similar to: how to address last and all but last column in dataframe

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "how to address last and all but last column in dataframe"

2008 Sep 01
convenient way to calculate specificity, sensitivity and accuracy from raw data
Dear R-colleagues, this is a question from a R-newbie medical doctor: I am evaluating data on inter-observer-reliability in endoscopy. 20 medical doctors judged 42 videos filling out a multiple choice survey for each video. The overall-data is organized in a classical way: observations (items from the multiple choice survey) as columns, each case (identified by the two columns "number of
2018 Feb 26
Random Seed Location
Hi all, For some odd reason when running na?ve bayes, k-NN, etc., I get slightly different results (e.g., error rates, classification probabilities) from run to run even though I am using the same random seed. Nothing else (input-wise) is changing, but my results are somewhat different from run to run. The only randomness should be in the partitioning, and I have set the seed before this
2018 Feb 27
Random Seed Location
In case you don't get an answer from someone more knowledgeable: 1. I don't know. 2. But it is possible that other packages that are loaded after set.seed() fool with the RNG. 3. So I would call set.seed just before you invoke each random number generation to be safe. Cheers, Bert Bert Gunter "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and sticking
2011 Aug 16
how to sort the levels of a table
Dear colleagues, I have really heavy problems in sorting the results of a table according to certain features of the levels in the table. Prerequisites: It all starts with a fairly simple data set, which stores observations of 21 observers (horizontally from 1 to 21; 21 is reference/goldstandard) who diagnosed 42 videos (vertically from 1 to 42). See dump of R-object "input" below in
2018 Mar 04
Random Seed Location
On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 3:25 PM, Gary Black <gwblack001 at> wrote: (Sorry to be a bit slow responding.) You have not supplied a complete example, which would be good in this case because what you are suggesting could be a serious bug in R or a package. Serious journals require reproducibility these days. For example, JSS is very clear on this point. To your question >
2018 Mar 04
Random Seed Location
Thank you, everybody, who replied! I appreciate your valuable advise! I will move the location of the set.seed() command to after all packages have been installed and loaded. Best regards, Gary Sent from my iPad > On Mar 4, 2018, at 12:18 PM, Paul Gilbert <pgilbert902 at> wrote: > > On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 3:25 PM, Gary Black <gwblack001 at> >
2018 Mar 04
Random Seed Location
The following helps identify when .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed has changed: rng_tracker <- local({ last <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed function(...) { curr <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed if (!identical(curr, last)) { warning(".Random.seed changed") last <<- curr } TRUE } }) addTaskCallback(rng_tracker, name = "RNG tracker") EXAMPLE: >
2005 Mar 17
Cross validation, one more time (hopefully the last)
I apologize for posting on this question again, but unfortunately, I don't have and can't get access to MASS for at least three weeks. I have found some code on the web however which implements the prediction error algorithm in cv.glm. Now I've tried to adapt it to my purposes, but since I'm not deeply familiar
2018 Mar 04
Random Seed Location
On 04/03/2018 5:54 PM, Henrik Bengtsson wrote: > The following helps identify when .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed has changed: > > rng_tracker <- local({ > last <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed > function(...) { > curr <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed > if (!identical(curr, last)) { > warning(".Random.seed changed") > last <<- curr
2010 Nov 29
selecting only corresponding categories from a confusion matrix
Dear R colleagues, as a result of my calculations regarding the inter-observer-variability in bronchoscopy, I get a confusion matrix like the following: 0 1 1001 1010 11 0 609 11 54 36 6 1 1 2 6 0 2 10 14 0 0 8 4 100 4 0 0 0 0 1000 23 7 12 10 5 1001 0 0 4 0 0 1010 4 0 0 3 0 1011 1 0 1 0 2 11
2009 Mar 27
ROCR package finding maximum accuracy and optimal cutoff point
If we use the ROCR package to find the accuracy of a classifier pred <- prediction(svm.pred, testset[,2]) perf.acc <- performance(pred,"acc") Do we?find the maximum accuracy?as follows?(is there a simplier way?): > max(perf.acc at x.values[[1]]) Then to find the cutoff point that maximizes the accuracy?do we do the following?(is there a simpler way): > cutoff.list <-
2006 Aug 17
Simulate p-value in lme4
Dear list, This is more of a stats question than an R question per se. First, I realize there has been a lot of discussion about the problems with estimating P-values from F-ratios for mixed-effects models in lme4. Using mcmcsamp() seems like a great alternative for evaluating the significance of individual coefficients, but not for groups of coefficients as might occur in an experimental design
2011 Mar 04
sum of digits or how to slice a number into its digits
Dear R colleagues, I face a seemingly simple problem I couldn't find a solution for myself so far: I have to sum the digits of numbers. Example: 1010 ->2 100100110 -> 4 Unfortunately there seems not to be a function for this task. So my idea was to use sum(x) for it. But I did not figure out how to slice a number to a vector of its digits. Example (continued from above): 1010 ->
2012 Aug 28
predict.lm(...,type="terms") question
Hello all, How do I actually use the output of predict.lm(..., type="terms") to predict new term values from new response values? I'm a chromatographer trying to use R (2.15.1) for one of the most common calculations in that business: - Given several chromatographic peak areas measured for control samples containing a molecule at known (increasing) concentrations, first
2018 May 08
Average of results coming from B=100 repetitions (looping)
Dear R-experts, Here below the reproducible example. I am trying to get the average of the 100 results coming from the "lst" function. I have tried lst$mean and mean(lst). It does not work. Any help would be highly appreciated. #################### ?## R script for getting MedAe and MedAeSQ from HBR model on Testing data install.packages("robustbase") install.packages(
2010 Jan 22
Computing Confidence Intervals for AUC in ROCR Package
Dear R-philes, I am plotting ROC curves for several cross-validation runs of a classifier (using the function below). In addition to the average AUC, I am interested in obtaining a confidence interval for the average AUC. Is there a straightforward way to do this via the ROCR package? plot_roc_curve <- function(roc.dat, plt.title) { #print(str(vowel.ROC)) pred <-
2012 Mar 13
ROC Analysis
Hi everybody, I have a data set with a value and a status (positive or negative case) and I want make a ROC Analysis. So, with ROCR Package, I have got the ROC curve (True Positive Fraction [tpf] according 1-True Negative Fraction [1-tnf]). But, now I want a new graphic which show the sum of true positive fraction and true negative fraction
2006 Apr 04
documenting s4 methods in package
Hi, I have written a package that contains many s4 generic functions and associated methods. I am having a lot of trouble getting R to build the help pages for these generic functions without reporting, "missing link(s): ~~fun~~, which means that it cannot find the appropriate function when code in the example section of the help is run. Right? After some playing around I can get it to
2008 May 22
Extracting slots from ROCR prediction objects
Hi, I have an object from the prediction function from the ROCR package and I would like to extract one of the slots from the object, for example the cutoffs slot. However the usual techniques ($, [["name"]]) of subsetting don't work. How can I assess the lists in the slots? Here is an example of what I am working with: library(ROCR) data(ROCR.simple) pred <-
2007 Aug 09
How to apply functions over rows of multiple matrices
Dear ExpRts, I would like to perform a function with two arguments over the rows of two matrices. There are a couple of *applys (including mApply in Hmisc) but I haven't found out how to do it straightforward. Applying to row indices works, but looks like a poor hack to me: sens <- function(test, gold) { if (any(gold==1)) { sum(test[which(gold==1)]/sum(which(gold==1))) } else NA }