Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "drop.unused.levels for two factors {lattice}"
2008 Jun 09
piper diagram
Is anyone on the list familiar with an R implementation of Piper Diagrams?
I am thinking that two calls to triax.plot (plotrix) along with some kind of
affine-transformed standard plot would do the trick. Not so sure about the
final layout, or a nice generalized version for something like lattice.
2010 Sep 16
parallel computation with plyr 1.2.1
I have been trying to use the new .parallel argument with the most recent
version of plyr [1] to speed up some tasks. I can run the example in the NEWS
file [1], and it seems to be working correctly. However, R will only use a
single core when I try to apply this same approach with ddply().
1. http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/plyr/NEWS
Watching my CPUs I see that in both cases
2007 Oct 08
do not plot polygon boundaries with spplot {sp}
Is there a simple way to suppress the plotting of polygon boundaries with
spplot() ?
# simple list of 12 colors
cols <- brewer.pal(12, "Paired")
# plot pile of polygons, with 12 classes:
spplot(x, zcol='class2', col.regions=cols, scales=list(draw=T), xlab="Easting
(m)", ylab="Northing (m)")
... seems to work well. However the polygon boundaries
2009 Oct 23
interpretation of RCS 'coefs' and 'knots'
I have fit a series of ols() models, by group, in this manner:
l <- ols(y ~ rcs(x, 4))
... where the series of 'x' values in each group is the same, however knots
are not always identical between groups. The result is a table of 'coefs'
derived from the ols objects, by group:
group Intercept top top' top''
1 6.864 0.01 2.241 -2.65
2009 Jan 23
lattice: reverse order of panel.lmline, panel.smooth
is it possible to reverse the order in which panel.lmline() or panel.smooth()
operation in xyplot() ? This type of situation might occur when plotting some
variable with depth, but the relation we want to describe is variable ~
depth, and not depth ~ variable, as the plotting formula would suggest.
# an example:
d <- 1:100
v <- d * rnorm(100)
xyplot(d ~ v, ylim=c(100,0),
2008 Feb 13
use of poly()
I am curious about how to interpret the results of a polynomial regression--
using poly(raw=TRUE) vs. poly(raw=FALSE).
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- jitter(1*x + 2*x^2 + 3*x^3 , 250)
plot(y ~ x)
l.poly <- lm(y ~ poly(x, 3))
l.poly.raw <- lm(y ~ poly(x, 3, raw=TRUE))
s <- seq(-3, 3, by=0.1)
lines(s, predict(l.poly, data.frame(x=s)), col=1)
2008 Mar 05
testing for significantly different slopes
How would one go about determining if the slope terms from an analysis of
covariance model are different from eachother?
Based on the example from MASS:
# parallel slope model
l.para <- lm(Temp ~ Gas + Insul, data=whiteside)
# multiple slope model
l.mult <- lm(Temp ~ Insul/Gas -1, data=whiteside)
# compare nested models:
anova(l.para, l.mult)
Analysis of Variance
2010 Feb 17
strangeness in Predict() {rms}
Running the following example from ?Predict() throws an error I have never
seen before:
x1 <- runif(300)
x2 <- runif(300)
ddist <- datadist(x1,x2); options(datadist='ddist')
y <- exp(x1+ x2 - 1 + rnorm(300))
f <- ols(log(y) ~ pol(x1,2) + x2)
p1 <- Predict(f, x1=., conf.type='mean')
Error in paste(nmc[i], "=", if (is.numeric(x))
2008 Jun 04
estimate phase shift between two signals
Are there any functions in R that could be used to estimate the phase-shift
between two semi-sinusoidal vectors? Here is what I have tried so far, using
the spectrum() function -- possibly incorrectly:
# generate some fake data, normalized to unit circle
x <- jitter(seq(-2*pi, 2*pi, by=0.1), amount=pi/8)
# functions defining two out-of-phase phenomena
f1 <- function(x)
2009 Oct 26
Cbind() on the right-side of a formula in xYplot()
Using the latest rms package I am able to make nice plots of model predictions
+/- desired confidence intervals like this:
# need this
# setup data
d <- data.frame(x=rnorm(100), y=rnorm(100))
dd <- datadist(d)
# fit model
l <- ols(y ~ rcs(x), data=d)
# predict along original limits of data
l.pred <- Predict(l)
# plot of fit and
2009 Jun 30
odd behaviour in quantreg::rq
I am trying to use quantile regression to perform weighted-comparisons of the
median across groups. This works most of the time, however I am seeing some
odd output in summary(rq()):
Call: rq(formula = sand ~ method, tau = 0.5, data = x, weights =
Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 45.44262 3.64706 12.46007
2010 Jul 19
possible bug in ape::extract.clade()
I was recently splitting some massive phylo class objects with extract.clade()
and noticed what appears to be a bug in how tip labels are copied from the
full tree to the pruned tree. This possible bug was also mentioned here:
http://www.mail-archive.com/r-sig-phylo at r-project.org/msg00537.html
An example:
x <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=10)
p <-
2009 Jun 04
RPostgreSQL segfault with LEFT JOIN
I recently upgraded to R 2.9.0 on linux x86. After doing so, I switched to the
RPostgreSQL package for interfacing with a postgresql database. I am using
postgresql 8.3.7.
A query that works from the postgresql terminal is causing a segfault when
executed from R.
My sessionInfo, the error message, and the R code used to generate the error
are listed below.
I have noticed that a
2010 May 28
latex.rms and models fit with GLS
I have fit a model using the rms package with the Gls() function.
Is there a way to get the model estimates, std errors, and p-values (i.e. what
you get with print(fit)) into latex format?
I have tried:
f <- Gls(...)
latex(f, file='')
... but I get the following error
Error in replace.substring.wild(s, old, new, test = test, front = front, :
does not handle > 1 * in
2009 Nov 25
Mysterious R script behavior when called from webserver
I am trying to transition a system based on dynamic image generation (via R)
from our development system to a production environment. Our R script
functions as expected when run by a regular user. However the script dies
when calling the png() function, when started by the webserver user.
Here are some details
R version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24)
2007 Nov 13
logistic regression model specification
I have setup a simple logistic regression model with the glm() function, with
the follow formula:
y ~ a + b
'a' is a continuous variable stratified by
the levels of 'b'
Looking over the manual for model specification, it seems that coefficients
for unordered factors are given 'against' the first level of that factor.
This makes for difficult
2010 Jan 26
ANCOVA with measurement error in x and y
I am looking for some tips on how to incorporate known measurement error into
the comparison of slopes in an analysis of covariance. Specifically, if I
know that each measurement comes with a 5% error, is it possible to 'expand'
the confidence intervals around the estimates for the slope of the line
passing through the data defined by the grouping variable? With standard
2006 Dec 11
cohen kappa for two-way table
I am a bit confused by the results returned by the functions:
cohen.kappa {concord}
classAgreement {e1071}
when using a two-way table.
for example, if I have an matrix A, and a similar matrix B (same
dimensions), then:
matrix A and B can be found:
A <-
2007 Dec 17
odd error messages coming from val.prob() {Design}
after upgrading my R install from 2.5 -> 2.6.1 and performing multiple
iterations of update.packages(), I am getting an odd error when trying to
plot a calibration curve from the val.prob() function in package Design.
when running this function (which used to work) I get the following error
Error in .C("lowess", x = as.double(xy$x[o]), as.double(xy$y[o]), n,
2009 May 30
validity of means comparison: unbalanced + weights
I have a quick statistics-related question. I would like to perform a
comparison of means across treatments using a linear model framework.
However, my 'baseline' treatment has many more observations than either of
the other two treatments and the variance within each treatment is different.
Furthermore, each observation is assigned a weight-- where weights within a
treatment sum