similar to: naive variance in GEE

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "naive variance in GEE"

2009 Feb 09
gee with auto-regressive correlation structure (AR-M)
Dear all, I need to fit a gee model with an auto-regressive correlation structure and I faced some problems. I attach a simple example: ####################################################### library(gee) library(geepack) # I SIMULATE DATA FROM POISSON DISTRIBUTION, 10 OBS FOR EACH OF 50 GROUPS set.seed(1) y <- rpois(500,50) x <- rnorm(500) id <- rep(1:50,each=10) # EXAMPLES FOR
2008 Sep 07
an error to call 'gee' function in R
Dear List: I found an error when I called the 'gee' function. I cannot solve and explain it. There are no errors when I used the 'geeglm' function. Both functions fit the gee model. The project supervisor recommends me to use the 'gee' function. But I cannot explain to him why this error happens. Would you help me solve this problem? I appreciate your help. In
2005 Sep 28
gee models summary
I'm running some GEE models but when I request the summary(pcb.gee) all I get are rows and rows of intercorelations and they fill up the screen buffer so I can not even scroll back to see what else might be in the summary. How do I get the summary function to NOT print the intercorrelations? Thanks, -- Dean Sonneborn Programmer Analyst Department of Public Health Sciences University of
2006 Apr 10
p values for a GEE model
Hi all, I have a dataset in which the output Y is observed on two groups of patients (treatment factor T with 2 levels). Every subject in each group is observed three times (not time points but just technical replication). I am interested in estimating the treatment effect and take into account the fact that I have repeated measurements for every subject. If I do this with repeated measures
2003 May 11
I am trying to use gee() to calculate the robust standard errors for a logit model. My dataset (zol) has 195019 observations; winner, racebl, raceas, racehi are all binary variables. ID is saved as a vector of length 195019 with alternating 0's and 1's. I get the following error message. I also tried the same command with corstr set to "independence" and got the same
2010 Jul 29
How to get the standard error from GEE(Generalized Estimation Equations) output
I am having some difficulties to locate the standard error from GEE output. -----------sample output using list (geemodel)------------------------ Link: Identity Variance to Mean Relation: Gaussian Correlation Structure: Exchangeable Call: gee(formula = days.sick1 ~ bmi + age + gender + surveyround2 + surveyround3, id = childid, data = dat, family = gaussian,
2010 Apr 29
Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE): Why is Link = Identity?
Hi, I'm running GEE using geepack. I set corstr = "ar1" as below: > <- geeglm(L ~ O + A, + data = firstgrouptxt, id = id, + family = binomial, corstr = "ar1") > summary( Call: geeglm(formula = L ~ O + A, family = binomial, data = firstgrouptxt, id = id, corstr = "ar1") Coefficients:
2011 Aug 15
Get significant codes from a model output fit with GEE package
Does anyone know how could I get the significant codes from mixed model output fitted with a GEE package? The output I got is the following: GEE: GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS FOR DEPENDENT DATA gee S-function, version 4.13 modified 98/01/27 (1998) Model: Link: Logit Variance to Mean Relation: Binomial Correlation Structure: Exchangeable Call: gee(formula = bru
2003 Oct 24
gee and geepack: different results?
Hi, I downloaded both gee and geepack, and I am trying to understand the differences between the two libraries. I used the same data and estimated the same model, with a correlation structure autoregressive of order 1. Surprisingly for me, I found very different results. Coefficients are slightly different in value but sometimes opposite in sign. Moreover, the estimate of rho (correlation
2009 Apr 22
Gee with nested desgin
Dear all, Is it possible to incorporate a nested design in GEE? I have measurements on trees that where measured in two years. The trees are nested in plots. Each plot contains 24 trees. The number of plots is 72. Hence we would expect 2 * 24 * 72 = 3456 data points. A few are missing, so we end up wih 3431 data points. This is what I have tried until now. #assuming independence between trees
2008 Oct 29
call works with gee and yags, but not geepack
I have included data at the bottom of this email. It can be read in by highlighting the data and then using this command: dat <- read.table("clipboard", header = TRUE,sep="\t") I can obtain solutions with both of these: library(gee) fit.gee<-gee(score ~ chem + time, id=id, family=gaussian,corstr="exchangeable",data=dat) and library(yags) fit.yags <-
2000 Mar 18
Corstr in the Gee (Generalized Estimation Equation) arguments?
Dear all: Y=a+bX1+cX2 In the Gee (Generalized Estimation Equation) arguments: The arument Corstr has sveral choices: "independence" "fixed" "stat_M_dep" "non_stat_M_dep" "exchangeable" "AR-M" "unstructured" What does each term mean? How do I choose among them? How do I know the correlation structure of
2011 May 08
questions about the output of "gee" and its summary
Dear R-helpers, I am using the package "gee" to run a marginal model. Here is the output. In my simulated data, both x and z are time-varying, so I include their interaction terms with time indicator (i.e. tind=0, if time 1, and 1 if time 2) The data is simulated, so the true parameter of z both at time 1 and time 2 is 5, which is very close from the model output for time 1, z =
2009 Oct 13
gee: suppress printout
I'm using the function gee from the library(gee) gee(Y~X,,corstr="exchangeable",b=tmc$coef,family=binomial(link=logit),silent=T) Every time it runs, it dutifully prints out Beginning Cgee S-function, @(#) geeformula.q 4.13 98/01/27 user's initial regression estimate [,1] [1,] -4.5278335 [2,] -0.2737999 [3,] -0.9528306 [4,] 0.9393861 [5,]
2008 Dec 01
gee + rcs
Hi all, I have fitted a gee model with the gee package and included restricted cubic spline functions. Here is the model: chol.g <- gee(SKIN ~ rcs(CHOLT, 3), id=ID, data=chol, family=binomial(link="logit"), corstr="exchangeable") To extract the log odds I use: predict.glm(chol.g, type = "link") Now I want to compute the logg odds for specific CHOLT values
2010 Jun 08
GEE: estimate of predictor with high time dependency
Hi, I'm analyzing my data using GEE, which looks like below: > interact <- geeglm(L ~ O + A + O:A, + data = data1, id = id, + family = binomial, corstr = "ar1") > summary(interact) Call: geeglm(formula = lateral ~ ontask + attachment + ontask:attachment, family = binomial, data = firstgroupnowalking, id = id, corstr = "ar1") Coefficients:
2011 Oct 17
Plotting GEE confidence bands using "predict"
Hello Fellow R Users,I have spent the last week trying to find a work around to this problem and I can't seem to solve it. I simply want to plot my GEE model result with 95% confidence bands. I am using the geepack package to run a basic GEE model involving nestling weights, to a Gaussian distribution, with "exchangeable" error structure. I am examining how nestling weight varies
2007 Jul 20
GEE code
I'm writing a paper aimed at motivating the use of GEE within the field of economics. However, after computing using the geeglm function, I noticed there's one intercept in the summary output. I assume this means the function is pooling the data. That means my code is not what I want. I want a "fixed effects" model, meaning I want the intercept to vary by cluster. Here's
2007 Mar 04
plot groupedData in nlme
Hi, Does anyone know how to make the color of the lines all black when plotting groupedData with an outer factor: For example, library(nlme) plot(Dialyzer, outer=~QB, key=F) This generated colored curves in R.2.4.1. How to make all the curves black ? (or how to alter the color (type) of lines for the nlme groupedData plotting function in general?) Thanks Qiong
2011 Jan 31
GEE - order of data?
Dear all, I am trying to do a GEE on count data and I am having problems with how to order the data. Below is a simplified example of what my data looks like.. Route Time Day Pass Distance 1 30 1 4 0 1 60 1 12 200 1 120 1 25 600 1 30 2 8 0 1 60 2 17 200 1