similar to: endogenous variables in gam (mgcv)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "endogenous variables in gam (mgcv)"

2008 Aug 03
missing F statistic in anova.gam
Hello, I have encountered results which I am not sure how to interpret when using anova.gam to compare 2 different models. For certain tests the results do not include an F- or associated p-statistic. This happens when comparing certain models and not others, and I do not discern a patten explaining when the test works and when it does not. Here is some output for some of my tests (y#, x1, and
2008 May 29
appropriate covariance matrix for multiple nominal exogenous and multiple continuous endogenous variables in SEM
Hi, I would like to use the sem package to perform a path analysis (no latent variables) with a mixture of 2 nominal exogenous, 1 continuous exogenous, and 4 continuous endogenous variables. I seek advice as to how to calculate the appropriate covariance matrix for use with the sem package. I have read through the polycor package, and am confused as to the use of "numeric" for
2012 Mar 22
Simalteneous Equation Doubt in R
Hi List l am interested in developing price model. I have found a research paper related to price model of corn in US market where it has taken demand & supply forces into consideration. Following are the equation: Supply equation: St= a0+a1Pt-1+a2Rt-1+a3St-1+a5D1+a6D2+a7D3+U1 -(1) Where D1,D2,D3=Quarterly Dummy Variables(Since quarterly data are considered) Here, Supply
2012 Oct 27
[gam] [mgcv] Question in integrating a eiker-white "sandwich" VCV estimator into GAM
Dear List, I'm just teaching myself semi-parametric techniques. Apologies in advance for the long post. I've got observational data and a longitudinal, semi-parametric model that I want to fit in GAM (or potentially something equivalent), and I'm not sure how to do it. I'm posting this to ask whether it is possible to do what I want to do using "canned" commands
2007 Sep 12
vars package, impulse response functions ??
I am fitting a reduced form VAR model using VAR in the vars library. I have several endogenous variables, and two exogenous variables. I would like to explore the effects of a shock to one of the exogenous variables on one of the endogenous variables. Using irf in the vars library only calculates the irf for the endogenous variables, this is obviously by design, is there some theoretical
2004 Apr 07
eigenvalues for a sparse matrix
Hi, I have the following problem. It has two parts. 1. I need to calculate the stationary probabilities of a Markov chain, eg if the transition matrix is P, I need x such that xP = x in other words, the left eigenvectors of P which have an eigenvalue of one. Currently I am using eigen(t(P)) and then pick out the vectors I need. However, this seems to be an overkill (I only need a single
2004 Oct 12
need help on GAM
Get some question about the function "gam". Suppose I have a semiparametric model, Y~x1+x2+s(z1). Using "gam", how could I get the estimates for the parametric part and nonparametric part respectively? And another question: we could find the coefficients for both parametric term and nonparametric term, what do these coefficients for the nonparametric term stand for, the
2008 Apr 09
Endogenous variables in ordinal logistic (or probit) regression
A student brought this question to me and I can't find any articles or examples that are directly on point. Suppose there are 2 ordinal logistic regression models, and one wants to set them into a simultaneous equation framework. Y1 might be a 4 category scale about how much the respondent likes the American Flag and Y2 might be how much the respondent likes the Republican Party in America.
2010 Jan 07
faster GLS code
Dear helpers, I wrote a code which estimates a multi-equation model with generalized least squares (GLS). I can use GLS because I know the covariance matrix of the residuals a priori. However, it is a bit slow and I wonder if anybody would be able to point out a way to make it faster (it is part of a bigger code and needs to run several times). Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Carlo
2007 Feb 28
Help on GAM
1) I have a semiparametric model, like *Y~x1+s(x2)+s(x3)* When I rum gam package I only obtained the estimates and the statistics of the nonparametric part. How can I get the parametric part? Please could you give me the complete comand to do it. 2) How are the negative coefficients identified. I run different examples and I never got any negative parameters. Thank you, Dacha [[alternative
2010 May 12
Reading R code help--Beginner
Hi, I am brand new to R and not familiar with the language, though I have been reading the manuals and making some slow going progress. I am working with some source code from a Global Vector Auto -Regressive program written by Ranier Puhr from the R-forge group. I need help interpreting the processes of the following code. I am going to post in parts since it's pretty long: GVAR
2006 Aug 09
NLS and IV
Hello All, I'm looking to test a variable in a logit model (glm(..., binomial(link="logit"))) for exogeneity (endogeneity). At this point I am planning to try implementing Jeffery Grogger's "A Simple Test for Exogeneity in Probit, Logit, and Poisson Regression Models", Economic Letters, 1990. To do this, I need to be able to do an instrumental variables NLS
2007 Mar 07
No fit statistics for some models using sem
Hi, New to both R and SEM, so this may be a very simple question. I am trying to run a very simple path analysis using the sem package. There are 2 exogenous (FARSCH, LOCUS10) and 2 endogenous (T_ATTENT, RMTEST) observed variables in the model. The idea is that T_ATTENT mediates the effect of FARSCH and LOCUS10 on RMTEST. The RAM specification I used is FARSCH -> T_ATTENT, y1x1, NA
2012 Nov 09
Can pgmm in the plm package include additional endogenous variables?
Dear R-Users, I am using pgmm in the plm package to estimate a dynamic models with panel data. Besides the lagged dependent variable, I also have some other endogenous variables. Does the pgmm have an argument that allows me to specify these endogenous variables and their instruments? I didn't find this argument in the description and online. Thank you very much for your help!
2008 Jun 03
Summarizing dummy coefficients in sem package
Greetings, I am working in the sem package on a model with 3 exogenous variables (2 are nominal-categorical), and 4 endogenous, continuous variables. To use sem with the nominal variables, I created dummy variables. Now, in my sem output I have estimates for path coefficients for the relationship between each level of the nominal variables and the endogenous variables they are associated
2006 Nov 24
New package `np' - nonparametric kernel smoothing methods for mixed datatypes
Dear R users, A new package titled `np' is now available from CRAN. The package implements recently developed kernel methods that seamlessly handle the mix of continuous, unordered, and ordered factor datatypes often found in applied settings. The package also allows users to create their own nonparametric/semiparametric routines using high-level function calls (via the function npksum())
2006 Nov 24
New package `np' - nonparametric kernel smoothing methods for mixed datatypes
Dear R users, A new package titled `np' is now available from CRAN. The package implements recently developed kernel methods that seamlessly handle the mix of continuous, unordered, and ordered factor datatypes often found in applied settings. The package also allows users to create their own nonparametric/semiparametric routines using high-level function calls (via the function npksum())
2009 Apr 01
VAR with binary endogenous variables
Hi all! Does anyone know if a vector autoregression package is avaialable that allows binary variables as part of the endogenous system? I'm looking for something along the lines of what is implemented in "Dynamic Forecasts of Qualitative Variables: A Qual VAR Model of US Recessions" by Michael Dueker, 2003, Fed Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Another possibility is the autoregressive
2012 Apr 07
Systemfit with structural equations and cross equation parameter interaction
Hi there, I want to estimate simultaneous equation model with panel data. The model looks as follows Y1=a0+a1*X1+a2*X2 Y2=b0+b1*X2+b2*X1 X1=Z1-(Y1/a1) X2=Z2-(Y2/b1) I In this model Y1, Y2, X1 and X2 are endogenous variables; Z1, Z2 are exogenous variables and a0, a1, a2, b0, b1 and b2 are parameters. Could any one please help me how to estimate this model in R. Thanking you in anticipation
2007 Feb 21
Problems with obtaining t-tests of regression
Guillermo, I am dropping most of your mail because my answer is very generic. First, why doesn't it work as you tried it: technically speaking, coeftest() and the like expect to be feed an lm or a glm object and for this reason won't accept the result of systemfit(), which is a much different object. I suppose the same goes for the rest. Second, what can you do: I'd do at least one