Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "significance of random effects in poisson lmer"
2009 Feb 24
lmer, estimation of p-values and mcmcsamp
(To the list moderator: I just subscribed to the list. Apologies for not
having done so longer before trying to post.)
Hi all,
I am currently using lmer to analyze data from an experiment with a
single fixed factor (treatment, 6 levels) and a single random factor
(block). I've been trying to follow the online guidance for estimating
p-values for parameter estimates on these and other
2011 Mar 29
List extraction
I have created a list of tables with the same columns but different number of
Example (actual list has ~200 elements):
> temp1<- data.frame(ID=c("Herb","Shrub"),stat=c(4,5),pvalue=c(.03,.04))
> temp2<- data.frame(ID=c("Herb","Shrub",
> "Tree"),stat=c(12,15,13),pvalue=c(.2,0.4,.3))
> L<-list(a=temp1,b=temp2)
> L
2009 Jul 13
Help get this simple function to work...
I have a function (see below). This function has one object, ID. If I run
the loops by themselves using a character value (ie,"VFFF1-7") instead of
the function object, then the loops work fine. However, when I try to
insert the character value via the function call, it doesn't work. I don't
get an error, but the TotalCover.df dataframe does not update according to
the loop
2007 Mar 12
Lmer Mcmc Summary and p values
Dear R users
I am trying to obtain p-values for (quasi)poisson lmer models, including
Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling and the command summary.
> My problems is that p values derived from both these methods are
totally different. My question is
(1) there a bug in my code and
(2) How can I proceed, left with these uncertainties in the estimations of
> the p-values?
> Below
2009 Jul 13
Help me get this function to work...
I have a function (see below). This function has one object, ID. If I run the loops by itself using a character value (ie,"VFFF1-7"), then the loops work fine. However, when I try to insert the character value via the function call, it doesn't work. I don't get an error, but the TotalCover.df dataframe does not update according to the loop criteria. Any obvious problems that
2007 Feb 12
lmer and estimation of p-values: error with mcmcpvalue()
Dear all,
I am currently analyzing count data from a hierarchical design, and I?ve
tried to follow the suggestions for a correct estimation of p-values as
discusssed at R-Wiki
However, I have the problem that my model only consists of parameters
with just 1 d.f. (intercepts, slopes), so that the
2007 Feb 13
lme4/lmer: P-Values from mcmc samples or chi2-tests?
Dear R users,
I have now tried out several options of obtaining p-values for
(quasi)poisson lmer models, including Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling
and single-term deletions with subsequent chi-square tests (although I
am aware that the latter may be problematic).
However, I encountered several problems that can be classified as
(1) the quasipoisson lmer model does not give p-values when
2003 Jul 22
Making a group membership matrix
Hi Helpers:
I have a factor object that has 314k entries of 39 land cover types.
(This object can be coerced to characters neatly should that be easier
to work with.)
> length(foo)
[1] 314482
> foo[1:10]
[1] Montane Chaparral Barren Red Fir Red Fir
[5] Red Fir Red Fir Red Fir Red Fir
[9] Red Fir Red Fir
39 Levels:
2007 Mar 13
lme4 and mcmcamp
Dear R users
I am trying to obtain p-values for (quasi)poisson lmer models, using
Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling and the command summary.
> My problems is that p values derived from both these methods are
totally different. My question is
(1) there a bug in my code and
(2) How can I proceed, left with these uncertainties in the estimations of
> the p-values?
> Below is
2011 Jan 09
Rectangle height in lattice xyplot key
Dear All
I have a problem with the height of the boxes in the key in the following.
(The text is over 2 lines to accentuate the problem of no space
between the rectangles.)
Is there an easy way to put a space between the rectangles; size
controls the width but there appears to be nothing for the height?
key = list(corner = c(0.8,0.8),
2010 Jun 23
Hopefully the attachment will make it this time...
I am practicing with the attached shapefile and was wondering
if I can get some help. Haven't used 'rgdal' and 'maptools' much
but it appears to be a great way bring map data into R.
Please take a look at the comments and let me know if I need to
explain better what I am trying to accomplish.
2009 Aug 19
how do i vectorize relational queries in R
I am basically trying to append a value(vector) to one dataframe using a
relational value from another dataframe. Obviously, I can use a loop to
accomplish this. However, is there a way to vectorize it?
> data <- data.frame(c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3),rep(2,9)); names(data) <-
> c("Sample","Score")
> meta <-
2006 Mar 04
replicated time series - lme?
Dear R-helpers,
I have a time series analysis problem in R:
I want to analyse the output of my simulation model which is proportional
cover of shrubs in a savanna plot for each of 500 successive years. I have
run the model (which includes stochasticity, especially in the initial
conditions) 17 times generating 17 time series of shrub cover.
I am interested in a possible periodicity of shrub
2012 Nov 28
Conditional model in R
Hello all,
I have a data set where the response variable is the percent cover of a
specific plant (represented in cover classes 0,1,2,3,4,5, or 6). This data
set has a lot of zeros (plots where the plant was not present).
I am trying to model cover class of the plant as a function of both total
nitrogen and shrub cover.
After quite a bit of research I have come across a conditional approach
2008 Jan 18
Problems with lattice plot
Hello useRs,
I have some problems when I try to plot a lattice. The lattice has 200
columns (X value) and 5 rows (Y value), with a total of 1000 squares. I
want to plot this lattice with the squares having different colours
according to a variable value.
The variable I want to plot is cover value of a shrub, and it has values
between 0 and 1. I want to plot the squares with value 1,
2010 Nov 09
new column from column in another df
If I have a data frame where a species occupies several rows with different
phases such as (both col's ar factors):
Populus tremula,1
Populus tremula,2
Populus tremula,3
Calluna vulgaris,1
Calluna vulgaris,2
Betula alba,1
Betula alba,2
Betula alba,3
Primula veris,1
Primula veris,2
and another df where each species only have one row:
Populus tremula,tree
2008 Dec 01
Spatstat - K2 index
Hi all,
I'm using spatstat to investigate the spatial structure of an arid shrub
population. The first-order intensity of my data does not appear to be
homogenous, so I would like to use inhomogeneous techniques. I realise
there is a inhomogeneous K-function available in spatstat, but there
doesn't not appear to be one for the pair-correlation function (O-ring
statistic). As such I was
2010 Jun 23
Plotting Data on a Map
I am practicing with the attached shapefile and was wondering
if I can get some help. Haven't used 'rgdal' and 'maptools' much
but it appears to be a great way bring map data into R.
Please take a look at the comments and let me know if I need to
explain better what I am trying to accomplish.
dsn="C:/Documents and
2008 Jan 15
error in my selection
Hi everybody,
Well, I really hoped that until now i know how to do a selection ..... but obviously i don't. So risking your laughing at me - here you go.
I have a table with lots of vegetation data, and one column specifies in which region the data is. There are only 2 regions, region 1 and region 3. I want to select all data that belong to region 1 and after do some xtabs on it. If i do
2005 Nov 25
My name is Jos?? Mar??a G??mez, and I am pretty new in R. Thus, I apologize
deeply if my questions are extremmely na??ve.I have checked several
available books and URL's, without finding any answer.
I'm trying to fit Generalized Linear Mixed Models via PQL. Below I provide
the structure of my data set. Year and Plot are random variables. Fate is
the binomial dependent. I have severe