + } > data(cancermortality) >
2005 Apr 04
plotting mathematical notation and values substitution
Dear R-users, I'm trying to add a title on a plot with both mathematical notation and values substitution. I read the documentation and search the mailing list but I was not able to solve my problem. Actually, there is a message by Uwe Ligges on June 2003 which addresses a question very close to mine, but the code provided doesn't work. The code is the following: # I add this to let you
2006 Nov 11
Bayesian question (problem using adapt)
In the following code I have created the posterior density for a Bayesian survival model with four parameters. However, when I try to use the adapt function to perform integration in four dimensions (on my old version of R I get an error message saying that I have applied a non-function, although the function does work when I type kernel2(param0, theta0), or on the newer version of R the computer
2003 Jul 22
greek in main title
Hello, I have written a function that demonstrates the CLT by generating samples following the exponential distribution, calculating the means, plotting the histogram, and drawing the limiting normal curve as an overlay. I have the title of each histogram state the sample size and rate (1/theta) for the exponential (the output is actually 4 histograms), but I can't get the greek letter theta
2009 Mar 03
R - MATLAB apply like function
Dear all, I very often use the R function "apply", for speedup purposes. I am now also using MATLAB, and would like to use the same kind of function. I have already asked MATLAB people, and the answer is : "vectorize"... but of course, this is not always possible. So, instead of using a FOR loop all the time, I tried using the bsxfun. So you R people, who might also use MATLAB,
2010 Nov 25
Help in improving the style of R plots
Dear all, I am running a MCMC on my data, and I want to plot the results of the simulation. I want to dedicate a page in the PS file for each element in my sample, and in each page I need to plot 8 quadrants. In attachment you find my first attemp (just the first page). Here are my troubles (I'm sorry if they are stupid, but I am a newby with R): -) I need to substitute the greek letters
2008 Apr 22
optimization and gradient
Dear all, I am using the functions 'optim' and 'nlminb'. For both, you can provide a function which computes the gradient of the objective function (to enhance speed and precision). In my case, both the objective function and the gradient take time to be computed and share many common computations (similar matrix, products, etc...). Therefore, I have to compute these