similar to: Sort (indices only)

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2008 Sep 09
Help with 'spectrum'
For the command 'spectrum' I read: The spectrum here is defined with scaling 1/frequency(x), following S-PLUS. This makes the spectral density a density over the range (-frequency(x)/2, +frequency(x)/2], whereas a more common scaling is 2? and range (-0.5, 0.5] (e.g., Bloomfield) or 1 and range (-?, ?]. Forgive my ignorance but I am having a hard time interpreting this. Does this mean
2009 Jan 14
Partial sort?
This is definitely a newbie question but from the documentation I have not been able to figure out what the partial sort option on the sort method does. I have read and re-read the documentation and looked at the examples but for some reason it doesn't register. Would someone attempt to explain what sort with a non-null partial array of indices does? Thank you. Kevin
2008 Oct 07
sort a list?
I am trying to sort a list and the data is obiously not in the right format. I am trying: x <- list() x[["A"]] <- 1 x[["B"]] <- 2 order(x) But am getting: Error in order(x) : unimplemented type 'list' in 'orderVector1' How should I change the list so that it can be sorted? What kinds of objects (classes of objects) can be sorted? Thank you. Kevin
2008 Sep 04
Building a time series.
I have a need to build a time series and there are a couple of aspects about the time series object that are confusing me. First it seems that ts.union is not doing what I would expect. For example: x0 <- rep(0,10) x1 <- rep(1,10) xt0 <- ts(x0, frequency=10) xt1 <- ts(x1, frequency=10) st2 <- ts.union(xt0, xt1) > xt2 Time Series: Start = c(1, 1) End = c(1, 10) Frequency = 10
2010 Mar 06
Interpretation of 'swtich'
In browsing the source I see the following construct: res <- switch(type, working = , response = r, deviance = , pearson = if (is.null(object$weights)) r else r * sqrt(object$weights), partial = r) I understand that 'switch' will execute the code that is matched by its corresponding string value (in this case 'type'). What I don't
2009 Apr 03
I have a question on the function 'embed'. I ran the example x <- 1:10 embed(x, dimension=3) This gives the output: [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 3 2 1 [2,] 4 3 2 [3,] 5 4 3 [4,] 6 5 4 [5,] 7 6 5 [6,] 8 7 6 [7,] 9 8 7 [8,] 10 9 8 I don't quite understand the output and why it is useful. First, there are only 8
2011 Oct 22
"Plotting" text?
I noticed that the text() command adds text to a plot. Is there a way to either make the plot blank or add text to a "blank sheet". I would like to "plot" a page that contains just text, no plot lines, labels, etc. Suggestions? Kevin [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Feb 01
VFS audit
I would like to turn on auditing for a particular share and have all auditing go to the username.machinename.log files. If I turn on audit then no matter which way I configure it, it either goes to just syslog, or both. My goal is to just log to the samba files and take the wieght off of syslog. I have searched and searched but can't find but a solution that works. Any help would be
2008 Oct 10
Leap year?
Given a Date object or simply a year is there an R function to tell me if the it is a leap year or not? I was hoping for something like 'is.leapyear'. I probably can build my own function (year divisible by 4 etc.) but I would rather use an existing function if it is available. Thank you. Kevin
2024 Jul 10
Implementation for selecting lag of a lag window spectral estimator using generalized cross validation (using deviance)
Dear All, I am looking for: A software to select the lag length for a lag window spectral estimator. Also, I have a small query in the reprex given below. Background for the above, from the book by Percival and Walden: 1. We are given X_1,...,X_n which is one realization of a stochastic process. 2. We may compute the periodogram using FFT, for example by the function spectrum in R. 3. The
2008 Aug 28
Function not returning a vector?
Why does: (shape/scale) * (1:365/scale)^(shape - 1) return a vector of numbers but calling a function hasard(1:365,shape,scale) defined like: hazard <- function(x,shape,scale) { return (shape/scale) * (x/scale)^(shape - 1) } Only return a single value? It is like x becomes a single value passed as an argument. Thank you. Kevin
2009 Jan 03
Power functions?
I had a question about the basic power functions in R. For example from the R console I enter: -1 ^ 2 [1] -1 but also -1^3 [1] -1 -0.1^2 [1] -0.01 Normally pow(-1, 2) return either -Infinity or NaN. Has R taken over the math functions? If so I would think that -1^2 is 1 not -1 and -0.1^2 is 0.01 not -0.01. Thank you. Kevin
2010 Mar 22
Factors attribute?
I noticed that when I fit a linear model using 'lm' there is an attribute called "factors" that is added to the "term". It doesn't seem to appear for 'model.matrix', just 'lm'. I have been unable to find where it gets constructed or what it means? It looks like a two dimensional array that I may be able to use so I would just like to get some
2004 Jan 22
Dear R users I have two questions about estimating the spectral power of a time series: 1) I came across a funny thing with the following code: data(co2) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) co2.sp1<-spectrum(co2,detrend=T,demean=T,span=3) co2.sp2<-spectrum(co2[1:468],detrend=T,demean=T,span=3) The first plot displays the frequencies ranging from 0 to 6 whearas the second plot displays the same curve but
2011 Nov 07
Upgrade R?
I am trying to upgrade to R 2.14 from R 2.13.1 I have compied all the libraries from the 'library' directory in my existing installation (2.13.1) to the installed R 2.14. Now I want to uninstall the old installation (R 2.13.1) and I get the error: Internal Error: Cannot find utCompiledCode record for this version of the uninstaller. Any ideas? Kevin [[alternative HTML
2007 Dec 19
Factor Madness
Why is class(spectrum[["Ion"]]) after this "factor"? spectrum <- cbind(spectrum,Ion=rep("", nrow(spectrum)),Deviation.AMU=rep(0.0, nrow(spectrum))) slowly going crazy ... Joh
2009 Oct 28
PDF Corrupted?
I am running R 2.9.2 and creating a PDF that I am trying to open with Adobe Reader 9.2 but when I try to open it the reader responds with "There was an error opening this document. The file is damaged and cannot be repaired.: I am using the R command(s): pdf(file="cat.pdf", title="Historical Sales By Category") for(j in 1:length(master)) { d <-
2011 Feb 08
Recuperate Spectrum() amplitude
Dear list, I apologies first for my English, hope you will understand well my question. I am working on 1/2 hour piezometric data, time unit is second. They present daily oscillation when using the spectrum() function. What I am really interested in, is to find the amplitude corresponding to this oscillation. I work with a college using Matlab, and although we apply the same methodology, our
2011 Sep 23
Cross Spectrum : Conversion of 2-D spectrum into a single complex array
Hi, I'm wondering why the spectrum() phase of quadrature couple isn't purely +/-pi. But mostly, I'm looking for a recommended way to take a 2-D spectrum and convert it into a single complex array. Kindly consider: # 10 Hz sine wave 10 seconds long sampled at 50 Hz deltaT = 1/50 t = seq(0, 10, deltaT) w = 2 * pi * 10 x = ts( sin( w * t ), deltat = deltaT ) y = ts( sin(
2011 Dec 16
I'm using an R program (which I did not write) to simulate multilevel data (subjects in locations) used in power calculations. It uses lmer to fit a mixed logistic model to the simulated data based on inputs of means, variances, slopes and proportions: ? (fitmodel <- lmer(modelformula,data,family=binomial(link=logit),nAGQ=1)) where modelformula is set up in another part of the program.?