similar to: Marking Interval Length

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Marking Interval Length"

2008 Jul 24
Formatting Syntax when Merging
Hi, I've merged the attached two data sets, generating a final merged data set, but when I review this merged data, the dates are not in the correct order. I know that this can be solved by using something like fmt<-"%m/%d/%y", but where should this go in the commands below? > Countrydata<-read.table("Desktop/R/Countrydata.txt", head=T, sep="\t")
2009 Mar 18
lm function (PR#13608)
Full_Name: Michael Aaron Karsh Version: 2.8.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( I tried using the lm function to regress the third column listed below on the second column listed below. It gave me an error message. My code is below. > HDISWLSdata=read.table("RHDISWLS.txt") > HDISWLSdata V1 V2 V3 1 DENMARK
2008 Dec 24
ggplot2 Xlim
Hi: I need some help. I am ploting a bar graph but I can't adjust my x axis scale I use this code: i <- qplot(ForkLength,Number,data=FL,geom="bar") i + geom_bar(colour="blue",fill="grey65") # too crowded FL_dat <- ggplot(FL,aes(x=ForkLength,y=Number)) + geom_bar(colour="green",fill="grey65") FL_dat +
2006 May 02
pairwise.t.test: empty p-table
Hi list-members can anybody tell me why > pairwise.t.test(val, fac) produces an empty p-table. As shown below: Pairwise comparisons using t tests with pooled SD data: val and fac AS AT Fhh Fm Fmk Fmu GBS Gf HFS Hn jAL Kol R_Fill AT - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fhh - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fm - - - - - - -
2009 Mar 11
Question about datatypes/plotting issue
Hi, I am trying to plot the Case-Shiller index found at: The way I'm importing it into R is as follows: library(gdata) W <- read.xls(" ", header=TRUE) attach(W) To give you and idea of what the data looks like: >
2008 Mar 06
Help with parsing a data file
Hi All, I need to parse data from a file, example shown below. The first two lines can be skipped, the third line contains the column names. The next 13 lines can be skipped. The next line "1991" is a year value, with the following 13 values data for that year. The file then repeats this format with (year, 13 lines of data for that year). I would ideally like to end up with an
2010 May 12
data frame subscription
Dear group, Here is my df : pose16 <- structure(list(DESCRIPTION = structure(c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 12L), .Label = c("COPPER May/10", "COTTON NO.2 Jul/10", "CRUDE OIL miNY May/10", "GOLD Jun/10", "ROBUSTA COFFEE (10) Jul/10", "SOYBEANS Jul/10", "SUGAR NO.11 Jul/10", "SUGAR NO.11 May/10",
2019 Feb 19
Cambiar el formato de datos
> gather(pobla, key = year, value = totpop, year60:year63) Country year totpop 1 Afghanistan year60 8996351 2 Albania year60 1608800 3 Algeria year60 11124888 4 Andorra year60 13411 Gracias Carlos Antonio On Tue, 19 Feb 2019 at 12:54, Carlos Ortega <cof en> wrote: > Sí, tienes varias formas. > > Mira la función
2019 Feb 19
Cambiar el formato de datos
Estimados miembros de la comunidad de R Tengo el siguiente formato en un fichero csv que corresponde a datos de la población para un conjunto de países y para un rango amplio de años. Pais 1960 1961 1962 1963 Albania vvvvv vvvv Algeria vvvvv vvvv Me gustaría pasarlo a la siguiente forma Pais Año Poblacion Albania 1960 vvv Albania 1961 vvvv Albania
2019 Feb 19
Cambiar el formato de datos
Después del "gather()" puedes hacer un "arrange()" que es una ordenación. Y dentro de "arrange()" le indicas la variable por la que ordenas (no hacen falta comillas)... Lo ordenará alfabéticamente. Saludos, Carlos Ortega El mar., 19 feb. 2019 a las 13:47, Antonio Rodriguez Andres (< antoniorodriguezandres70 en>) escribió:
2010 May 11
merging data frame
Dear group, I have 3 data frames I would like to merge. Here they are: pose16 <- structure(list(DESCRIPTION = structure(c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 12L), .Label = c("COPPER May/10", "COTTON NO.2 Jul/10", "CRUDE OIL miNY May/10", "GOLD Jun/10", "ROBUSTA COFFEE (10) Jul/10", "SOYBEANS Jul/10", "SUGAR NO.11
2012 Mar 26
reading header in txt file and making histogram
Dear all I am a BEGINNER and have R on my Mac. I saved my excel file as .txt file, I have just one column with first row as the column name. My file when read by R looks like this. After reading the table I try to make a histogram by hist(dbh), it says object dbh not found. What am I doing wrong? thanks dbh 1 11.53 2 16.05 3 7.36 4 16.05 5 8.66 6 12.74 7 22.93 8 7.55 9
2010 Sep 06
Time Series
Hi How would I analyse time series with - different lengths (i.e. one has 9 entries and the other has 14 entries) - different frequency (i.e. dates are random - no repeated length) - multiple values for the same time entry (e.g. 2009-10-23 below) i.e. my data takes the form: 1st time series 2009-10-07 0.009378 2009-10-19 0.014790 2009-10-23 -0.005946 2009-10-23 0.009096 2009-11-08 0.004189
2011 Jun 16
Merging rows in a dataframe
Hi R Help list I'm looking to visualise US foreign aid 1946-2009 and I have the dataset for this. The trouble is it's a bit too complex and I need to simply it I want to merge all of the rows with the same country together and add up the individual totals to make one total figure per country per year Below is an example of the kind of data. The real dataset has 2447 rows and covers 63
2004 Mar 12
Hi, I want to use the first digit of the elements of a vector. I've tried grep but didn't work. Any help is welcome. Thanks EJ > grep("^[0-9]",as.character(runif(100,0,2))) [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 [19] 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 [37] 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
2018 May 18
Hi All, I have a sample of data set show as below. tdat <- read.table(textConnection("stat year Y AL 2003 25 AL 2003 13 AL 2004 21 AL 2006 20 AL 2007 12 AL 2009 16 AL 2010 15 FL 2006 63 FL 2007 14 FL 2007 25 FL 2009 64 FL 2009 47 FL 2010 48 NY 2003 50 NY 2004 51 NY 2006 57 NY 2007 62 NY 2007 36 NY 2009 87 NY 2009 96 NY 2010
2009 Dec 26
input a list into a function
  I want to input a list into a function. But i get the error "Error in +{ : invalid argument to unary operator". How do I avoid this error?   Here is an example of this problem:   > g = c(2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 122, 110, 86, 38, 76, 18, 36, 72, 10, 20, 40, 80, 26) > for (i in 1:20)  + {for (x in 0:20)  + print(g[i]+x)} [1] 2 [1] 3 [1] 4 [1] 5 [1] 6 [1] 7 [1] 8 [1] 9 [1] 10
2006 May 02
Cluster validation methods
Hi All, Except the "Rand Index", "Dunn Index" and "Silhouette width", are there other cluster validation methods in R? Could you please also specify the function? Thanks! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2017 Aug 25
retrieve machine password in current Samba?
We have a wireless network that uses 802.1x authentication, in which domain joined computers use their machine credentials to connect. Windows machines do this automatically, and until recently Linux computers could join using wicd, wpa-supplicant, and a simple script that would retrieve the machine password with tdbdump. ( specifically tdbdump -k SECRETS/MACHINE_PASSWORD/DOMAIN
2007 Oct 16
library(car): Anova and repeated measures without between subjects factors
Hi, sorry if this is explained somewhere but I didn't find anything. How can I use "Anova" from the car package to test a modell without between subject's factors? Suppose I have the following data mat.1 mat.2 mat.3 di ex 1 85 85 88 1 1 2 90 92 93 1 1 3 97 97 94 1 1 4 80 82 83 1 1 5 91 92 91 1 1 6 83 83