Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Generic plot function for GLM objects"
2008 Aug 01
Bug in the generic plot function for GLM?
Dear all,
In R 2.7.1 on Windows it looks to me that the generic plot function for GLM
objects uses standardized working residuals and not as labeled in the graph
the standardized deviance residuals. It looks to me that from 2.7.0 to 2.7.1
there has been a bug introduced.
Has anybody observed the same or do I misunderstand something in the generic
plot function?
Feedback is very much
2018 Jun 04
aic() component in GLM-family objects
>>>>> Ben Bolker
>>>>> on Sun, 3 Jun 2018 17:33:18 -0400 writes:
> Is it generally known/has it been previously discussed here that the
> $aic() component in GLM-family objects (e.g. results of binomial(),
> poisson(), etc.) does not as implemented actually return the AIC, but
> rather -2*log-likelihood + 2*(model_has_scale_parameter)
2018 Jun 17
aic() component in GLM-family objects
FWIW p. 206 of the White Book gives the following for
names(binomial()): family, names, link, inverse, deriv, initialize,
variance, deviance, weight.
So $aic wasn't there In The Beginning. I haven't done any more
archaeology to try to figure out when/by whom it was first introduced
Section 6.3.3, on extending families, doesn't give any other relevant info.
A patch for
2005 Jun 21
weighted.residuals for glm objects (PR#7961)
Full_Name: Henric Nilsson
Version: 2.2.0 (2005-06-20 r34776)
OS: Windows 2000
Submission from: (NULL) (
The help page for `weighted.residuals' states that the function can be used with
both `lm' and `glm' objects. However, it's unclear what's meant by the following
"Weighted residuals are the usual residuals Ri, multiplied by wi^0.5, where wi
2012 May 04
Binomial GLM, chisq.test, or?
I have a data set with 999 observations, for each of them I have data on
four variables:
site, colony, gender (quite a few NA values), and cohort.
This is how the data set looks like:
> str(dispersal)
'data.frame': 999 obs. of 4 variables:
$ site : Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 ...
$ gender: Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1":
2007 Jun 08
glm() for log link and Weibull family
I need to be able to run a generalized linear model with a log() link
and a Weibull family, or something similar to deal with an extreme
value distribution.
I actually have a large dataset where this is apparently necessary.
It has to do with recovery of forensic samples from surfaces, where
as much powder as possible is collected. This apparently causes the
results to conform to some type
2008 Nov 12
Understanding glm family documentation: dev.resids
Hi all
Consider the family function, as used by glm. The help page says the value of the family object is a list, one element of which is the following:
dev.resids function giving the deviance residuals as a function of (y, mu, wt).
But reading any of the family functions (eg poisson) shows that dev.resids is a function that computes the *square* of the deviance residuals (at least, by
2011 Jun 13
glm with binomial errors - problem with overdispersion
Dear all,
I am new to R and my question may be trivial to you...
I am doing a GLM with binomial errors to compare proportions of species in
different categories of seed sizes (4 categories) between 2 sites.
In the model summary the residual deviance is much higher than the degree
of freedom (Residual deviance: 153.74 on 4 degrees of freedom) and even
after correcting for overdispersion by
2011 Feb 08
Error in example Glm rms package
Hi all!
I've got this error while running
> example(Glm)
Glm> ## Dobson (1990) Page 93: Randomized Controlled Trial :
Glm> counts <- c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12)
Glm> outcome <- gl(3,1,9)
Glm> treatment <- gl(3,3)
Glm> f <- glm(counts ~ outcome + treatment, family=poisson())
Glm> f
Call: glm(formula = counts ~
2007 Aug 10
GLM with tweedie: NA for AIC
Dear R users;
I am modelling densities of some species of birds, so I have a problem with a great ammount of zeros.
I have decided to try GLMs with the tweedie family, but in all the models I have tried I got an NA for the AIC value.
Just to check the problem I've compared the a glm using the Gaussian family with the identity link and a glm using the tweedie family with var.power=0 and
2000 Jun 16
glm under R versions 1.0.1 and 1.1.0
I have fitted a number of models with receipt of social assictance
(toim1) during a year (values 0 or 1) with a number of covariates.
The data include sampling weights which I use in the models. Using the
exact same data, glm() under 1.0.1 and 1.1.0 give different results in
many (but not all) of the models. I have re-installed 1.0.1 to check
this and I found now mention in the NEWS file that
2005 Aug 08
Help with "non-integer #successes in a binomial glm"
I had a logit regression, but don't really know how to
handle the "Warning message: non-integer #successes in
a binomial glm! in: eval(expr, envir, enclos)"
problem. I had the same logit regression without
weights and it worked out without the warning, but I
figured it makes more sense to add the weights. The
weights sum up to one.
Could anyone give me some hint? Thanks a lot!
2006 Mar 27
Glm poisson
I am using the glm model with a poisson distribution. The model runs
just fine but when I try to get the null deviance for the model of the
null degrees of freedom I get the following errors:
> null.deviance(pAmeir_1)
Error: couldn't find function "null.deviance"
> df.null(pAmeir_1)
Error: couldn't find function "df.null"
When I do:
2006 Jun 28
Fwd: add1() and anova() with glm with dispersion
> Hello,
> I have a question about a discrepancy between the
> reported F statistics using anova() and add1() from
> adding an additional term to form nested models.
> I found and old posting related to anova() and
> drop1() regarding a glm with a dispersion parameter.
> The posting is very old (May 2000, R 1.1.0).
> The old posting is located here.
2005 Jul 22
Significant difference of coefficients in glm with factors?
Hi and sorry to distur,
########### Setting #################
I'm trying to use glm with factors:
> Pyr.1.glm<-glm(Pyrale~Trait,DataRav,family=poisson)
> summary(Pyr.1.glm)
glm(formula = Pyrale ~ Trait, family = poisson, data = DataRav)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.7117 -0.8944 -0.6237 0.6390 1.5224
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
2010 Nov 22
how do remove those predictor which have p value greater than 0.05 in GLM?
Hi R user,
I am a kind of an intermediate user of R. Now I am using GLM model (library
MASS, VEGUS). I used a backward stepwise logistic regression, but i got a
problem in removing those predictors which are above 0.05. I don't want to
include those variables which were above 0.05 in final backward stepwise
logetsic regression model.
for example: first I run the model,
2006 Feb 27
Different deviance residuals in a (similar?!?) glm example
Dear R-users,
I would like to show you a simple example that gives an overview of one
of my current issue.
Although my working setting implies a different parametric model (which
cannot be framed in the glm), I guess that what I'll get from the
following example it would help for the next steps.
Anyway here it is.
Firstly I simulated from a series of exposures, a series of deaths
(given a
2002 Oct 24
glm and lrm disagree with zero table cells
I've noticed that glm and lrm give extremely different results if you
attempt to fit a saturated model to a dataset with zero cells. Consider,
for instance the data from, Agresti's Death Penalty example [0].
The crosstab table is:
BLACK 97 52
WHITE 9 132
BLACK 6 11
2000 Dec 19
Bug in glm.fit() or plot.lm() (PR#778)
Here's a bug one of my students noticed.
When you call plot() on a glm object, plot.lm gets called. The second
plot it shows is supposed to give a normal QQ plot of the standard
deviance residuals, but it doesn't. The glm object created by glm.fit
returns something (the IRLS weights?) in fit$weights which plot.lm
takes as observation weights, so you get strange residuals in the QQ
2002 Mar 01
glm with binomial errors in R and GLIM
Hi all,
In my continuous transition of GLIM to R I try to make a glm with binomial
The data file have 3 vectors:
h -> the factor that is ajusted (have 3 levels)
d -> number of animais alive (the response)
n -> total number of animals
To test proportion of alive, make d/n.
$yvar d$
$error binomial n$
$fit +h$
scale deviance = 25.730 (change = -9.138) at cycle 4